Back at the end of the first week of April I wasn't making much progress most days due to crashing and Error 12 which is caused by having too many sims in worlds. But yesterday's lack of progress was not for that reason. It was due to me deciding to play the two households I moved from Lucky Palms to Glenvale City. They are both households with toddlers and I hadn't played either of them for years. They were on my mind as needing a bit of attention.
I moved both households together to Glenvale City and I got fresh houses from my library for them. It was the same house for both of them. It was the Shady Boughs house that came with the Base Game. It has 3 bedrooms. One is a done up as a nursery.
I placed the house on one of the chosen lots and went through it replacing beds, bathroom objects, and kitchen appliances. Then I copied the updated version onto the second lot.
I moved the Goldsmiths into the first house. Geordie and Rita have a son who has recently aged up to child. During one of my visits to Lucky Palms I had made a few of the sims pregnant and this household was one of them.
The other household was the Genie household. Megan and Grant. Megan is a fairy and she is my acrobat sim who I hope to have performing in one of more episodes. She is level 10 at that career and looks wonderful when performing. Grant is a genie and his career is as a scuba diver. He has got to level 7 in that career before I moved them out of the world that had dive lots they were in. Their son was a toddler and he had no skills. Megan was pregnant. She was one of the four sims I'd made pregnant during one of Isable's recent visits to Lucky Palms.
I have traveller mod set up to allow pregnant sims to travel but I have a vague recollection that, whilst they can travel they may not still be pregnant on arrival in the destination world. So I decided to wait in Lucky Palms for the babies to be born.
While waiting I played the Genie household. I'd previously come across Grant teaching Donald, their toddler son, to walk in the park. But his walking sill was only at level 1. So I set about training him in all toddler skills and even managed to get him to read all of his toddler books while waiting for the baby to be born. When there was about 1 toddler book left to read Megan raced off to hospital and brought a baby boy home. I named him Wayne. His traits were not spectacular he got slob and one other unremarkable trait. I left him with them. I got notifications that two other babies were born. They were 2 baby girls.
The births were in the order of girl boy girl. This was a little suspicious to me so I checked pregnancy under Story Progression and found the baby gender was set to Balanced. I've had problems with that setting before. The mod tries to balance the number of sims with each gender in the world. It all seems to work fine, but at one point in this game I had a lot of very old female sims who were about to die of old age and not many elderly male sims as they'd died of old age already. So every single baby born was male. It was turning into an entire new generation of male babies. So I always try to have the baby genders set to Random in Story Progression. I fixed that problem and in future the births will be random. Problem is I'll have to remember to change the setting in all worlds as I think it will only apply to the world I was playing when I changed the setting.
When little Donald had finished reading his books I gathered Isabel and the Goldsmith household together with the Genie household and they all travelled together to Glenvale City. This will be the final group I place in Glenvale City. I've now moved 83 sims to the world and with all the extras in the world such as service sims and homeless sims and new births and imaginary friends being made real it will soon be swamped with sims and I'll be looking to move some out of it.
The first household I placed into their new home was the Goldsmith family. I hadn't played them for a few real life years. When I last played them their baby, Gavyn, was newly born and now he had just become a child. Fortunately it seems he had been to boarding school while a toddler. That's probably why he is a child already as he would have aged during his time at boarding school. Otherwise he should have been about the same age as little Donald Genie.
Geordie Goldsmith is a witch and his wife, Rita is a genie. Gavyn, their son, is a witch and genie hybrid. He was born at a time when I first added the hybrid mod to my game and had set it up in Story Progression to allow hybrid babies to be born. Their baby daughter who has just been born before leaving Lucky Palms is not a hybrid. She's a witch. I'll have to check how I've got the hybrid settings in Lucky Palms.
Gavyn had an imaginary friend he was playing with and I thought I'd like to make it real. But there was no chemistry table and none of them had much in the way of skill relating to potions. Geordie had high logic so I added a chemistry table to the household and he got to work. He worked fast and only got singed once and managed to discover all 10 potions. So that might be useful later on if there is a need for some other potion.
I wondered why Geordie wasn't heading off to work each day and discovered Geordie was in the inventing career. His work was at home. Problem was he had no inventing table in his new house and there was no room to place one.
I don't think I've played a sim in the inventing career so I left him in it. Since there was no room for any of the larger skilling objects I took the roof off the house and found a spot where I could add a spiral staircase going up and made a large empty room at the top of the house. I placed several objects there including the inventing table, chemistry table, elixir making object and gem cutting machine. I added a few all in one bathrooms too just in case he catches on fire.
Gavyn made his imaginary friend real and I gave him a makeover. He was another Hesper and I renamed him Hugo. It's getting hard to find names beginning with H or B. I might have to relax my rule that the imaginary friends have to keep their initial when their name changes.
When Hesper became real he had blue and red hair in a checkerboard pattern.
I took him into CAS and Stylist and he got a makeover.
I noticed him going through a series of bizarre actions and checked his traits he had a trait combination that I decided I really couldn't live with and changed them. The only one I remember is insane but the others were no better.
This is Hugo in his final every day outfit.
Once Hugo was done I moved onto the Genie household and made sure they were all good and sent Isabel to Lucky Palms. After that I turned off the computer for the night and today is a new day. I just opened my game and Isabel is now in Lucky Palms ready to collect the final few sims I plan to move out of that world. Lucky Palms currently has 94 of my sims in it. I want that down close to 80 to reduce the risk of Error 12 to close to 0.
The households I'll be moving today are the Fields, Smith and Wilson households.
Currently there are two sims in the Fields household living in Lucky Palms. Emma and Jack fields are the parents of Ted and Mena. Ted is an ex-partner of Patience and is the father of 4 of her 15 children so the Fields family is central to the story. Mena is currently at the boarding school in Chocolate Cake Island and I think it's time she found a husband and had some children. She won't find one while she's in Chocolate Cake Island. I'll have to decide what to do with her when I empty Chocolate Cake Island. I'll probably place her as a single sim in a world with a few unattached male sims and let nature take its course.
The Smith household is a branch of the Fields household. Theresa Fields and Charlie Smith have been together since I had the game in Twin Towns. Charlie has commitment issues so they are not married. It's been a rocky romance for this pair but they are still together and every so often they produce another baby. Theresa recently had another baby girl as she was one of the sims I'd made pregnant while at Lucky Palms. Theresa is the daughter of Patience and Ted. She and Charlie have 4 children. Three toddlers and a baby. They have been sadly neglected. Those toddlers should be teens by now so I'm going to have to play them a bit to get them ready to age up to child when they arrive in Cornucopia. They now have 3 girls and a boy.
The Wilson family consists of Tammi Fields (another daughter of Patience and Ted) and her partner Jebediah Wilson and their daughters Amelia and Allyson. The girls have been to Chocolate Cake Island boarding school and completed their toddler training and possibly their child skills too. They are currently both children. Obviously Tammi and Theresa are sisters.
There is one other Fields family in Lucky Palms. I will leave them there for the moment. This is Tom Fields. He is the son of Patience and Ted. Tom is the one with the two wives in two different worlds. He spends time with each of them. Both wives have babies with him so he's in a bit of a bind. Poor Tom.
Lucky I have my spreadsheet as it can be a bit confusing about who is related to who. It'll be handy when Eric and Oscar and Susanne start visiting Eric and Susanne's relatives. For example most of the Hansens are his cousins, but Oscar's friend Mike Hanson is not related to Eric because Mike's grand parents are Marty and Marcie. Marty was Patience's original husband who she left to move in with Gobias. Marcie is Marty's second wife.
Mike Hanson who is not related to Eric but is Oscar's friend from boarding school.