This is my story about Lisa Dawnlight and her adventures in Riverview... :)
So I just moved to Riverview from Appaloosa Plains to get away from bad memories that I just want to forget about and to get on with my new life. So I went from town to town trying to find a new place that I could call home. I arrived in Riverview and just fall in love with the landscaping and marveled at how peaceful and friendly this town is, so I decided that this is the place for me. I went looking for houses and found a nice starter home, so I called the real estate agent who's name was on the "For Sale" sign and set up an appointment with her so that I can take a look at the house. The house has a living room, kitchen, 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms, so I told her that I wanted it and signed the papers for the deed. Once I moved in, I knocked down the wall between the 2 bedrooms and made 1 big bedroom for me.
So on my first day living there, I had 2 visitors show up to greet me to the neighborhood. They were 2 guys, one was Yuri Ivanov and the other one is Hal Breckridge... :)
I was given flowers from both guys. Yuri is the one with the long black hair and Hal is in the red tank top... :)
Yuri wasn't too happy about Hal giving me flowers, so he went and whipped out his guitar to play for me... :) I guess he thinks that he needs to impress me since I had accepted the flowers from Hal, Yuri had the negative symbol above his head as he walked off to play some music... :p
So I go and invite the guys into my house... :)
It would seem that the conversation was about the universe as these types of thought bubbles kept popping up while they were Maybe Yuri is saying: "Hey babe, your my universe."
Then Yuri talked to Hal after talking to me... :)
Now Yuri is talking about music with Hal... :)
Now Hal is talking about shooting stars... :) Maybe he's saying: "I wished upon a star to meet the lady of my dreams."
Now Yuri and I just kept flirting with each other using our eyes and body language... <3
Yuri must had liked the flirting taking place between the 2 of us... :)
Yup, I would say must certainly by the look on his face in this picture... :p
I hope you're just tired Yuri as I am not ready to go to bed with you just yet because we just met and I don't know much about you... o:)
I am most certainly on his mind... :)
Me: Okay SS, why are you going into your bedroom with 2 guys in your house? You barely know these guys, so why is Hal following you into your room?
Me: Ah, okay. You just wanted to have a pillow fight with Hal while Yuri goes outside to stand on the porch... :) The looks on the Sims faces when they pillow fight is just too funny... :p
Alright Yuri, what are you implying?... :o
Then Lisa goes out to talk to Yuri about her new house... :)
That's it for now as I will have more later to post... :)
Oh great, here comes those little green aliens again. When will this ever be over?
Well let's do a ground mural or 2 to relieve this stress from being abducted yet again... :)
Leisure Day has come, so I'm off to the Summer Festival for the day... :) Now that I have become good enough with my skating, I can now try to do some spins... :)
Okay, here we go for my first skating spin. I hope that I don't fall on my little fanny and embarrass myself.
Norman Joy had to photobomb my shot here... :#
Look at me, I look like a swan... :)
I feel like a ballerina right now... :)
Of course Norman, I will skate with you... :)
Now back to practicing my spins... :)
Now Elaine Joy wanted to skate with me... :)
Now the festival is getting busy today... :)
Now I want to do more spins... :)
I'm getting really good at these spins now.. :)
SS: Oh you want another go round Mr. Joy! Sure... :)
Now Norman is skating with a little girl now... :)
Let me go and watch the hot dog eating contest. Oh great, Yuri is in the contest. Well I'm pulling for Elaine to win this contest. GO ELAINE!
It was a close race there for a bit but Elaine beat everyone else in this contest... :) Congrats Elaine... :smiley:
I saw more fireworks that needed to be shot off, so I shot them off... :)
Oh @CravenLestat, I have a little present for you... :) She was at the Summer Festival standing in back of me while I was buying myself a funnel cake... :)
Can't go to a festival without buying a funnel cake... :)
Well my allergies had gotten the best of me, so off to the hospital I go to get an allergy shot.
OH cool, let me try the rock climbing wall. I will put this on easy. What could go wrong?
