Some time later I've had a bit of a think about how to explain what's currently happening in Cake Island. I've decided it'll probably take pages to fully explain so I'll give you an overview and show you a few screenshots.
This one hasn't got much to do with the story. It is an impressive social jig. These are the things that are usually invisible. Sims won't walk across or onto them. They should automatically be deleted after the sims in the social situation that generated them stop that socialisation. In this case the two of them are throwing ball to each other. Most social jigs I've seen are small circles or ellipses for human sims, or tiny shiny balls for pets. They are there to stop other sims from trying to use the same spot while another sim is using it for some reason. They are usually invisible and can be hard to find if they don't delete after the sims move on and you end up with spots of your lot that sims can't walk across. It can be really annoying if they are in front of something important, such as a fridge.
I activated a house containing a single female sim with a toddler. Now I had paired this sim up with a male sim and placed them together in this house and gave them an instant baby before leaving them to it and playing the game elsewhere.
While I was dealing with the Black family I noticed the male sim, Jay Clarke, had moved out to another house and I wanted to check on him to see if his partner and child had moved with him. I found him living alone. I do remember, while working on the Black family, I had a very brief look at him in the distance and he appeared to be heavily pregnant so I was half expecting to see him with an alien baby. But he was living alone and looking his usual trim self. I didn't get a screen shot - sorry. He is one of the sims I made years ago when I was playing 8 sim households of unrelated young adults. I made a lot of sims back then. So I had established there was potentially a household of a female sim with a baby/toddler. I quickly tracked them down.
The female sim is an adult. Her baby had become a toddler. Now this particular female sim holds a special place in my games. I previously told you about Perry Hansen. He is now an adult. He was Patience's first grandchild ever born. His mother, Heather Hansen, had a baby with her imaginary friend. Heather's parents are Patience and Marty Hansen. Her elder sister is Helena Hansen, now Helena Fields.
This was my first imaginary friend encounter and really had no idea what was going on with IFs. I knew that Imaginary Friends could have babies with their owners because people were posting about it. So I told Heather to try for baby with her Imaginary Friend. They did it a few times before Heather became pregnant. Now at that point, the Imaginary Friend was live but not real. Much later I made the potion and Heather got her IF to drink it but that failed because I already had 8 sims in the household. So I moved them out to live on their own and she made her IF real and it turned out to be a female. Of course I now know the IF gender isn't set until they become real. I know this because I've made a lot of them real and sometimes the game crashes and I lose the IF made real and it returns to doll form so it has to be made real again and it often becomes real with a different gender than it had last time it was made real before the game crashed.
So this Imaginary Friend was named Annie Hansen when she finally became real.
And, after her partner had moved out to live alone, Annie was living with her toddler daughter in this house.
Then something really dangerous to Annie's quiet existence happened. I decided there were too many toddlers in this world that were in dire need of immediate training. It would be far too time consuming for me to go to each of their households and train them individually. So I thought I'd better move them ALL in with Annie so I can train them properly and together which will be a much more efficient way of doing it.
So Annie's household expanded from 2 to 9 sims. Annie was there alone with 8 toddlers to take care of. Annie's reaction, at first, was to play very loud computer games but then she autonomously moved from computer games to playing the piano.
She started out without much skill and didn't stop, even after she got to level 10 in the Piano Skill. She has started learning some piano songs from music she purchased at the bookstore but seems to be more interested in the guitar now.
Having no conscience regarding my destruction of Annie's peaceful existence, I decided if I added the 7 unskilled children to the household as well, then I could give them some training too. And of course to add to her woes every single one of those toddlers and children had an imaginary friend doll that simply has to be made real. And then taught their skills. Fortunately for Annie I only thought about grabbing the teens from around town too but that thought led to the thought of endless crashes due to lake of memory so I relented and Annie doesn't need to worry about hoards of teenagers moving in with her too. I will ten to the teens once I've got the current sims in her household all trained and moved back with their families.
By the way, this is Perry, Annie's son with Heather.
Perry doesn't appear in Annie's family tree. Probably because Annie wasn't real when Perry was born. Perry has the pyromaniac hidden trait and I've read that children of imaginary friends sometimes get that trait. I first realised Perry was different when he was a child and was able to pick up seeds lying on the ground. Apparently children with the pyromaniac trait can do that. I later used a mod to check Perry's hidden traits and confirmed my suspicions, he is a pyromaniac.
