I've been playing Oscar's game. He's in the boarding school in Moonfall Island.
Moonfall Island is a world made by Rflong7 / Rflong13. I'm not sure which studio it's available in now.
I decided to get a screen shot of everyone who is currently living at the boarding school to familiarise myself on who's there at the start of this adventure. There are 19 sims living in that household at the moment.
My investigations of the state of play in this game have uncovered some side adventures, one of which is 'Where is Gobias?'
Our Stars of the videos in the 'Adventures of Oscar, Eric and Susanne' Playlist on YouTube
There is one video in that playlist at the moment.
(the 'Not Suitable for Children' was added because YouTube were offering Oscar videos only to small children along with nursery rhymes. This was never meant to be a children's story. It is meant for adults.)
Firstly, our main sim, Oscar Jacobsen.
Oscar looks different now he's a teen.
For more on Oscar and his co-stars see the 'Oscar's Childhood' playlist.
This is the link to the first video in that playlist
Firstly let's go back in time a little to refresh our memories.
Here are three pics of Oscar before he became an orphan, his original childhood home before the tragedy, and the aftermath of that meteor attack on his home world.
Now we return to the present situation and the beginning of the rest of Oscar's life. Oscar has just celebrated his birthday and has now aged up to teen.
Oscar's still doesn't know what his lifetime wish will be - but I know it's going to be 'Rock Star'.
Oscar is an orphan after his whole family were killed by a meteor shower which was called down by an evil alien who lived with them. The story of the meteor attack and the evil alien and the loss of his family is in the first few episodes of 'Oscar's Childhood' YouTube series.
Then there is Eric Koffi. Eric is a teen but is about half way through his teen years.
Susanne Koffi is still a child but she will be accompanying Oscar and her big brother, Eric, on their adventures to meet all of their huge extended family.
Eric and Susanne's parents are Percy Koffi and Lorna McCann.
Percy is the son of Gobias Koffi and Patience. That means Gaylord Koffi is Eric's grandfather. We will see more of Gaylord below.
Lorna was an elder from Dragon Valley when Percy was a young adult and they got married. When Lorna was about to die of old age Percy started trying to find how to make the Elixir of Youth so she could become a Young Adult again. Each day was filled with stress during this process as Lorna had got to the point where her days were no longer counting down - she was overdue to die.
Percy eventually got the elusive elixir which Lorna drank and her age went down to the first day of the young adult stage.
This transformation of Lorna was exciting because I'd never seen that happen before. And Percy also created the potion to make his imaginary friend real, something else I'd never done before. And it was fortunate that he did that because at about this time Percy's previously lost Imaginary Friend turned up at Percy's place and after Percy and Bo bo became very good friends, and that took ages, Bo bo drank the potion and was renamed Bob and went on to marry Percy's sister Haley. Our travellers will be staying at Haley's place in Lucky Palms at some point in this series.
Percy and the new young again Lorna were obsessed with each other.
They wanted babies and had Eric but they just couldn't make themselves look after him all they wanted to do was go to work and spend the rest of their time out partying.
Eric's aunt Haley used to visit when his parents were out partying and rescue Eric from the snow.
Eric was eventually moved to the boarding school and became a permanent resident there. He's moved from world to world over the years and is now almost grown up. Some time after Eric was removed from his parents his baby sister, Susanne was born and neglected just like Eric was so she too moved permanently to the boarding school where she grew up with her big brother.
Oscar is going to accompany Eric and Susanne as they begin travelling in an effort to find and get to know their entire, huge, extended family. A lot of their relations live in Lucky Palms so we will be heading to Lucky Palms a few times in future episodes.
The staff of the Boarding School in Moonfall Island.
Note: There are several boarding schools in this Big Game. Many of the worlds have a boarding school. Most are not currently occupied but our travellers might stay in them occasionally when visiting worlds without a base camp and none of Eric's relatives live there either.
Coral Carpenter was made by me reasonably recently, probably about 3 years ago. She hasn't been played much and has been hanging out at this boarding school.
She is in the Education career and is at level 3 (Substitute Teacher).
She recently attended a Charisma class and then visited the Gothique Library in town to read a Charisma skill book to help her gain progress in her job. She had no Charisma skill points before attending the class. She now has 3 Charisma points which is the minimum for her current job.
Coral is a Young Adult and is learning basic skills such as cooking, fishing and gardening as well as whatever else she needs to know. She's also reading recipes and fishing bait books. When she is fully skilled and has read all necessary books she might be moved to a home of her own somewhere to make room for another unskilled young adult to move into the boarding school.