Okay easy does it. Get a real good grip on these stones and don't let my feet slip off.
WOOT, I've made it to the top...YAY ME... :)
OHHH, this looks like a fun ride to ride on. Let the cowgirl come out of me now... :p
OH NO, I better hang on for dear life... :o
This is sooooo fun... :)
Ride them cowgirl. I just need me a rope to lasso me a guy
You know the saying, grab the bull by the horns. Now I know what they mean by that saying. Grab the bull by the horns and hang on for dear life... :o
That was one heck of a ride there. I need to come back one day and do this all again as that was too fun... :smiley:
Now let me take to the trampoline and bounce for a while... :)
OOPIES, I need to tend to my garden before all of my plants die... :o
Now I'm off to do some more windsurfing in the river while the sun goes down... :)
Now a little nighttime fishing... :)
I feel like after eating that funnel cake, I need to do some exercising to work it off.
I really need to get my painting skill up, so let me practicing my painting... :)
What a cute painting I
I think that I will work on my Charisma skill before heading back to the university. So I guess the mirror is the best place to practice my speech.
When my SS left the house to go out one day, she had some mail in her box. So she goes and gets it out and it's from @CravenLestat... :smiley:
Some random screenshots of the river again. I just love taking screenshots of the scenery around this world... :)
So far, my SS skills are as follows: Athletic - Level 4 Cooking - Level 4 Street Art - Level 6 Handiness - Level 4 Logic - Level 2 Painting - Level 2 Photography - Level 3 Gardening - Level 3 Scuba Diving - Level 2 Fishing - Level 1 Writing - Level 2
So after I get my Charisma up, I decided to go out to the river again and do some more snorkeling... :)
There's my house across the street from the river. It's the one with the strange light coming from the portal... :)
I think that I want to practice my writing. Never know when I want to try my hand at writing a book of some sort... :)
Well let me take my aptitude test again to see where I stand before enrolling for the university again... :)
Let me think of what to put down for the next question... :)
So my scores are as follows. (I couldn't get into window mode to use the snipping tool to get a picture of the results of the test.) Business - 100/400 Technology - 100/400 Science & Medicine - 400/400 Fine Arts - 400/400 Communications - 235/400 Physical Education 208/400
So since I already have some credits for Fine Arts, I will stick with that until I get my degree for it... :) Then maybe I just might reenroll at the university to do Science and Medicine. I just have to wait and see what I feel like doing afterwards... :)
So now it's time to reenroll for the university. It is also the 1st day of Fall... :)
It's time for me to leave to go to my dorm. I just hope that Brian will be back for this semester. I'm wondering who all will be back in the dorm. Maybe Tammy will be there. If she is, I have a surprise for her... evil laugh... >:)
Oh wow, I'm the 1st one here. I wonder where everyone is or if they're coming back this semester... :)
Oh, I have some mail in the mailbox. I wonder who it's from... :) Oh it's from Brian and he's been dreaming of me... <3 Awww, how sweet... :love:
So I go to sit down to write him a love letter telling him that I had thought about him when I was at my house back in Riverview... <3
Oh cool, he got my letter and I received one back telling me how important I am to him. Isn't he so romantic... :love:
A couple of random screenshots while I was waiting on my roommates to return to the dorm... :)
Oh here comes Millie Grubb. Hello Millie... :)
Derek Khan is also here now. Hello Derek... :)
Then I saw Tiberius Willard, so I make my way over to greet him... :) Hello Tiberius! How have you been? Ready for another round of juice pong? Anoki Moon has also arrived back on campus... :)
Then there is Asala Karam followed by Tiffany Angles and Tammy Parker who you can't see behind Tiffany... :)
Well it looks like the whole gang is back and ready for another semester of learning and fun... :)
And there is my target, Tammy Parker who is so mean and rude. Well that's okay because I have something in store for you that you suit you very well. So don't you dare cross my path or I will put the whammy on you... >:)
Time to chat it up with Tiberius... :)
Now Tiffany comes over and joins our conversation. The more the merry there is... :)
I feel like running over to the coffee shop. But why does Tammy feel the need to run after me? And what's up at her staring at me like that? I really wish that the aliens would abduct this mean rude person here and keep her forever... >:)
Well it seems that we all need to run to the student building for the Meet and Greets. I hope that I run into Brian while I'm there... <3 I just wish that Tammy wasn't following me that close. That's too close for comfort... :s
There's Brain with Sarah Mahoney doing the school cheer while Levi Williams and Odin Crosby who is a tourist watch on... :)
Now I'm making a bee line to go see Brian. So Miss Sarah Mahoney better back off my guy as we are trying to make a love connection here. Or I will have to pull out the voodoo doll on you. So you don't want to see my little friend, now do you Sarah?... >:) That's Hank and Scott Maclamoor that I'm running pass... :)
SS: Well Hello there Brian. Miss me? Brian: Well why yes, I have missed you... <3
Brian: Well come here and give me a hug baby... :) SS: Sure, I will give you a hug any day sweetie pie... :love: SS whispering under her breathe: Now go away Sarah and leave us be.
