Oscar's Childhood Episode 17, is now available to watch on YouTube
This is a busy episode. The household initially are stuck with cleaning up after the meteor strike on the boarding school. Lots of scrap and meteor fragments need collecting. The floors need mopping.
Two toddlers return home to Moonlight Falls. They are Fawn and Beneto Goodfellow. Fawn ages up with cake after reaching home. We meet the entire Goodfellow household. I do a bit of quick renovation to their house and add an extra room that I subdivide into two rooms. They now have sufficient beds for everyone.
Mena gets abducted while in Moonlight Falls. Eric has accompanied her to assist with the toddlers.
Carlie, Erica and Mena work in the garden as they still need to improve their gardening skills. Carlie and Bruce share a tender moment in a romantic setting in a pretty part of the garden. Carlie plays briefly with the baby chickens in the Chicken Coop.
Eric's toddler sister, Susanna has a birthday and ages up to become a child. This leaves only two toddlers in the boarding school. Gator Wolff and Francesco Winterbottom. They will age up in the next episode.
The children and teens are seen generally learning various skills and playing throughout the episode. In the beginning they are kept busy mopping floors to help remove evidence of the meteor strike.
I hope you enjoy the video if you decide to watch it. Please consider leaving it a like if you do enjoy it.
Happy Simming.