"Jessabeans;c-17355291" wrote:
I'm interested in the project for sure. I really enjoyed reading about the inspiration train!
What scope of playable world at each destination are you considering? I've got a several french style buildings I made when I was editing monte vista into a french city. I'm sure with sight lines they could be arranged to look like the train was leaving the city for story telling, but I haven't built enough for a full fledged playable world. If you are thinking just a street or two on either/one side and some landscaping then I think I would be able to help with that.
I also don't have any London style buildings myself. I did some research and planning for london flats for a historical story a while back. I'm sure I could help with some of those depending on the timeframe of the project.
I don't have any venetian style lots built either, but I think it would be a fun project to build some especially with the store gondola and venetian build set.
@HollownessDevour might be interested in this, she's made some really beautiful Venetian style buildings.
Between holidays and a family emergency that got demoted to a maybe emergency- has had me on and off on call for house sitting. So little to no simming (I barely got my holiday build out on time before I had to head back to my parents). Just got home today and not sure if I'll be here for long. February, I am penciled in for a house sitting too- so I am not confident to start any major projects until this family emergency/maybe not emergency is settled.
But if this looks like a longer term project and you tell me what you want from me I can see what I can do.