Brian: That was a very sweet hug. We should do that again very soon... :love: SS: Yes we should as that was very nice... <3 SS whispering under her breathe again: That's right Sarah, you better take your leave so that I don't have to pull out the voodoo doll... >:)
Sarah: I was here first talking to him, so you better scam. We were in the middle of doing the school cheer and you're not a part of it. Now LEAVE... :#
SS: I think you better leave Sarah as Brian and I need to catch up with one another here. SS: We talked about music on our first date. That was such a fun date. You were talking to that little birdie and then we went to the bowling alley... :) I hope we do that again, go out on a date with one another... :) Brian: Oh you can count on that. You are a real fun person to hang around with... :)
SS: Oh I can't wait to do that again... :love: Sarah whispering under her breathe: Not if I can help it... >:)
SS: That's right, you like Indie music. Maybe we will go somewhere to listen to some of that. I would really love to hear your favorite music... <3 Brian: And I would love for you to listen to it. I too want to hear your Country music that you just love so much... <3
Sarah thinking to herself: If there was only a way that I can make Lisa into a statue, then Brian would be more interested in me than her... >:)
So far this is what I have found out about Brain, he is friendly, rich, has a good sense of humor, he's an Aquarius and most of all, he's single... :)
So Brian and I start making funny faces at one another... :)
SS: Oh Brian, I have a little something for you... :) Brian: Oh you do. I love surprises so what is it?
Brian: Pink flowers for me... :smiley: No one's ever given me flowers before. Thank you sweetie... <3 SS: You're welcome and I hope you enjoy them... :) Brian: Oh I will. You're so sweet... :)
Denise Frink decided to photobomb this picture. Well actually she wanted to join in on the conversation... :)
Then Steve Texas comes over to insult Brian. How dare you Steve for you to insult my friend here. I have a surprise for you too if you continue to insult my friend here.
Steve: You are nothing but a pesky little fly looking for nothing but trouble here. So I think that you should just fly away and leave this lovely young lady alone.
Me: Really Lisa, why would you have hearts floating around your head for Steve after he's just insult the guy that you're trying to hook up with? SS: Well I am a hopeless romantic and I can't help it. If you don't want me to be a hopeless romantic, then maybe you should change that trait to something else since it was you who gave it to me... :D
SS: ewwwww Sarah, must you sneeze in my direction? That's so disgusting... :s Sarah whispering to herself: I hope you catch whatever I have so that you will be too sick to go out with Brian and then I can make my move on him... >:)
SS: Really Sarah, you really need to go someplace else to do all of your sneezing as that is just rude and disgusting. I'm sure your mother didn't teach you to be rude and disgusting, now did she? Sarah: Now don't bring my mother up into this as it's none of your business on what she taught me and didn't teach me. So go away before I pull out my toothbrush on you and brush you away.
