@emorrill Thanks so much for your comments! :heart: :smiley: Sorry it took so long for the update, but work has been so busy and by the end of the day too brain dead to write. :grimace: It's starting off busy again this week. Good for the paycheck though! I can get my heat fixed soon if I can schedule a day to have the repair guy come. I don't want them here in the evening. It gets dark too early and I've turned into a scaredy cat.
I've bathed a few cats over the years and they don't take kindly to it! :open_mouth: I learned to hold their scruff firmly like a mama cat and talk softly to them and it settles them down a little.
hehe, I thought that shot of Jamie was pretty good! :grin: He's got nice legs.
Layla is gonna be interesting!
I've got a couple of ideas for what she is going to want, but nope, not his firstborn or soul. :grin:
I should insert a pic of Jamie in his towel outside as a 'memory' picture. :love:
Jamie stayed warm because of the view he had of Bekka's tush while skating around the pond. :D
Thanks! I'm glad you are liking my descriptions and my song choice! I just love his voice and he puts a lot of emotion in his songs.