@bekkasan Yes I adore your characters! you write them so well and I want to know them more and more! Especially Jamie, because Wow that is so interesting how he senses things and can heal!
the Rose ""Just given with love so I guess that is a kind of magic. :heart:'' Yes! the very Best Magic!
Yes Bekka's Marvelous hair! and just think, No one else has it! extra special!! :)
Yes the limiting to 5, then if you complete it and Only if you really Want to, you may add One other. LOL But it's better to go have fun instead! That is my Rx all the time, in every situation! FUN!!! You know that saying 'What would Jesus do'', well yes of course, we should, but also What would the Fun girl do? :smiley:
Fun Girl: in 1975, I was forever changed into a fun seeker by the influence of this amazing friend at work, Mitzi. She would call me over, and I would Rush to her, (always very serious to my best and help ) to show me, in the hallway of our unit in the hospital, right outside the patients closed doors, what she had learned in her tap dancing class! :D
Once, she was telling me of her and hubby lamenting over all their bills, it was really in bad shape, she said. she told me that she finally said to her dear hubby "Well that does it! We are just going to have to put in a swimming pool now!" <3 :D :D :D
eeeeeeeeeee!!! "When she started getting all kinds of Jamie wishes..'' Now That's what I'm talking about!!! That's what we Need to know! I am just so so happy about this, I don't even have words for it! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3