The young adults get accommodation and an education in return for taking care of toddlers, children and teens that are at the boarding school to get to know each other and to learn skills and read books.
Elouise Britton is another relatively new sim. I think I made her before I made Coral. She's at the boarding school to develop skills and to assist with the younger members of the household. Elouise is in the culinary career.
Elouise is the sim who bravely travelled to Erewhon to collect the newly orphaned Oscar. She took him back to the boarding school in Chocolate Cake Island.
Harvey Miller is another relatively new sim.
He was probably made after all of the other sims in this household. I think he was made to try to even things up a bit. I'd been making lots of female young adults and rarely added a male to the game so I made a few males. He was one of them.
He came to the household with no skills and has been learning as well as taking care of the younger residents. He is in the Fortune Telling career.
The caravan Harvey works at is on the lot next door to the boarding school but he still has to catch a car pool to and from work. The caravan is closer than the location the car waits for him to drive him to work.
Kaylie Flower is new. I made her a couple of years ago but have scarcely played her. She's based on a favourite fairy of mine. I made her to try out the glittery pattern on her everyday outfit. I keep thinking I ought to put her into something more suitable but don't do it. At least not yet.
She's learning skills and works in the Political career. She's level 3. When I wanted to get a pic of her she was heading off to talk to Elouise. I stopped her and told her to stand in the light from her fairy house. She immediately put the handcuffs thought bubble up. I thought that was a bit amusing so decided to show it to you too.
Isabel Howe is a sim I made long before any of the others I've mentioned so far but she's never really starred in a game.
I put her into the boarding school because I needed assistance with a bunch of toddlers and she needed to learn skills. The toddlers are now grown to children and getting ready to leave the boarding school.
It's time Isabel focused on learning some skills. I think she'll be one of the last to move out of here. Isabel is in the Magician Career and is at level 1. She will begin to progress when she has learned lots more skills and read all necessary books.
Gaylord Koffi is the father of Gobias Koffi. I got him from the graveyard in Sunset Valley where he is buried. I made him a playable ghost and then got tired of him being a ghost so he got revived. I forget how now.
Gaylord needs to learn lots of skills and read books. He is in the Music career and is at level 3 (Stagehand). Here he is heading off to work.
Gaylord and Harvey were sitting together reading recipes and fishing bait books. Gaylord had to leave to go to work.
The Wolff family
The final young adult who has been assisting the staff of the boarding school is Erica Wolff from Moonlight Falls. Erica is a werewolf and comes with the world which comes with the Supernatural Expansion Pack.
I found Erica living with her two children. I grabbed the toddler and child from her and then decided to add her to the boarding school too as she needed to learn some skills. Currently she's focused on recipes and fishing bait books. She's in the athletic career and she's a werewolf.
Erica's children have learned their skills and aged up while being at the boarding school.
Wilhemina Wolff is now a teen and Gator Wolff is now a child
Gator has a high level of logic skill and has managed to make the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion. He'll keep it in his inventory and probably use it when he returns to his home in Moonlight Falls. He has his imaginary friend in his inventory. They continue to be friends.
Whilemina and Gator are continuing to cram their skills and are trying to find all of the potions before leaving to go home to Moonlight Falls with their mother. Whilemina still needs to find out how to make the potion she needs to turn her imaginary friend real. I don't know why I'm doing this but they have imaginary friends in their inventories and I just have to make them real.
The other teens
I found Jeanette Bright living with a family in Barnacle Bay. She has no parents. She must have been homeless and somehow got added to the Inkbeard home by the game. I picked her up and sent her to boarding school after returning the Inkbeard children to their homes after attending boarding school in Barnacle Bay.
Jeanette recently aged up to teen. She doesn't have many skills although she did complete her child skills. I'm thinking of keeping her at the boarding school until she is a young adult and ready to move out to a home of her own.
Most of the teens currently at the boarding school are in this pic. They are doing their homework. Well they were in the pic I meant to show. But it's vanished. Not even on my hard drive any more. Jeanette was about to sit down to do her homework at the table when this pic was taken.
Whilemina Wolff, Jeanette Bright and Oscar. Eric had done his homework already and was out the back fishing in the new fishing hole so didn't make it into this pic.
The Children
Gavyn Flower. He is a clone of George Flower. George was living with the mermaid household in the Colourful Mermaids short series of videos. George was an attempt at having a Fairy Mermaid hybrid. It wasn't very successful. George was cloned to produce Gavyn when George was still a hybrid. I wanted to see what the resulting baby would be. Gavyn is a fairy.
