This is my story about Lisa Dawnlight and her adventures in Riverview... :)
So I just moved to Riverview from Appaloosa Plains to get away from bad memories that I just want to forget about and to get on with my new life. So I went from town to town trying to find a new place that I could call home. I arrived in Riverview and just fall in love with the landscaping and marveled at how peaceful and friendly this town is, so I decided that this is the place for me. I went looking for houses and found a nice starter home, so I called the real estate agent who's name was on the "For Sale" sign and set up an appointment with her so that I can take a look at the house. The house has a living room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms, so I told her that I wanted it and signed the papers for the deed. Once I moved in, I knocked down the wall between the 2 bedrooms and made 1 big bedroom for me.
So on my first day living there, I had 2 visitors show up to greet me to the neighborhood. They were 2 guys, one was Yuri Ivanov and the other one is Hal Breckridge... :)
I was given flowers from both guys. Yuri is the one with the long black hair and Hal is in the red tank top... :)
Yuri wasn't too happy about Hal giving me flowers, so he went and whipped out his guitar to play for me... :) I guess he thinks that he needs to impress me since I had accepted the flowers from Hal, Yuri had the negative symbol above his head as he walked off to play some music... :p
So I go and invite the guys into my house... :)
It would seem that the conversation was about the universe as these types of thought bubbles kept popping up while they were Maybe Yuri is saying: "Hey babe, your my universe."
Then Yuri talked to Hal after talking to me... :)
Now Yuri is talking about music with Hal... :)
Now Hal is talking about shooting stars... :) Maybe he's saying: "I wished upon a star to meet the lady of my dreams."
Now Yuri and I just kept flirting with each other using our eyes and body language... <3
Yuri must had liked the flirting taking place between the 2 of us... :)
Yup, I would say must certainly by the look on his face in this picture... :p
I hope you're just tired Yuri as I am not ready to go to bed with you just yet because we just met and I don't know much about you... o:)
I am most certainly on his mind... :)
Me: Okay SS, why are you going into your bedroom with 2 guys in your house? You barely know these guys, so why is Hal following you into your room?
Me: Ah, okay. You just wanted to have a pillow fight with Hal while Yuri goes outside to stand on the porch... :) The looks on the Sims faces when they pillow fight is just too funny... :p
Alright Yuri, what are you implying?... :o
Then Lisa goes out to talk to Yuri about her new house... :)
That's it for now as I will have more later to post... :)
I'm off to the stadium to play some tennis... :)
Just some of the banners on the outside of the stadium... :)
Another sunset shot... :)
Marcos da Silva had passed out outside of the stadium.
That was a great game of tennis. I should do this again one day.
Let me see what's in the newspaper today before I throw it away.
I have a taste for mac & cheese again.
Let me practice with the kicky bag again.
While I was inside practicing with the kicky bag, I had an alien visitor show up outside of my door. It's a good thing that it's locked.
The alien must be related to the alien that abducted as she has the same last name as the other one. Or all of the aliens may have the same last name but not be related. Who knows?
Alien: Who put this portal in this yard? And why would they want this person to have the portal?
Yes alien lady, that's a mailbox. You send and receive mail through this box.
Upgrading my toilet to self-cleaning.
A morning sunrise... :)
Doing another ground mural. I need to try to keep up my Rebel status which is now level 5.
Back to Summer festival I go to do some more skating. While I was there, I had Meadow, Kiwi Birdie (Genie) and Billy Caspian all wanting to skate with me... :)
I'm getting pretty good at this. So maybe now I will be able to try out some spins later. But for now, I will just keep skating like this.
It seems more people are gathering here to skate.
Just brought me a sketch pad to draw something.
Well since I've been abducted by aliens, I want to see if I can spot something, anything in space of the UFO or any UFO's that look like the one that abducted me. I want to know what happened to me while I was away and why I was abducted for. I see a bright star in the night sky.
That looks like a very scary looking planet that I just saw. I just hope that wasn't where they took me to.
I'm trying to do research on alien abductions to see if anyone else may had experienced the same things that I had experienced. That's when I saw 3 of the pictures that I took on this old fashion camera that somehow appeared in my bag because I don't remember buying me a camera or having the photography skill which is level 3. They must had did a mind probe on me to try to erase any memory of the abduction but bits and pieces seem to be returning to me.