Sarah thinking to herself: I'm really going to blow my lid now since Brian is flirting with this little wanna-be... :s
Sarah thinking to herself again: Oh great, he's talking about those ugly looking flowers that Miss Lisa gave him. Now I really am going to blow a gasket now. I really wish that she would go away and leave me alone so that I can get Brian to fall for me and then I can be rich, filthy rich.
SS: I want to gaze into your eyes Brian... :love: Brian: Okay because I want to gaze into your eyes as well... :)
Sarah thinking to herself: Okay that's it, I'm definitely going to blow my lid off now. See ya later Brian, I will be back later after this little gold digger leaves.
SS thinking to herself: He's oh so dreamy... :love:
Brian: Come here for another hug baby doll. SS: I most certainly will come in for another hug from you... <3
SS: I want to whisper sweet nothings in your ear... :) Brian: You can whisper sweet nothings in my ears all of the time sweetie pie... :)
SS: I'm hungry. Would you care to go to the burger joint with me? Brian: I most certainly will go there with you. Let's ride our bikes over there... :)
Brian: Thank you for asking me to go and eat with you, that was some good food that they have here... :) SS: It was my pleasure Brian. I've enjoyed your company tonight... :) Alfred Jobb was there tonight as well as Bettie Franklin and Savannah Spaulding.
SS: I'm so glad that I reenrolled back to this university because I get to see you again... :) SS thinking to herself: I'll be happy when Sarah stops following us and trying to steal my guy away from me. Sarah thinking to herself: Oh how I would just love to go to bed with Brian. He won't know what hit him then.
SS: I have a cute cat video to show you. Want to see it? Brian: Sure I'll like to see it... :) You have the coolest videos on your phone... :)
SS: I know that you're tired and all but if you don't mind, will you watch the stars with me? Brian: Sure I'll watch the stars with you if it means that I get to spend a little bit more time with you before we have to part for the night.
Brian: Are you comfortable down here on the bare ground or should I put down a blanket? SS: No I'm fine being on the bare ground. But thanks for asking, you're so sweet... :love:
A couple of the supernatural creatures are out and about tonight.
Brian: This is so nice being this close to you while we're watching the stars... :)
Brian: You see that star there? Well it's a shooting star. And you know what the say about shooting stars? SS: You make a wish when you see a shooting star.
Brian: Well I made a wish the first time that I ever saw you that you would take a chance on me. And so here we are together watching the stars... :)
SS: Well it's getting late and I as much as I would like to stay and hang out with you, I really need to get back to my dorm and get some rest as I have my 1st class tomorrow at 8:00am. Maybe we'll see each other later? Brian: Yes it is and as much as I would like to stay and hang with you, I too need to get back to the house to rest for my class tomorrow as well. And yes, we'll see each other again. Have sweet dreams about me as I will have sweet dreams about you my sweetie pie... :)
Let me write Brian another love letter telling him how much I've enjoyed this evening just hanging with him... <3
So while I was sleeping, there was a storm raging just outside of my window. It was pouring down really hard and the wind was blowing so hard, that it rattled the windows.
So this is view from the university campus... :) That's a city off in the distance in this picture... :)
Off to my 1st class of the week. I just hope that the weather doesn't stay like this all week.
A nice rainbow over the campus... :)
And there's the hot air balloon... :)
So after my 1st day of class, I decided to go back to my dorm and study from my book since Brian was busy with his classes today... :)
After doing my studying, I went out to rake up some of these leaves for a leaf pile but then I got distracted when I saw a falcon in the grass across the street. So I stopped raking to go and watch the falcon. I've never seen a falcon so up close like this. They are fun to watch... :)
Then afterwards, I decided that I wanted to do another ground mural, so I went in the backyard to do one. The one that I did the last semester is still here as well as the wall mural... :)
Every time I tried to get started on doing my mural, my phone would ring. First is was someone that I didn't want to talk to and then the other time was a text from Miles inviting me over to his keg party. I will attend that again but I just hope that I don't have to help everyone there do a keg stand like I did the last time.
So I get there and I'm greeted by Harold Assange who snubbed me when I tried to introduce myself the last time. So I dropped his sorry stuck up self on his face for turning his nose up at me.
