It's been so long since I played this game that I needed to refresh my memory of where everyone is. I can't get it all sufficiently clear in my head after such a long break.
To refresh my memory, I've been doing a census of all of the worlds in the Big Game.
The currently active boarding school is in Moonfall Island which is just one of many worlds full of sims.
I have boarding schools in several of the worlds in the save and will often use them as temporary base camps when shuffling sims between worlds. I have also built smaller base camps and placed them in other worlds.
Some of the worlds don't have base camps or boarding schools yet so the sims just have to hope there is an empty house or lot for them to land on when arriving in the world.
This is the lot I use for my sims to arrive on in Isle of Sims III. I've been thinking of turning it into an official Base Camp.
It is a tiny houseboat designed for only one sim. I just need a spot sims can land on as they don't need to stay there for long.
This is the original boarding school building and I've placed it in a few different worlds. I originally built it on a flat lot in Sunset Valley.
Some of the worlds have far too many sims in them and I'm going to need to add extra worlds to the game and move sims from overcrowded worlds into them. That's how I got so many worlds in the game in the first place. The number of sims grew that there were too many for just one world.
There are 13 worlds in this save apart from the 3 World Adventure worlds. I need to add at least one or two more worlds to assist the game in coping with all of the sims I have in the game. This save is used for two different video series as both stories require a save with multiple worlds and I decided to combine them in this one save.
When I finish my census and am ready to start moving sims around I think I'll look for medium sized unpopulated worlds. If you have any you'd like to recommend then please let me know about them. I do have quite a few worlds I downloaded and haven't ever installed and others I have installed but not used in the game yet so I may not need to find any new worlds to download.
I needed to remove the beautiful Coates d'Abonnay world from the game as the existing buildings in it were too tiny for me to easily record sims living in them. There were only 5 sims in that world as I'd already moved the rest out a couple of years ago. I moved most of them to Lunar Lakes last week. The problem is Lunar Lakes is a store world and it is already full of sims that come with the world and I really don't need more sims that aren't already part of the story in the game. So now I'm trying to decide what to do about that. I might keep them all in the world and ignore them for the most part. Or I might move the three households I already placed in that world to a different world, but I like the look of the world. The other possibility is to use a mod to totally annihilate all of the townies from the world. I think at this point I'm leaning towards the idea of moving my three households to a different, empty world and removing Lunar Lakes from this save.
Time came to send some sims home and I chose this group to be returned to Moonlight Falls. Eric and Oscar went with them as I needed at least one sim to return to Moonfall Island. In the end they stayed there for a while after the Wolff family moved out and I realised the household had no sim older than a teen in it but it seemed to work ok.
I managed to get the Wolff family home with no problems. If you've been watching my videos for a while now you'll know I have a thing about Imaginary Friends. I need all of my young sims to have one and I need to make it real and give it a major makeover. So Gator and Wilhemina each had imaginary friends and they had both made the necessary potion to make their imaginary friend real so they did that before I sent them back home with Erica. I'm sure when I first picked up Erica, Wilhemina and Gator that they were living in a house without the other two members of the household and that's why I took Erica too. But when I returned them to the world they came from Erica's husband and other son were living in it. So I moved them all in together.
Anyway Gator turned his IF real and here they are, Perry (the IF made real after makeover) and Gator.
Wilhemina made Hesper real too and this is a pic of Hesper before makeover. I'm a bit annoyed that I forgot the get a pic of Hesper after makeover. She's gorgeous. Anyway, if you watch the video when it gets to that bit you'll see her.
So after sending the Wolffs home I decided I'd return Gregg Craig to his family. I found the house and their name was on it's description but it was empty. So Gregg and his IF made real, Russel, had to return to Moonfall Island.
So that was one reason I had to do my census. I needed to find what I'd done with Gregg's family. I've got a spreadsheet with all of the worlds and sims and some info on each one in it. I will need it to help me get this story done when Oscar, Eric and Susanne start travelling to spend time with all (or most) of Eric's relatives.
Speaking of Eric's relatives. His grandfather, Gobias Koffi, died of old age some time ago. He had vanished from the game but I had already added Gobias's father, Gaylord Koffi, to the game so that held the Koffi branch of the family tree together. Then I had a look at Eric's family tree one day and noticed something totally unexpected.
Not only was Gobias still in the game somewhere, the game appears to have arranged for him to get married and have another child. I needed to find Gobias, and his new little family.
That's what I've been doing for the last several days.
Finally, yesterday I found Gregg's family and Gobias's new little family in Glenvale County. I had previously moved a lot of sims to that world but hadn't recorded any of them in the spreadsheet. The world wasn't in the spreadsheet at all. So yesterday I worked through adding them all. I have got about two thirds of it done.
Here's Greg's family. His mother Maggie, his father Ben and his two younger brothers Brendon and Billy (the toddler)
I had already come across Gobias's tombstone in the graveyard of Cake Island. Then I found it is also in the graveyard of Glenvale County. I'm not sure what to do about that. I think I'll try to ignore it for now.
Then I found his new wife, Morrigan Koffi living with her parents in Glenvale County. Her parents are the O'Reillys from Dragon Valley. Her sister, Fiona, lives alone in a small house. I found Connie Koffi living in a third house with River McIrish.
Richard Wheloff is visiting Connie Koffi and River McIrish.
So I've found the mystery sims and will get to work on the next video now. I'll complete my census after I've got a video up. I need to have the spreadsheet up to date so I can know where to find sims I want Eric to take Oscar and Susanne to meet.
That's it from me for now. Happy Simming all.