These are 3 of the photos that I supposedly had taken while I was there but I don't remember uploading them to my PC. This world has some very interesting looking plants. They remind me of giant mushrooms in the World of Warcraft that I play in. And that water fountain at the little pond is pretty nice looking. Not bad photos using the old timey camera and for someone who has never taken a decent photo before. Or for someone who has never taken any photos at all.
Now this is really odd as I am in a different house in a strange land or world.
This is the house that I was dropped off into. Not too shabby for a house for a single person. It could be worse, I could be locked in a cell on a alien ship getting probed and tested on. So I should be happy that I am free to move around as I please.
So I go over to the community pool and I see what looks like to be humans. But what's that on this lady's arms and legs as it looks like some type of design or it could be tattoos? Maybe they're symbols of her species providing that she isn't human after all.
So I decide to go over and introduce myself to her so that I can meet a local in this strange land. Hello, my name is Lisa... :) And you're name is? Strange lady: My name is Chrissie Landgraab. It's nice to meet you Lisa. Lisa: And it's a pleasure to meet you Chrissie... :)
Another lady that looks like a human comes walking in. Her name is Sofia Vanderburg. Well I can say that so far, these beings all have human names, so they must not be too bad then.
So I decided to go take a dip in the pool. I mean what could go wrong here? It looks like this place has been populated with humans and they even have taxi cabs here as well as regular cars here. I even have my car here and I don't even know how that alien got my car on their ship as it was too small to hold a whole lot of stuff. So Chrissie follows me into the pool to also take a dip herself.
Well enough of a swim for now. I have other places that I want to explore around this world.
Random shot of the world with me driving my car to my next destination... :)
Nice looking park. It's called Memories of Appaloosa Plains. Hmmm, never heard of Appaloosa Plains. Maybe I will do some research on it when I get home to my house and not the house here in this world. Providing that I do get back home to my world. (My SS want's to forget AP as she had some bad memories there, so that's why it put down as "never heard of Appaloosa Plains)
Awww, that's cute. There's a bone shaped pool located on the park grounds as well as trees and plants in the garden areas. They look like trees and plants from Earth. I'm wondering if the abductees brought these with them or if the aliens had collected seeds for all of these plants for the abductees to plant for food.
Oh wow, I spotted a familiar face on this strange world. It's Tiffany Angles who was my roommate while I was at the university. She's a tourist here as well as I am. I guess the aliens must had abducted her as well.
That's Frida Tamarind talking to Michael Tomyoy over there.
OH wow! They have a grill here as well. Let me grill up some hot dogs to eat... :)That's Christina Landgraab sitting there reading a book.
After eating my hot dogs and cleaning up my mess, I meet Chris Landgraab. What's up with the long white hair and the outfits that these Landgraab's are wearing? Are they some kind of clan or occult to look like that? Questions, questions and more questions! Well at least Chris doesn't seem to have those same designs/tattoos that Chrissie and Christina have unless he has a different set and they're hidden unlike the 2 ladies designs.
Off to do some fishing.
Well it's starting to rain, so I better head on home and out of the rain.
Let me whip out my sketch pad and draw for a little bit.
Let me play some social games on my tablet.
Well it would seem like that they have the same TV shows on their TVs like we do back home on Earth. But the reception is very poor here.
I need to make a rant about conformity.
Here comes those blasted lights again. What do they want from me this time? Maybe they want to introduce themselves to me and tell me why I'm here.
The return back to this planet instead of my own home world. :pensive:
This aliens name is Paguk Exipelh and all she wanted to know was how I liked it here so far. But the trip to the ship and back just makes my stomach queasy... :( I really wish that they would give some motion sickness pills before taking me to their ship and back.
Some random pictures of some of the places while I was drawing... :)
A strange light appeared over at the pond that I was fishing at after I got back to the house.
I thought maybe it was the spray coming off of the fountain from the pond until I scrolled in and saw a Clover horse. So pretty and strange that they have animals here on this planet.
A view of the tower from the pond.
A stray dog sleeping outside of my door... :) I guess they must had abducted the stray dogs and cats so that they could have a place to live.
"CravenLestat;c-15727967" wrote: @lisasc360 The sim who's name you said is slippery in your mind is....
MIKA MOORE And you let her escape,she is such a beautiful premade.Your SS was right there all you had to do was throw her in a sack and run.
