@lanlyn thank you. I wanted to show the age down birthday as well as the YA IF becoming real as I thought a few people may not have seen that happen. When I first did it, back in 2015, I hadn't done it before either. I found some old saves and replayed it. It jumps around a bit because I am not recording from an ongoing game. But I thought it would be easier for everyone if I gave some background to Eric and how he fits into the game as a whole and took the opportunity to show a few things that I thought were interesting.
You would have seen Haley already in the Preparing for Oscar video. She has a baby, 7 toddlers and a teen at that point and is almost an elder herself. In this Introduction to Eric video, we went back to a point before Eric was born and that version of Haley is still a YA, although she is older than Percy and not far off becoming an adult. In Part 2 of Introducing Eric we will see Haley married to Bob with their toddler Harry. Then a bit later we see she's moved out to live with Gobias and is no longer married to Bob. Bob is a single father as Haley left him with Harry. I remember when I was playing the game I didn't pay much attention to Bob and Harry but I often saw them around town together. Bob usually had Harry with him whenever Harry wasn't at school. When we get to visit Bob and Harry in Sunlit Tides much later on we see him very happily married and with a new family but Harry is still with him as a teen. Now I need to play Eric for a while so he catches up with Harry in age. He did just age up to teen at the boarding school. His time ran out and the game aged him up.
This little one is one of Bob's daughters. Sally is her mother. Bob wouldn't have anything to do with Sally but I wanted them to have a baby so I used Master Controller to give them an instant baby. Bob is raising her now.
Like Harry, Tina was born with the Imaginary Friend occult state.
Then Bob married Kitty
And they have a daughter who has just become a toddler. She is not an imaginary friend. But she has one of her own.
Kitty is one of my old sims I previously made many years ago as part of a household of 8 young adults. I added her to this game and left her to it and she met Bob and they seem to be very happy together.
So I fully expect Eric and Oscar to visit their houshold at some stage. They live in Sunlit Tides - I just have to remove a few more sims from Sunlit Tides though before I can play there. Every house in the entire world is full. I removed a few from the boarding school last visit and took them to a new world.
Here's another pic of Kitty - I'm sure you'll remember having seen her before.