I feel I'm starting to get onto the top of this census thing. I've completed all of the worlds I have in the Big Game. I know how many sims are in each one and who they are and the address of each household. It's taken me over a month so far. No wonder I've been putting it off.
I finalised the population of Cornucopia. I moved three households from Lucky Palms and settled them all in. There were are few issues but Error 12 wasn't one of them. I am now highly motivated to use slightly smaller worlds and to keep the population under control.
I still haven't come across Salty Seaworth. He might be in Cake Island. I just realised I haven't done a census of that world yet but my spreadsheet tells me it needs a few sims moved out of it. I just checked my spreadsheet and it tells me I did the census of Cake Island on 13th March. I need to check that. It needs some sims moved out of it so I'll have to go back anyway. I'm wondering if I did some households carefully, but not others because there are some sims in that world that I wanted to check up on and I don't remember doing that with all of them. I do remember checking some of the sims in that world though. I've got 989 sims in my spreadsheet so I could have forgotten a few but I don't think so. I do know I occasionally skipped a few households and assumed all was good with them.
Moving sims out of overcrowded worlds makes a huge difference.
I launched a few worlds I have installed already to check how big they are when empty. I've left the biggest worlds to last. I've played them in this game before and had to move sims out of them due to memory issues. So when I loaded them up with just one sim placed in the world the memory used was almost at the upper limit that results in repeated error 12 and crashes. So I went looking and downloaded a heap of worlds from @Rflong7 and @Rflong13 on the Exchange. I installed one of them, Twikkii Island and will start moving sims from Barnacle Bay there today. I only need to move 13 sims from Barnacle Bay to get its population down to 80 of my played sims. I will take the fairies from the fairy village first. There aren't many of them left there so they might as well all go. Then I'll see how many others need moving.
Then I still need to move 13 sims from Sunlit Tides and Moonlight Falls and I need to move 9 sims from Cake Island. Lucky Palms still have 2 sims over my 80 sim limit and Glenvale City is 3 sims over the limit I have imposed. I'll see how they run when I get Oscar and his buddies visiting those worlds. If there is any sign of Error 12 or crashing I'll be moving at least one more household out of those worlds.
I have several spare worlds that look promising from my download session yesterday.
I only got 3 screenshots yesterday.
I found that Theresa Fields still had her imaginary friend doll in her inventory. She's and adult now. I decided to get her to make the potion. Her logic was almost at level 8. She had obviously worked on the chemistry table before and already knew how to make two potions. I didn't really look closely to see what they were and was about to tell her to start discovering potions when I thought I saw something so did a double check on the potions she already knew. One of them was the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion. So I told her to make it. I got her Imaginary Friend, Pal, to become live and she drank the potion eventually. Then I sent her on a few classes to get the beginnings of some skills before moving her out to live in a tiny house in Cornucopia. She soon found herself a job in the Criminal career. She's mean spirited and she had told me she wanted to join the criminal career bit I didn't tell her to do it so as soon as she could make her own decisions that's exactly what she did.
Here is Theresa working on the potion to make her IF real.
This is Phyllis, Theresa's IF made real in Stylist. I got the screen shot as I was stunned with the combination the game gave her for a formal outfit.
And Theresa's eldest daughter, Olivia already knew all of her toddler skills and had read all of the toddler books so she got a birthday cake.
If she'd been given some attention over the years Olivia ought to be a teen and almost a young adult by now. So I thought she'd been a toddler for long enough. There are plenty of children in Cornucopia so she should get to know most of them whenever Eric and Oscar and Susanne visit. Eric has several households to visit in Cornucopia. Theresa is his aunt.
So now I'm about to launch the game and send sims to Twikkii Island.
Happy Simming All
EDIT: I was looking for the wallpaper that has the magic castle scene for the nursery in Theresa's place. I failed to find it but I did find several other combinations of wallpaper that made scenes. One of those scenes in on the wall behind the chemistry table that Theresa is working on.
My spreadsheet tells me there are 9 children in Cornucopia including 2 of Olivia's cousins and their two imaginary friends made real. I didn't make Olivia's Imaginary Friend real yet.