@Karritz RE: Eric's Story, video 1. ...That is some family tree! ...Nice transitional effects between scenes. ...Interesting relationship between the older Lorna and the YA Percy. Percy better hurry to find that Young Again potion for his wife before she passes away! ...Interesting YA Imaginary Friend. I've never had an IF remain a doll beyond childhood. LOL at them having a pillow fight. They seem to be getting along well, remembering their younger days. ...Haley is cute. I like her hairstyle. ...Yay! The potion worked on Lorna. I've never seen an age-down birthday. That was fun! ...Loved the romantic scenes between Percy and Lorna. ...But that IF hanging around trying to get Percy's attention! ...Congrats to the IF in becoming Bob, a real sim. Now he can have a real life of his own!