I'm thinking of giving Annie and her toddler a makeover. This is because Annie never got a proper makeover. I did give her a new skin and hair when I paired her up with her partner but that was it. She still has the default Imaginary Friend features. And her daughter seems to have been born with a custom skin and she looks as if she has the Imaginary Friend default features too. Although I rarely see a toddler Imaginary Friend. Of course she has a doll in her inventory.
I had a peek into a few houses. I found 8 toddlers without skills. They had all been toddlers for real life years. I checked, using Master Controller, and found there were 7 children without skills. Only one of the children was expected to age up soon. She was the first mermaid I ever had born in a game and she got me the badge to have a mermaid baby. That happened way back - soon after Island Paradise was released so it's about time she grew up. But here she is and she's still a child.
Here is a pic I found of MaryAnn with her parents in Isla Paraidso.
Her father is that evil mermaid, Salty Seaworth. But in this game I've given them a different last name as I had another version of Salty established in the world.
This is Annie's daughter, Margie Hansen, as a toddler. Margie is a born in game Imaginary Friend. She has her own Imaginary Friend doll in her inventory. (Actually I think she has gained an extra doll at some point. I checked and everyone else still has their dolls but Margie now has two.)
Well, the toddlers I moved in with Annie include Jeannie and Paul Fields. This pair are children of Ted and Helena Fields. Helena is the eldest daughter of Patience and that makes Jennie and Paul the youngest grandchildren of Patience.
This is John Paul Flower.
I don't have a picture of his sister, Nina. She has the same coloured hair and is older than JohnPaul. Nina is the oldest of the toddlers and is soon to age up automatically.
Here is Paul Fields. He has an older sister too. Her name is Jeannie. I didn't get a picture of Jeannie as a toddler. She had short strawberry blonde hair.
Paul and Jeannie are children of Ted Fields and Helena. Ted is an ex-partner of Patience and Helena is Patience's eldest daughter.
Another toddler in the group is Larry Langerak.
Larry is the son of Carmel and Parker Langerak.
Carmel is the daughter of Patience and Ted. So Larry is the uncle and half-brother of Jeannie and Paul. There are lots of bizarre complications in Patience's relationships.
Here is Larry Langerak.
I made sure I got a good shot of Larry as he failed to age up until I reset him and of course once he got reset he lost all of his features and became a pudding sim. I tried to return him to the features he was born with but I suspect my efforts weren't perfect. Maybe I should have tried taking him into CAS and writing down all of the numbers for his various facial features instead of trying to rely on a screenshot.
I'll go through some of the other toddlers here now.
This is Paul Fields as a child, with toddler, Marlene Kluver and Tom Sekemoto is the child in the background.
Marlene Kluver is the younger sister of MaryAnne Kluver. I changed the Seaworth family name to Kluver when I added them to this Big Game as I already had another Salty Seaworth family in the save.
Tom Sekemoto is the son of Tammi and Leighton Sekemoto. Tom arrived at Annie's place with his sisters. They are all children.
Here are Johnpaul Flower with Mary Ann Kluver. I gave Mary Ann a makeover when I first moved her family to Cake Island and they joined the Big Game. Here she is as a child. She is by far the eldest child here and is about to age up to teen.
I added a chemistry table to the household and gave Mary Ann the job of learning how to make the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion. She then got to make potions to turn all of the imaginary friends in the household real. It took her forever to do and I'm sure she now has an aversion to the chemistry table but she did make it to level 10 in logic and has decided to be a Renaissance Sim. She only needs to get to level 10 in two more skills to achieve her lifetime wish.
And one more pic of John Paul Flower - this time he is aged up to child. He is a hybrid genie and fairy. His mother is Lucy who is a genie who was one of the original nannies in the old version of the boarding school. She met her future husband there when I introduced him to the game and they moved out of the boarding school and got married and had two babies, Nina and Johnpaul.
This is an old pic of Freddy Flower, John Paul's father.
And his mother, Lucy, while she was still a nanny at the boarding school.
Of course, Lucy is a genie.
Here is Marlene Kluver. Mary Anne's little sister. They have a brother, Puck, in the house too. Puck is the middle child.
Female toddler mermaids have pink scales by default. When they age up to child they get the female default purple scales. I decided to fix Marlene's scales so she has her own scale colour. I gave their brother Puck the same colour scales as their father, Salty.
And a couple more shots of Paul Fields.
I'll post more later. We will see more of the children. Probably not many toddler pics to be found and they have since all aged up to child. I've aged Mary Anne up to teen too.