@bekkasan : What great updates!
The romantic in me is so happy right now!
Both men are successful!
Good that Bekka is free of all the tense, I really wonder which supernatural has been a ancestor of Jamie! The way he relieves her from the bad feelings is an occult sign, I would say.
Bummer, that Jamie had to leave for a job. Great that she wants him to call, it´s the beginning of a beautiful relationship hopefully.
Damien and Mary had such a nice date! It´s so neat of him to have planned to put the firepits around the bench!
Aww, he confessed his love to her and she loves him, too! So romantic and so great! I wish them all the best. It´s so good that she has been found by him, even if she stays in her ghost form she will be loved by him, so lovely.
And she accepts her fate now. That´s the right way to really heal!
More of that, please!