I wasn’t expecting so many updates this past week given the holidays, but it looks like you found some time to play, @bekkasan! Excellent! Now for me to catch up! :)
Love the additional details with Bekka telling her igloo demolition story to Jamie. Such a bad@$s! :lol:
But revenge isn’t going to make the hurt go away, so I’m glad she’s going to get some help working through her emotions, and Jamie is right that forgiveness of the other as well as the self is the key to being able to move on, and forward. That’s awesome of Jamie to be able to draw the toxic emotional stress from Bekka with his healing touch! :o I’m guessing this ability, combined with his natural empathy and intuitiveness, may be another part of what makes him such a good ghost hunter, when it comes to helping ghosts find peace and move on. I’m looking forward to hearing more about how he came by that talent/knowledge and learned how to use it, without allowing the negative emotions he takes into himself to harm him.
That’s an interesting tidbit about the genie lamp and Bekka’s family history; a nice family keepsake as well as a great metaphor to remind us that the power of love is greater than the burdens we are bound to. <3
LOL at the scene with Bekka asking to sketch him—I thought Jamie’s pose was funny, but her drawing of him was even more hilarious! :lol:
They are both bold, daring and passionate, as well as sharing that sense of humor—I think they will make a wonderful couple when the time is right. (Although I already think of them that way. :p )
I wasn’t sure how romantic a walk in the park on a winter evening would be... but then, I live where the wind hurts my face! :lol: So I’m glad Damien had the foresight to have those braziers placed around the park so their stroll wouldn’t be marred by the cold. Nice touch!
And is it just me, or do some of those snowflakes look vaguely heart-shaped?

The one on Damien’s throat and the one on his shoulder near Mary’s lips make it seem as though even the snowfall was providing symbolic encouragement; foreshadowing the words of love Damien was about to speak and the kisses that would follow. Must have been a sign from the Fates themselves! ;)
I was expecting a declaration of love and hopes for the future, as well as impassioned kisses, but Damien is laying everything on the line right away—his intentions of marriage, babies and the whole forever deal. And Mary, despite her reservations about still being a ghost and the uncertainty that entails, is eager to take that leap of faith with him no matter what the future holds! :love:
Oh! What a sweet chapter of their lovemaking. This paragraph is perfection! :star:
Time and the world spins away as they love each other. They are bound together in their hearts and souls as love ignites the flames between them. They fall asleep snuggled together, only to awaken and love again throughout the night, whispering words of love and their hopes and dreams for the future. Both have questions about the future. They know it will not be easy, especially if Mary disappears in spring. But tonight is not for worries. Tonight is for love. They will deal with the rest later.
I am hopeful everything will work out for them in the end! <3