You certainly do know your Sims... :) I have to write down names of Sims so that I can add them to my stories until I get use to seeing them around town and know who they :smiley:
It's early in the morning but I want to go and visit the Memories of Riverview Park. Now why would this planet have a park named after Riverview? Is this a future world? And if it is, then what happens to Riverview in the past? And if it's not, then what is the purpose of this world? Is this suppose to be some type of paradise or this some type of slave colony for the aliens of some sort? If it's some type of slave colony, then I don't see anything that the inhabitants is slaving over unless it's happening overnight during the nightly abductions where no one can witness these things. Or are we here for them to harvest our DNA for some type of experiment to try to repopulate worlds? I guess I will never know the answers to these questions.
They have more of the fruit and vegetable plants here that they had at the other park. Maybe I should read up on gardening so that I can gain a skill or 2 to try to harvest some of these.
Another random screenshot.
I saw Hunter Cottoneye who is also a tourist out of the corner of my eye talking to himself. Wonder what his problem is? And why he was acting so strange? Maybe he's insane or the aliens made him insane when they abducted him!
Now Hunter comes walking past me and starts talking to himself all over again. What a strange man!
Well I didn't get around to try to harvest any of the plants as I got hungry. So I want to go to the Armstrong's Diner to get a bite to eat. Well I can say that I have never had frog legs to eat but that it was an interesting experience that I will never try again.
I also noticed that one of my University friends is also on this strange planet with me. I guess Miles Forthright got abducted by the aliens as well.
Miles was doing the school cheer at the pond... :)
Then he went on to read a book while he was standing there.
So I after I leave the diner, I make a bee line over to where Miles was at to greet him and say Hi.
Hello Miles! What are you doing here? Miles: Hello Lisa! I could ask you the same thing.
Miles: I got an idea, lets do the school cheer... :)
Oh boy, that was fun!... :)
I love art and I love to draw. Can I sketch you? Miles: Um, no I don't think so right now. SS: Sorry that I asked then... :( Well I will see you around. I have other places that I want to visit in case this is a short trip here. Bye Miles... :)
Oh no, not another one of these Landgraab people here at this pool. This is Christa and she is dressed just like Chrissie and Christina and Chris except she also has the same markings as the other 2 women. I wonder of all 4 of the Landgraab's are clones. And if they are, did the aliens clone them? Then we also have Martin January, Amire Grace walking in while Jax Benton is sitting on the ground reading something.
Time for a little dip in the roof top pool. I've never been in a roof top pool before. This is such a cool idea... :) While I was in the pool, Eddy Mullis and Christa Landgraab just stood there while Dahlia Benton and Jareth Alto also took a dip in the pool.
Okay, enough of the swim since this pool really isn't all that big to do much swimming in... :)
Well while I'm here, I'll go to the library to see what books that have here.
Hmmm, what to read as they have such an interesting selection of books here. I wonder if they're books about earth or this planet? It looks like it's a variety of books that they have here.
Well I chose to read a Social Networking book to learn about blogging and such things.
So I went off on a jog after I was done at the library. Boy, that was a good jog... :)
Then I decided to go and visit the Kelvin Pavilion for a little bit... :)
I had to go through the maze to reach the stairs.
Once I reached the top of the pavilion, I lit the fire pit... :)
Once it was lit, I sat down and started roasting some marshmallows... :)
These are yummy... <3
Then I felt cold and wanted to warm myself by the fire... :)
Next stop was to take a tour of the Curious Community Theater... :)
Random shot of the world... :)
Next was the art museum... :)
Off to do some fishing in one of the ponds in the craters... :)
Another random shot... :)
Then it was off to the graveyard... :)
I was mourning over one of the lost inhabitants... :(
Random shot of the Grim statue on the graveyard grounds... :)
So while I was exploring the catacombs, I came upon some zombie bears. OH MY!
Then Alexander Cross wanted to come over and talk to me. He looks like a mad scientist to me, so I better watch my step with him... :o
There goes the hearts again. And I believe his wife was also at the graveyard with him talking to someone else.
So I went back to my vacation home to take a shower and the darn thing breaks down on me. So I want to fix this just in case I leave to go back home to my own house.
I'm doing some more sketches in my sketchpad... :)
YAY, I'm finally home from my little trip to Lunar Lakes. Hopefully the aliens won't be abducting me anytime soon. Hopefully they got what they needed from me and they can leave me in peace now. So let me see what's been happening here while I was gone.
