@Karritz RE: Oscar's Childhood video 13. ...Cute scenes of Amy playing in the tree house. ...I haven't spent a lot of time in Lucky Palms so it was fun to see the world in your video. ...All those gnomes around the garden! ...I have definitely become a believer in the gardening service! ...I haven't used the digital fish wall in ages. I always forget about it or don't have room to use it. I like seeing it in your games. ...Pretty dog delivering the newspaper. ...Tom and Olwyn make a nice couple even though their "romance" was made by NRaas. ...Donna Harmon seems like a nice sim too, but it makes sense for Tom to break up with her since he's married to Olwyn in a new world now. But LOL at them ending up married instead!
...Fun seeing a genie in a bot lover costume! ...Dip kissing a bot lover! Cute. ...Townie pets always seem to want to scratch things up. ...Lots of complex relationships across the worlds. ...I remember Patience. ...That gingerbread swing set is darling. ...Fun scenes with Shark and Haley. Very lovey-dovey! Baby chimes! ...I didn't know you could find out the sex of a new baby with NRaas! ...Shark has a darling little puppy. ...LOL at Tom with two women! A love in every port. Ha! ...Happy Birthday to Ephrahim. I like his hairstyle. ...Now Donna is pregnant! Mark, Donna's father, gave Tom an ultimatum. Yikes! Now Tom is a bigamist! Too funny. Tough to know what to do.