So we got to chatting for a bit. I found out that he is rich, which probably explains why he was snobby to me that last time as I wasn't in his league. Now don't me all wrong since not all rich people are snobs. I mean look at Brian who's rich but he's no snob as he knows how to treat others even if they're not in his league.
SS: Hey Harold, I would really like to try to do a keg stand. Will you help me out here? Harold: Oh, you've never tried doing the keg stand before? Okay I will help you do this.
Harold: There we go Lisa. Now just drink from the tap there. You're doing fine. Now isn't this fun? SS: Thank you Harold... :) And yes, this is fun... :smiley:
Harold: OH NO Lisa, you're slipping out of hands. I can't get a good hold on you, so be prepared to fall flat on your face.
Harold: OMG! Are you okay there Lisa? Here, let me help you up.
SS: Don't touch me! You only did this because I dropped you the first time that was here for a party.
Harold: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I have totally forgotten that you did that to me as I was totally smashed after the last party. So please forgive me?
SS: Okay Harold, you're forgiven. Let's chat about other things now... :) My favorite color is Lilac, thanks for asking... :)
A picture of Jeffery Dean just because... :)
Time for a drink from the keg now. No more keg stands for me for the time being... :)
AHHH, there's nothing like drinking juice out of a "Red Solo Cup".
SS thinking to herself as JD photobombs her picture: Okay Jeffery Dean, don't think just because I'm drinking from this keg that I will pass out and you can do whatever you want to do to me because I will not be passing out. And no, don't think that I'm going to fall for your bad boy charms because that is not me.
SS: I'm feeling a bit tipsy now. So I want to do the school cheer right here and now.
Now once I got back to the dorm, I finished up my ground mural... :)
Oh wow, this wasn't here the last time that I was here. Let me bounce awhile for a little bit... :)
WEEEEE, this is so much
I can see the parking lot and all of the other buildings from this angle.
Oh great, I've done fallen flat on my face again tonight. This is so embarrassing... :blush:
Oh man, that hurts... :'(
So after I was done on the trampoline, I decided to go inside and paint for a little bit while I was waiting for Miss Tammy Parker to wake up as I have a little surprise or 2 for her... >:)
So once Tammy woke up, I went into her room to deliver her little surprise. SS: Oh Tammy, I have a little something for you. Can you guess what it is? Tammy: A surprise for me. Oh you shouldn't have!
SS: That's right Tammy, it's for you. It's a Flask of Angry Bees. I was planning on using it on you to begin with but then little Miss Sarah Mahoney want's to take Brian away from me, so I was planning on using it on her to teach her a lesson or 2 but I still have the voodoo doll to use. Tammy: Why are you doing this? I haven't done anything to you or anyone else yet. And why are these bees flying around me when I don't smell like flowers? Please make them stop! I promise that I won't be mean to anyone ever again. SS: Sorry, but I don't believe a word that you're saying. You're only saying that in hopes that I would leave you alone but you and I both know that you will go back to your old ways.
SS: Okay Tammy, now for the next surprise from me to you. Hope you like your new lifestyle as a creature of the night... >:) Tammy: Please don't this to me. I've already promised that I wouldn't be mean to anyone ever again. SS: Your word isn't good enough for me, so suffer the consequences.
Tammy: You're just a little piece of garbage for doing this to me... :s
Tammy: Now I feel like going out and digging through the garbage cans. What has gotten into me?
I like to introduce the newest member of the werewolf pack:
Okay part 1 one is done, now onto part 2 of torturing Tammy.
SS: Oh Tammy, what's that on the wall behind you?
SS: OMG Tammy, you are so dense to fall for that old trick! Tammy: OH NO, Not that evil ugly voodoo doll again! Why are you are doing this to me? I've already given you my word that I will be nicer to everyone. SS: Sorry but it's too late for you now.
