Yay! I came the the forums yesterday to read the first part of your story, but I was here too early ;) . But now it is here, so I'll take a cup of coffee, a comfy position and start reading :blush: .
Aww, this warms up my hopeless romantic heart - I love how Malai's parents knew instantly that they belong together. Their house in Maplewood Falls looks so pretty surrounded by the fall colors of the trees, and the water behind it.
Landon is such a cutie :love: ! Just a friend, huh? I see, an ex then. I'm glad they managed to stay as friends. It was fair of him to tell her honestly what the situation was. She was lucky he could help her to get her dream job! :star:
Hehe, who wouldn't agree with her about Starbucks :lol: ! I don't particularly like their coffee either, especially not for that price :confounded: .
Wonderful to see Malai so happy with her life. I think something will change soon though - maybe some interesting guy getting in picture ;) .Ahh, I see, I think like her parents, lol!
Malai is right though. Financial security makes life easier, and she still has time to get the family too. (Would be such a waste
not to pass on those beautiful sim genes she's got :p - I know I'm not going to see her babies in your Christmas story, but I hope
I'll see them some other time).
Lol, poor Malai. I think her parents should stop asking about her love life and just believe their daughter knows what she's doing.
It's her life anyway!
New neighbors coming over for Christmas... Well well, we'll see where this goes...
I love that almost teary-eyed picture of Landon. I hope his date with Justin will go well :heart: .
Malai's mom is very beautiful and Malai's teenager room looks very cute. Love the bed with the lights.