I guess while I was in Lunar Lakes and reading up on the gardening skill, I had these strange looking seeds that just appeared in my bags. Maybe I should go out and plant them. I'm just surprised that the aliens didn't take them away from me when I got back home.
I went to Yuri's and Nadine's house as Yuri had invited me to a party at his house. Well I get here, and he's not even home. So I go home to my house and as I was leaving, he comes home an hour after his party was to start. SS: Dude, if you throw a party and want people to show up, then you need to be home and on time for the party. And if you can't be here in a timely manner, then don't invite people over.
So I get home and decide to hang up all of my pictures that I had taken while in Lunar Lakes on my bedroom wall... :)
SS: REALLY? I've only been home for 1 day and you're back to abduct me again! Just leave me the heck alone you stinking aliens... :s
The return home.
Well let me go and get a pint of my favorite ice cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to eat as that will help me to calm down some.
Let me try to sketch what these aliens look like.
Well this is what I think of the those nasty little aliens that keep abducting me.
Well let me continue my search on alien abductions... :)
I've brought this horseshoe game, so let me go and try my hand at horseshoes... :)
Let me visit the graveyard and see if there is any seeds to be picked up that I can plant in my little greenhouse garden... :) SS: Hello, this is Lisa speaking. Oh Hello Yuri. I've been fine. How's the family doing?
MaryKay Shallow seems to be having an issue of some sort as I caught her talking to herself.
Well let me explore these catacombs and see what I can find in them. While I was there, I found a book titled A Crumplebottom Legacy: A Tale.
And then I saw a rock formation that resembled the face of a
Then I got mauled by bears again but at least they weren't enraged zombie bears this time. Who knew that bears were living in the catacombs. Or unless it's @CravenLestat hiding in the catacombs dressed as a bear to attack unsuspecting innocent sim
So after exploring the catacombs and being mauled by the bears, I went to the gym to use their showers to clean up after that ordeal. So after the shower was done, I've decided to paint a wall mural on the wall where the swimming pool is because I am such a rebel like that... :p
Well evidently word has gotten around about me painting murals on walls and on the ground as someone had called the cops on me. So I wasn't able to finish this mural up.
Well this is great, I've been arrested for going around expressing my art style around town. Where's the love for art around here?
SS: Please don't take me to jail for expressing my love for the arts.
Nancy Chow: No I'm not taking you to jail. So there's no need to worry about being locked up even though I don't agree with what you did. Anyone who defaces walls on community lots should be locked up for 1 night but that's not up to me as I don't make the laws, I just enforce the ones in place.
You're okay for a rebel but I need you to pay me the $1,000 simoleons for the fine.
How dare she arrest me then tell me I'm okay and then tell me that I need to pay a fine for defacing property... :smile:
Well I feel the need to do another ground mural. Let them come and tell me that I'm not allowed to paint on my own property.
Now let read the paper to make sure that I'm not in it.
I feel the need the make a rant about politics because I got arrested and fined for displaying my art the way that I want. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
So after my rant, I've decided to play some PC games as they're a good way to relieve some of this stress that I have built up since being arrested.
Me: Lisa, you really need to stop going outside and checking those strange lights every night. Then you wonder why when you come back, you feel sick afterwards. SS: But they're pretty lights and I like pretty lights.
So when the daylight hour comes around, I decided to go to the consignment store to have a look around. I see this water fountain in the middle of the store. Who would sell such a thing in the consignment shop?
So I get outside to leave and Yuri calls me again. SS: Hello. Oh it's you again Yuri. I'm just out enjoying this nice weather and doing some window shopping.
So I decide to go back to the Summer festival since there's only a few more days left before Fall comes around. I see Wa ng Lum here skating instead of out doing his job which is delivering the mail.
I'm getting real good at skating now that I will soon be able to do spins. Sure Wang, I will come and skate with you while you're taking a break from work... :)
After skating, I decided to go and try to enter in the hot dog eating contest but there wasn't any takers this time, so maybe another day then.
Oh fireworks! Let me set them off even though it's still daylight out... :)
So then I go outside of city hall and do some more sketching... :)
Marcos seems to be almost every where I
Now I'm back to rant about politics since I am outside of City
So I get back home and decide to check out this weird contraption outside in my yard that's been there since right after I moved in.
UH OH, what is this strange light from this contraption?
I think I see something in this strange light coming at me.