Tammy, part 2 is done. Now it's time for part 3 of my evil plan... >:)
SS: OH Tammy, I'm not done with you just yet. Are you ready for that "Curse" again? Tammy: Why are you harassing me for? I haven't done anything to you this semester. I'm sorry for insulting you and others last semester but I won't do it this semester. SS: Too late for you to apologize now.
Tammy: OH NO, not that dreaded curse again. It made me stinky and gross that last 2 times that you threw that curse on me... :s SS: Well that's just too bad now, isn't it?
Tammy: Great, now I'm all green again. How dare you turn me into a zombie yet again? SS: Because you deserve everything that you get that is all bad.
Tammy: I don't deserve this. Can you please reverse this curse off of me? SS: No Tammy, I will not reverse anything off of you. You must live with yourself now.
SS: Oh Tammy, I just discovered that I have a new thing that I can do with this voodoo doll. Want to see what I can do with it now? Tammy: Please, no more of this. I said that I was sorry and I mean it.
Tammy: OH NO, what's happening to me now? SS: The new spell that I can do on the voodoo doll is a transformation spell. You are turning into a werewolf. Tammy: A were, werewolf you say? NOOOOOO, the pain of this transformation is just too much to bear. Make it stop, PLEASE!
Tammy: Now look what you done to me. I'm a hairy creature now. How will I ever got myself a boyfriend? No one will ever look at me that same ever again. Everyone will be afraid of me now and I can't have that, now can I? SS: People were already afraid of you and your insults, so it shouldn't matter to you now.
SS thinking to herself: OMG, she is scary looking being all hairy and having those big huge fangs. OH MY!
Tammy looking at the sim god: Oh why oh why did you let Lisa do this to me? I haven't done anything to anyone, so why do I deserve this? Me: Because you are so mean-spirited that I needed to teach you a lesson in humility.
So after Tammy's initial shock of transforming into a werewolf, she turned around to talk to me. She thinks that I'm okay now. So maybe she learned her lesson but we shall see if she did or didn't.
Tammy: I hate to admit this but I love to read comic books. I've never told anyone this as I don't want people to think that I'm a nerd (lvl3) or something because nerds are so geeky and I'm not a geek. So you better not tell anyone about this. Okay? SS: Okay Tammy, you're secret is safe with me... B)
SS: Hey Tammy, want to hear a joke? Tammy: Sure, I'll like to hear it... :) SS: Okay it goes like this:
Tammy: OMG, that is just too funny... :p
Tammy: You have me rolling around on the floor just laughing my butt off. You are too funny, Lisa! SS: Well thank you Tammy, you're not so bad yourself... :)
Tammy: I'm just kidding, you're not okay and you're not funny. You got that lame joke out of a freaking joke book and I didn't really find that really funny. You and your lame jokes!
SS: Well I never been so insulted in my life for my jokes. Others have found my jokes to be hilarious and they find me fun to hang around with. Well that just proves my point that I knew that you would go back to your old ways and not keep your promise to be more nicer to others.
Tammy: Well I need to go and insult others now. So I think Derek will be my next victim and there isn't anything that you can do to stop me. Derek: Okay, what did I ever do to you that you think that you need to insult me?
Tammy: You are so brainless and clueless. And you are nothing but a crazy jock who can't think for himself!
Tammy thinking to herself: She just better watch herself now. I will get my revenge on her when I get the chance. Oh you just wait and see. I am a creature of the night and I will hunt you down, so don't you ever use that evil ugly voodoo doll on me ever again.
Tammy thinking to herself again: So, I know your scent and I will follow you wherever you go. So you just better watch your back, you little witch! SS: Awww, ain't that so cute! I have a little puppy dog following me to my class... <3 (Tammy followed me to class as we were in a group because I was going to use the voodoo doll on her to make wet herself again for insulting my sim. So when my SS left for class, the group didn't break up)
Now it's time for me to take some notes in this class... :)
So while I was in class, Jeffery Dean and Billy Jean Sparks was chatting it up out in the main hall... :)
While Brian and Walter Fullman was smooching it up. Now why the heck is Brian kissing on some other dude when he's suppose to be all interested in me?
