Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story
Jamie sits back on the love seat as Bekka settles next to him. He turns slightly to face her and watches her intently as she begins talking.
“I’m not sure where to start. I sort of rehearsed what I would say and now my mind is blank.”
She clenches her fists in determination, sighs, takes a deep breath and begins again before Jamie can say anything.
“I started dating a man a couple of years ago and things were serious on both our parts, or at least I thought so. We were not rushing things but we had agreed to be exclusive. It wasn’t perfect, but I thought he loved me. I thought I loved him.” pauses and closes her eyes for a moment. Jamie leans forward, knowing how painful this is for her. He wants to reach out and comfort her and soothe her, but he knows she needs to tell him without his help. He holds his hands rigidly on his lap to stop him from touching her. Bekka frowns as she continues remembering how painful this was.
“Jamie, I caught him last winter with another woman woohooing in public at one of the parks. In an igloo! I was shocked and hurt. I was mortified and angry. Buck naked! In a frozen igloo! Can you imagine? I saw red, my vision blurred. All I wanted in that moment was to hurt him. I'm a genie for crying out loud. You don’t **** with us. We are a passionate race. We get revenge. I’m also an architect. I used my knowledge and magic to destroy a couple of the ice blocks. Just enough to trap them inside without getting injured. Even though I would have loved to have slaughtered him in that moment, I possessed enough sense not to. He wasn’t worth spending the rest of my life in jail. Oh yes, I did blink their clothing into the bonfire. That was satisfactory once I heard about their rescue, completely naked in front of half the town that had gathered to either watch or assist in the rescue. There may have been a few bits and pieces on them that had developed some frostbite. I didn’t stick around to watch. He tried telling me later when I agreed to meet with him that it meant nothing. He didn’t care that it meant something to me. He betrayed our relationship! I'm certain it was not the first time he cheated. He moved a few months later, and I expect my Godfather had him transferred to another town. He is influential enough to accomplish that."
Jamie turns, wanting to hold her in his arms. He is shocked by what happened to her. She continues talking.“I spent the last year pretty much on my own. I purposely shut out everyone as much as I could. I didn’t want anyone’s pity or sympathy. My Godmother is the only one who was brave enough to approach me. That is because she doesn’t put up with what she called my nonsense. I started trying to be around others a few weeks ago and look what happens. I turn into a screaming shrew because you made an innocent remark about checking out the inside of the igloo we had built. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I took it wrong because of what happened. I’ve set up an appointment with a counselor to help me with this. Obviously, I need more help than I thought I would. I knew the first thing I needed to do was apologize to you. You did not deserve all that. I appreciate you saying I’m forgiven but yes, I’m having a problem forgiving myself. I don't want to be tied up with emotions and hurt and anger anymore. I know I need to let it go. My Godmother told me I needed to forgive him so that I can move on or the emotions that I've been left with will affect the rest of my life. I don't want that.” is incensed that any man could do that to someone he professes to love and especially to someone like Rebecca. He senses the goodness in her as well as her passion.
"My dear Rebecca, you do realize he was and is the biggest fool on the planet? He hurt someone that he supposedly loved. He cheated on that love. I understand your hurt and anger when it happened, but he is not worth another minute of your time. She is right that you need to forgive him. You don't have to talk to him. You just need to let it go inside of you where it is smoldering and keeping you from moving on. I don’t want you to feel sorrow for what happened between you and me. I understand how those words triggered the past and those emotions. I want you to be happy you met me no matter the circumstances. I was at fault as well, for not allowing you to explain right then and there because that kept your emotions stirred up. I know we are going to be great friends, maybe more than friends some day and yes, I just said that out loud. I care about you and I'm willing to take my time with you. You are worth it. You have to forgive yourself since I’ve forgiven you. I can help you with that if you will allow me." looks a little flustered from all that he just told her. Her heart is racing and those flutters in her belly are back.
"What? Are going to use your healing touch on me and I'll be all better? I don't want to forget what happened, Jamie. I need to remember, so I don't keep making the same stupid mistakes.
