Hello All
I had a busy day yesterday doing my census of the sims in Moonfall Island. I found a few in my spreadsheet that were not in the world, but I already knew about them and that's what prompted my census. And I found a heap that were in the world but not in my spreadsheet.
The method I used was
1. I added a column in my spreadsheet where I put the day's date that I found them in the world.
2. I clicked on the computer and chose NRAAS | Master Controller | Sim | Make Active | Homeworld. This gave me a list of sims I could make active in the current world. This was very helpful because other lists of sims I got included service sims and others I didn't want to know about.
3. I updated my spreadsheet with the details in which I was interested and added the date in my new column.
4. After working through ALL of the sims I could make active using Master Controller via the computer, I checked my spreadsheet by filtering on the HomeWorld column and seeing if there were any blanks. That told me who was in the spreadsheet but not updated. A quick check verified the ones not in the world.
So now I know who is in Moonfall Island as well as Moonlight Falls.
Because I made each household active I updated the details I wanted in my spreadsheet. And I thought it might be a good idea to check a few other things. I found a surprising number of sims were frozen. That explained why my teens had not had any success with trick or treating earlier. They only knocked on one door and stood and waited for that sim to emerge. When I got to that house doing my census I found the sim frozen just inside the front door and he was extremely sad. I reset him using ResetSim cheat. That fixed. There were a few others in similar situations.
Apart from resetting a few sims, other things I did were use Master Controller to pollinate at least one couple. I think I might have done it twice. The couple I remember doing it to was Triton King and his girlfriend, Cheryl. Cheryl is a mermaid I made and added to the household of the sim who I found frozen inside his front door. I had expected to find Triton King living in a large household of fellow mermaids. But I did remember seeing a message that Triton and Cheryl had taken their relationship to the next step and so, since he's nearly an elder in this game now, I thought they perhaps should start having babies. I did consider getting them married but decided not to as I was doing so much else to the whole world at the time. It'll be fun to have a baby or two of his in this save. I have his clone in the Isla Paradiso Bunch save. And I think I might have added those sims to a world in this save too.
This is the house the group of mermaids live in.
I didn't want to take up much room on the beach so made the bottom level really small and expanded the size of each floor as I went up. I did this a few years ago. Recently I discovered somewhere in Europe people really built houses that got wider as they went up higher because they got taxed on how much space the ground floor covered.
I remembered to give each mermaid the 'permanent mermaid' lifetime reward. A few had lost their scales, including Triton King, but I was surprised that most still had them. One of the mermaids I made was the only problem as I couldn't remember exactly what her original scales looked like so I improvised. She has scales now. Of course, they lose their scales where they are no longer a mermaid. Two of the sims that had lost their scales I left without the mermaid occult state because they were sims I made and had added mermaid to their already existing occult state. One was a fairy and the other a witch. The sim who had been frozen just inside his front door was the fairy who had previously been a mermaid too. It was never successful with him and his tail often looked like he was walking around in a sack. The witch had worked better but I decided she could be just a witch for now.
I found a most of the sims I encountered has lots of stuff in their inventories. I sold all the small pets that go into cages or terrariums because they die in their cages and terrariums and it was going to be easier to just sell them, particularly since I often found 30 or 40 or more of them in each inventory. Other things I put into chests or the Supernatural cabinets. When I went to the Steel household the game kept freezing and it was just about impossible to play. I started emptying Dan Steel's inventory. He is the father of the household. I found he had hundreds of several different harvestables in his inventory. The standout was over 800 neutral crystal flowers. Once I emptied his inventory the game ran much better. When I emptied the inventories of all 6 of his children as well the game simply flew along. And since then I can save several times and the memory is being released much better now. For example after 4 or 5 saves I shut down and reloaded due to me being nervous. The memory usage still looked ok to keep going. Looks like I'll be emptying inventories in all of the worlds as I go along.
Back to George Flower. He was the one stuck inside his front door. I moved his little clone, Gavyn Flower, from the boarding school to live with George. I used Master Controller to make George adopt Gavyn so Gavyn is now his son. While Gavyn had been at the boarding school there had been a stray imaginary friend doll standing on the floor and I ignored it for ages but eventually I just had to clone it a few times to make sure everyone at the boarding school at the time had a doll.
Gavyn had been playing with his doll and I decided to make it real. I gave him his makeover and was happy. Then I cleaned out the family inventory. There was Gavyn's original doll. I pulled it out and put it on the floor to decide what to do with it. I was thinking of trying to transfer it to the boarding school to give to some other doll-less toddler or child or teen. As I was thinking of how to do that when the thing went live. I had a second or two of astonishment followed by panic followed by a decision to get Gavyn to make another potion to turn this second imaginary friend real. Then the second little IF became real and got his makeover.
Gavyn Flower with his two Imaginary Friends made Real, Ray and Bart. Previously Rags and Bo bo
I was feeling poor George had been so lonely stuck inside his front door with no other sims living with him and how he has 3 little boys to play with. As I left the lot I saw the three children running around squealing and laughing as they played tag while George played in the sprinkler - and yes it is Autumn and the trees are all frosty. I left them to it before someone started complaining about the cold.
Eventually I got to the point where only the boarding school was left for me to deal with. It was time to send Mary Azul and her Imaginary Friend Pat with Petal Jayne home. They all live together with their mothers in a house on the beach. I
used Master Controller to get Mia Azul to 'adopt' Mary and Pat. And Sarah Jayne 'adopted' Petal to make them all officially little families. Mia Azul also 'adopted' Sandy Seaworth. I haven't found Salty yet. Sandy is a clone of Salty, and Mary is a clone of Mia.
When I had them all living together in a big house in Cake Island and I was making the 'Colourful Mermaids' videos I cloned George Flower, Mia Azul and Salty Seaworth just to see what would happen. At the time George Flower was a mermaid/fairy. I really wanted to see what his clone would be. Little Gavyn turned out to be a fairy. Back then George had red wings but they've gone white now. Gavyn has the red wings though.
Next thing was to make the imaginary friends real. Mary Azul had already made hers real while at the boarding school when I found her playing tag with him. So I got Petal to make hers real first. It turned out to be a little girl I named Coco. Then Sandy turned his real and he got a little boy named Richard. I saved after giving them makeovers. I was getting my screenshots when I heard a child singing to an imaginary friend. There was Pat, Mary Azul's IF made real singing to his imaginary friend. Where did that come from. That was when I realised I hadn't given Pat a proper makeover yet. He was still wearing his IF outfit. Mia Azul adopted Pat and Richard, and Sarah Jayne adopted Coco. Now I have to go back there and sort Pat out and his imaginary friend too.
Mary, Pat, Richard, Sandy, Coco and Petal at home.
Here they all are again but with Mia Azul and Sarah Jane joining them.
That's it from me for now.
I'm getting back to work on sorting this spreadsheet out and the sims too.
Happy Simming all