@lanlyn yes - it is Twin Towns. They were in that world for ages but eventually had to move as it got so overpopulated. I'm thinking of adding it back into the mix one day. Bob raised Harry from toddler to teen. Actually Harry still lives with Bob but Bob has married again and has more children now. The pointy ears were inherited from their Dragon Valley townie parents. I thought there was something different about that elder walk. He is Quinn Flannagan from Dragon Valley. I'm wondering if the pointy ears will be passed down to the next generation. So far none of the children born to Dragon Valley townies have reproduced.
I noticed the flippers. All three of the children had flippers. I didn't bother taking them into CAS though as I was just going to shut the save down. But if I come across flippers in the actual game I'm playing now I'll do something about it.