"It's not going to make you all better, nor will it make you forget. I'm not that good. I will take your excess emotions that are stressing you and you will be at peace. Right now, your emotions are so high that you are stressed and not thinking as clearly as you should be. It won't hurt a bit. I promise you!"
"Jamie, are you certain you are not occult?"
Jamie laughs and shakes his head. "No babe, I'm not. I merely possess an ability to help others and if I can assist others to make things better in their life what is wrong with that?"
Bekka looks over at Jamie and nods her head. "ok, but, if you hurt me I will ensorcel you and make you clean the cat box for the next year."
Jamie laughs. "Not a problem. You will learn to trust and have faith in me. I have faith in that." puts his arm around her shoulders needing the contact with her to be more than just touching her hand for this. He tucks her next to him in a protective manner. He knows she is scared and his thoughts are reassuring. He places his other hand over her forehead and asks her to take some slow deep breaths and close her eyes. She does as instructed. Jamie closes his eyes taking slow deep breaths. His mind is open and he enters Rebecca's mind taking the emotions that are pulsating in her into himself. He is surprised she is even able to function with the toxic levels he just removed. That shows her strength of will. He pushes the emotions deep inside him where they dissipate and die. He gathers several more deep breaths and opens his mind again. He searches her mind again, and the toxic levels are gone and her emotional status is normal. She is peaceful. tells her to open her eyes and she blinks a few times. Jamie is looking right at her with such a tender expression on his face. She is surprised at how calm she is. She is relaxed and feels a little sleepy. "Thank you Jamie. I do feel much better. How do you remove all that emotion and stay sane?"
"I send it deep inside of me, and it dies so it cannot affect me."
"I want you to take a deep breath and forgive yourself."
Bekka closes her eyes.
"Nope, you have to keep your eyes open for this."
Bekka sighs and opens her eyes. She looks into Jamie's beautiful blue eyes that are smiling at her. "If you can forgive me so magnificently and I do thank you for that. I can forgive myself for what happened at the park. Thank you Jamie for encouraging me and helping me."
"You are welcome dear Rebecca. Thank you for trusting me." He watches as she blushes. "How about showing me your studio?" Jamie knew he could enjoy the rest of the evening holding her but knew she was not ready for that. they walked through her den Jamie spies a lamp. "Is this your genie lamp?"
"It is a family lamp. My great, great, great grandfather was imprisoned in it and he was released by the love of his life. They married, and the family legacy started with them. asks Jamie if she can make a drawing of him. She finishes and shows it to Jamie. They both burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry I couldn't resist. Your pose was so dramatic."
Jamie still laughing at the portrait realizes she has the same quirky sense of humor he does. phone rings, and it is Liam with an emergency and he is on call this evening. "I'm so sorry but I must go take care of a spirit attack. I've enjoyed being with you this evening. The food was delicious, and I enjoyed getting to know you better and helping you. I hope you will let me call you?"
Bekka nods understanding his job demands. "Yes, Jamie, I would like to hear from you again."
He takes her into his arms embracing her, enjoying her warmth and feeling her heartbeat next to his. She does not resist and that makes him very happy. He closes his eyes momentarily savoring the feelings. "I wish you a pleasant night dear Bekka. I will call you tomorrow."
Damien and Mary leave the theater hand in hand.
"Wasn't that a brilliant movie? I enjoyed the part when the aliens tried to board the ship and the hero was able to jam the boarding dock. It was awesome when he triggered the remote bomb he had placed on the dock and sent those bad guys flying out into space."
"I loved that part too. I thought it was thrilling when they were flying through the debris field and they had to maneuver that ship in and around like an obstacle course. I felt like we were on a roller coaster ride."
"Do you feel like a walk in the park?" Damien asks her.
"Oh yes, I don't want this evening to end. I'm having a fantastic time."
Damien is very happy to hear that and keeps her hand in his as they walk to his ride. holds her hand as they wander around the park talking about the movie and the dinner at the bistro. He escorts her to the bench where he had the park ranger set up a couple of outdoor heaters.