Here's the link to Oscar's Childhood Part 18.
It is now on YouTube and available for you to watch. In this video the household are up to a variety of activities, including a game of soccer. The final two toddlers age up - meaning, by the end of the video there are no toddlers in the boarding school. There are 8 children, 4 teens and 4 young adults plus a dog.
Mena starts using the tractor to water the garden thereby allowing the gardeners to concentrate on harvesting.
I'm working on the next episode now. I'd like to move them all to Moonfall Island, but I have a household of sims living in that boarding school already and that would mean I'd need to move them on or risk overcrowding again. And I don't want to move them out of that build. Maybe I'll come up with another solution. I'll let you know what I do - when I know what it is going to be myself.
Happy Simming