So while I was in class, Tammy goes upstairs to the activities room to make herself a drink. I guess she can't deal with being a werewolf and needs a drink or 2 to drown out her sorrows.
Now why she has an image of Brian on her mind, I do not know. Hopefully she won't go and insult him or harm him just to get back at me.
It would seem as he knows that she's on her way to talk to them about something unless she wants to insult them about something.
SS thinking to herself: Really dude? You really think that I want to smell your stinky armpit? Well guess what? I don't! So please put your arm down!
Walter said something that was funny as they all had a laugh or 2.
Brian: You think you're going to graduate looking like that?
I thought that maybe he was going to wait for me to get done with this lecture but it would seem that he was on his way to use the science machine.
Now I'm on my way back to the dorm and yup, that is Tammy following behind me. Tammy the little puppy
Oh I have some mail in the mailbox. Let me see who it's from. It's from Brian... <3
Now I'm off to find out where Ye Gangnam lives as she's been trying to put the moves on Brian but he hasn't given her his heart. I just hope that he isn't messing around with other people.
Well, this is the house that she lives in while here at the University. So let's see if she is home so that I can give her a little piece of my mind and a surprise to her.
SS: Hello. I'm Lisa and I'm looking for Ye Gangnam. Is she here? Ashley Desorrento: Hello Lisa, I'm Ashley and it's a pleasure to meet you. No, Ye isn't here at the moment. I think she might be out getting something to eat at the moment. Would you like to come in and wait around for her? SS: Thanks for the invite but I have a bonfire party to attend at the dorm of Harold Assange. I'll try back later. Bye and it was nice meeting you too.
So I arrive at the bonfire party that Harold had invited me to but he wasn't here. So I go around back to the juice bar and fix me a drink... :)
And yes, I changed into my swimwear for a bonfire. It's a bonfire, not a pool party simself... :s
So I head over to the bonfire to warm up some. Ashley DeSorrento and Mika Moore was also at the party... :)
So one of girls throw this vial into the bonfire and it made everyone around it stinky. So I went and threw one into to it myself... :) (Just the love the look on my SS face after she pulled that out of thin
EWWWW, it smells like rotten eggs over here now... :s
So I saw Jeffery Dean out on the back porch, so I went over to reintroduce myself since the last time I met him, he had the skunky ale breathe and it made me feel sick to my stomach.
Well since you're hungry Jeffery, I'll leave you be to go get something to eat before you pass out.
Well no wonder Harold isn't here, he's out on the town and want's to go on a date with me. SS: Hello, this is Lisa speaking. Oh, hello Harold. What a surprise that you called me. Oh, you want me to go on a date with you now? Sure, I would like to. Where do you want me to meet you at? Okay I will be there soon. See ya soon Harold... :)
SS: I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, they are yummy. I like both, the smooth and crunchy peanut butter... :)
SS: What's your favorite food, Harold? Harold: I love the fruit parfait. Any fruit will do for me. SS: I love fruit parfaits too. My favorite is strawberry parfaits... :)
SS: You like my silly face that I'm making? Harold: Yes. Is my silly face funny also? SS: Oh yes, it is funny. I'm so glad that I said yes to this date... :)
SS: I have a funny video that I want to show to you. Do you want to see it? Harold: Sure, I love watching funny videos.
Harold: Look I'm sorry that snubbed my nose up at you the first time that you tried to introduce yourself to me. I didn't mean to do that, I just thought that you being a little too forward or something like that. What I mean is, that since I'm rich and all, I've had women try to befriend me for my money. So I tend to be a bit cautious when someone that I don't know just comes right up to me to introduce themselves. I'm more of the type of guy that would rather go and introduce myself to the ladies. SS: It's okay Harold, you're forgiven. I understand where you're coming from. I know that there is a lot of gold digging women out there and all that just want themselves a rich guy but I'm nothing like that. I may not have a lot of money myself but I feel rich just for the things that I do have I life such as my health, good friends, and a place to live. Harold: Well I'm glad that you're not like what most women are and you're honest about it too. SS: You want to get out of here and go bowling or something? Harold: Sure, let's go bowling... :)
And of course the weather is still rainy here.
