@Karritz I watched your Oscar video, Episode 3. I love that large covered wrap-around porch for the boarding school. Because of bad weather, I tend to use a lot of sheltered areas in Sims games. Useful for gardens too. ...Cute scene with the kids bobbing for apples. ...That kitchen set in the school was one of my favorites. I forget what it's called. ...I love Sims 3 fairies. The wings are so pretty. Sims 4 doesn't have fairies, only a fairy costume. ...I found Imaginary Friends really annoying after they became live dolls. I always gave them the potion as soon as I could! ...Fun seeing the curfew scene with the boy getting a police escort home. ...So many toddlers! Do the adults take care of most of their needs on their own, or do you have to direct a lot of their actions? ...LOL at the little werewolf clawing at the planter. ...I like watching your videos. Since I'm not playing Sims 3 anymore, it's great to see all the items and activities I used to love. I enjoy Sims 4, but Sims 3 has a lot of things to offer too.
You asked about the code to unlock career rewards. These are the only ones I remember for Sims 3 that might help:
- buydebug - lets you buy anything, including locked objects (must enter testingcheatsenabled true in console first)
- If that doesn't work, maybe try typing the command "help" (without quotes) to display a list of all cheat codes (might need to first type testingcheatsenabled true to get an advanced list).