@alexakry Sorry it took me so long to respond. This week was a doozy at work! I just finished my paperwork from Friday! I love all your comments :heart: :smile:
I usually make my sims wait quite a while for marriage so this is very unusual for me. They both want it so I'm letting them have it. :grin: I'm not letting them dictate all the story, but this was ok story-line wise. I would never marry someone after only knowing them a few weeks. LOL
TLC is tender loving care. :smiley: hehe, nurses abbreviate everything! But, it is actually fairly common abbreviation over here in the states.
I'm not sure who Kassandra is?
There are oracle's in my world. :grin: I expect the oracle will teleport. Damien's family is human and must arrive by human means so that is why they won't be coming.
I'm sure Bekka would have been happy to go out with Jamie had the creator let her, but creator wanted them to arrive at the party separately. You will see why later. :grin:
::sings:: lalalalalalala, I'm not answering questions about babies. :lol: Actually, I will answer as I don't want to mislead anyone. No ghost babies are planned. I do have risky set, but I am watching them closely! lol
I have two diverging pathways depending on what happens in the next couple of weeks of winter for them. I want to see if they lead me to either one or even a third pathway. I've even got one option that I totally veto'd already cause it made me cry writing it! I'm a complete sap about some things and the waterworks just pour out of me.
@ciane I'm happy to know you are still reading :heart: and I'm planning to work more on the story tomorrow. I just finished work paperwork from a long week and taking a break in one of my non story saves today.