Since George lives alone in Moonfall Island Gavyn will be easily transferred to his home as soon as he's ready to go. He is working on finishing a few skills and reading fishing bait books as well as trying to find potions.
Gregg Watson is a bit of a problem.
He was born in game to Maggie Flower and Ben Craig. Maggie and Ben were married and had several children and two Plumbots together. Then they got terribly corrupted. Babies disappeared but I managed to get them back, Plumbots disappeared but I've now located them and will return both to the household soon. They also changed their names from Craig to Watson. I am at a loss trying to work out how or why that happened.
So according to my spreadsheet Maggie and Ben Craig live in Moonlight Falls with their sons Brendan and Billy who are both fairies. Ben is human as he was made long before we had Supernaturals in the game. Ben is a bit chunky and was probably first made in 2009 or 10. They also have their Plumbot Ebony living with them.
Their Plumbot Silver is not with them. Neither is Gregg.
The spreadsheet also says Ben and Maggie Watson live with their children in Moonfall Island and it gives the address.
Gregg's family tree says Maggie and Ben Craig are his parents and their other children are his brothers.
I decided to try to find the Watsons at their home in Moonfall Island. When I went there the only occupant of the house was a Plumbot named Silver.
I have a plan. When everyone is ready to return to Moonlight Falls I'll send Silver and Gregg with the Wolff family. I will collect a few toddlers from two families in Moonlight Falls and return to Moonfall Island where the toddlers will join the boarding school for training. I've had these toddlers on my mind for a few years and am keen to play them for a while.
I think some of you will remember my werewolf toddler Jane Oxley. Here she is with her father, Eddie.
She will be coming to the boarding school to do toddler training as well as one of her cousins who is the son of her uncle Phil and his wife Gloria. Gloria is a fairy, Phil is the first werewolf I ever made in my game. I'm keen to see his toddlers trained at the boarding school too.
So the travellers who will be leaving Moonfall Island to go to Moonlight Falls first will be Erica, Whilemina and Gator Wolff and Gregg Watson/Craig and the Plumbot Silver.
I will need a sim to return to the boarding school with the toddlers so might take Oscar and one of the staff members. We will need someone capable of carrying each toddler to accompany them.
Gregg is trying to find the potion to make his imaginary friend real.
That leaves four more children
Petal Jayne is a Plant Sim who was originally picked in the Perfect Genitics Challenge and was saved to my library and then added to the Colourful Mermaids videos set in Cake Island.
Petal was sort of adopted by one of the female sims I made when I first started adding custom skins and hair to my game. I think this is the Sim I'm thinking of.
Her name is Sarah Jayne and I already set her up as Petal's 'mother' and that's why Petal's family name is Jayne. Sara is living in Moonfall Island with Mia Azul. They have a house on the beach. I will fix their family tree so that this sim is Petal's mother.
I discovered this sim is living in Moonfall Island so I plan to return Petal to her and fix Petal's family tree to show her as Peta'ls mother.
Mary Azul is a clone of Mia Azul. She has no family in her family tree. I plan to make Mia Azul her mother and return Mary to that household. I think it's the same household that Petal will be returning to. Mia Azul lives in a house on the beach with a few other sims.
Sandy Seaworth is a clone of Salty Seaworth. If I can't find Salty in this world I'll move him in with Mia Azul and keep the three children together.
While on the subject of mermaids. Maya Ocean continues to show up at the boarding school and uses the facilities. I'm pleased to see she's still a mermaid and living happily somewhere in Moonfall Island.
This is just a couple of shots of Maya Ocean visiting the boarding school uninvited.
Finally that leaves little Kirsten Faulks. I noticed Kirsten as a child wandering around the world. I assumed she was a homeless sim but I kept seeing her so I checked and found she is one of my sims. She was born in game to Sally Bartlett and Kim Faulks.
I need to track Sally down. She's somewhere in one of the other worlds. In the big game Sally has had a lot of babies and most of them have different fathers and she always has the baby and leaves it with the father while she moves on. Kirsten is one of those babies. Most of the others take after Sally but Kirsten seems to have more of a physical resemblance to her father.
A pic I found of Sally. She's not in this world. I don't think Kirsten has ever met her mother.
Kirsten Faulks. She has a lot to learn and will probably be at the boarding school until she's a teen.
That's it.
I have aging set to longest available in the game. Only sims in the currently active world age. This way I can go pick up toddlers to train when I'm ready without worrying that they'll be elders before I get to them - if they live in a different world from the boarding school. I got caught out with little Kirsten as I didn't realise she was in the world until she'd aged up to child.
Happy Simming All