SS: EEEK! Who are you and where did you come from? Strange man from the light: My name is Emit Relevart and I'm here from the future. I'm here to give you the Almanac of Time. It's a complete history book of things that have happened in the past. I should say in my past, not yours as the things in this book is things to come here in the present and in your future days/weeks/months to come. But I can't say anymore than what I've said. What I need from you now is for you to find me 5 power cells that is scattered about your yard so that I can fix the time portal and return to my timeline. SS: ER, sure okay, I can do that for you.
So while I was out collecting the 5 power cells for my strange visitor, he makes his way into my house and then into my bedroom and starts scanning my safe that I have in there. I wonder what he's looking for in there... :/ SS: Here you go Mr. Relevart, the power cells that you have requested for me to find for you. Now you can fix your time portal and leave me be. Emit: Well thank you ma'am, I appreciate this. SS: If you don't mind me asking this but what exactly does this do and why is it on my property? Emit: It's a time portal... SS: Yes, yes, you already said that... Emit: Please let me explain what it does without you interrupting me. Okay? SS: Okay. Go on. Emit: Like I was saying, it's a time portal. It allows one to travel into time and back to their present day. SS: You really expect me to believe that this machine will take me to the future and back? Pleeeeeeeease.... :s Emit: Well it does. How do you think that I got here? SS: Well it could be a trick elaborated by the aliens that keep abducting me. They could had messed with my mind and planted this whole thing in my head. For all I know, I could be imagining the whole thing that's taking place now. Emit: You say aliens keep abducting you? Well what do they want? Where are they taking you? SS: Yes, they keep abducting me. The 1st night that this happened, I ended up on this planet called Lunar Lakes. It had these giant mushrooms and these craters but it also had plants and trees from this world. The people there were all humans. So my guess was that the aliens are going around and abducting humans and taking them to this planet for some type of experiments or to take DNA samples of them as some of the inhabitants were clones of one another.
One night after arriving there, they had abducted me again to only ask me how I liked it there. Maybe they implanted this image in my mind then. Then after being there for 3 days, they sent me back home to here. So I thought that they were done with me but I've been abducted 2 more times since I've been home. Oh, and after the 1st time it happened, the night afterwards, I had an alien visitor that was very interested in this time portal. Emit: You say that they were interested in the time portal? Hmmm, that could explain the crashed ship back in my timeline. Maybe they're on some sort of researching project that brings them to my timeline where they crashed their ship. Well I need to get back to my timeline. Well if you should ever decide to take a chance to come to the future, then just step inside of the light and it will bring you to see me in my timeline. Bye Lisa. See you in the future!
SS: Man, that was a strange man if I ever saw one. And the thing about coming from the future through that thing he called a time portal, he must think that I'm really naïve or something to believe that. There isn't no such thing as time portals. Oh wait, who am I kidding. I've been abducted 4 times already by aliens and placed in a strange world with strange looking mushrooms and plants. So what's one more thing to add to my list of weird things that have happened to me.
Let look at a funny video on my phone as I need to have a really good laugh, not that what happened had me laughing.
OMG, that was just too
Okay, now I'm ready to dance to Dierks Bentley's Somewhere on a Beach on my record player. Music soothes the soul as they say. And I need my soul soothed at the moment... :)
Oh yeah, I just love this song... :)
So a simfest was happening at a park today in town, so I've decided to go and see it. There was mime performing when I got there... :)
OH wow, now he's balancing on a ball... :o That's amazing!
Now he's throwing the ball around... :)
Now he's doing a handstand on the ball. That must had taken a lot of practice to do something like that... :o
Now he's juggling... :o Cool
Once back home, I tend to my plants as they needed to be watered... :)
I think that I want to sketch some more while I'm out in the rain.
SS: Hello. Oh it's you again Yuri.
I think that I want to go and do some snorkeling in the river across the street from where I live at... :)
A random screenshot of the river... :)
I had to get out of the water as I was getting hot and needed to go indoors to cool off. It's a good thing that I left the river when I did as there was a meteor shower that took place but I wasn't there when it hit.
So I decided to play some pool while I'm at the club... :)
Then over to the skeeball machine as it's one of my favorite things to play... :)
Then I chose to do some DJ'ing... :) Not too bad for someone who's never DJ'ed before... :p Then someone wanted me to play some Funk, so I did but it didn't last too long as the club was closing for the night.
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