Oh look over there, a guitar. I've always wanted to try to play one. Now's my chance to try it. Harold thinking to himself: Either someone has some really bad body odor or she stinks at playing the guitar... :#
Harold: Okay Lisa it's your turn. I already tried out the alley and it seems to be a good one. You just never know when the floorboards will get warped and then it messes up your gameplay. SS: Well Thank you Harold. You're such a gentleman... :)
SS thinking it herself: I just hope that I don't drop this ball on my toes and embarrass myself.
SS: YES, I knocked down 6 pins... :)
Harold: Way to go Lisa. You're pretty good at this... :) SS: I used to be on a bowling league when I was younger. I think I was in the middle school before I became somewhat of a rebel in my high school days.
SS thinking to herself: Who bowls in just their swimwear and no shoes on? But I will say this, he is fine looking just like that though.
Harold: I think that I need someone to give me some tips on this game. I'm not as good as you are, Lisa. SS: Anytime that you want me to give you the tips just call me and we will meet up here so that you can practice your swing and how to line the ball up with the pins. Harold: Well it's getting late and this place is closing for the night, so let's part ways here and I will see you later. I had a great time with you Lisa. SS: I did too. Thank you for calling me up and asking for a date. See ya later Harold. Harold: See ya too Lisa.
Just a random shot of Tiffany Angles and Triberius Willard sleeping in the same bed. I guess they must had hooked up as a couple... :)
Off to practice my painting... :)
It's time for my next class. I hope this goes by pretty fast. At least it's stopped raining for the time being, so maybe I will be able to take in the sights today... :)
Oh wow, I didn't notice this strange looking totem pole here before. I wonder what this is? Maybe I will get a close look at it and go like this up on the internet.
Some random pictures of the Fall scenery while I was in class... :)
Some with the geese flying by... :)
So after class, I go off to the park near the beach for a little bit... :)
While I was there, I saw Carol Chen stalking over to the park... :)
I just hope that she's not stalking me as I haven't done anything to her yet.
So I'm off to the Science building to do a day job that I got off of the board. The day job is a organ donation job... :)
What I made after doing the day job... :)
So while I was there, Jeffery Dean was outside of the building probably going to class. A rear end shot of him just because... :smiley:
A shot of Tammy Parker just because... :)
So I got back to the dorm and looked at the board to see what dares that they have up there that I may want to try. So the dare that popped up was the Make-out with someone dare. So I called Brian up and invited him over since it's been about a day or 2 that haven't seen him. Plus I was missing him... :)
SS: Hello Brian! How are you doing? Brian: I'm doing fine. How about you? SS: I'm doing fine, I'm just missing you since I haven't seen you in a couple of day... :) I'm calling to see if you want to come over for a little bit and hangout with me. So will you come over and keep me company? Brian: Oh sure, I'll come over to see you. I've waiting for you to call me as I too have missed you. SS: Oh cool, can't wait to see you... :) I'm over at the Malan building... :) Brian: I know where that is. I'll be there shortly. I can't wait to see you again Lisa... :) SS: I can't wait to see you too Brian. See ya when you get here... :)
Just because... :) He actually looks excited to be coming for a visit... :)
SS thinking to herself: Okay I invite a guy over and all he's interested in is reading a book. I need to a stop to this and make my move if I want to get this dare done. Plus I've always wanted to kiss him anyhow. So why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone?
SS: Oh Brian, I got something that I need to get off of my chest over here, but I'm a bit nervous about it. Brian: You can tell me anything, I'm here to listen to whatever you need to tell me. I think that you're a strong person and you shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. Okay? SS: Okay!
And of course Tammy has to come in on our private conversation just to listen to the radio in this room. SS wanting to yell at Tammy but doesn't: Hey Tammy, there's plenty of enough radios in this dorm for you to go listen to. Why the heck do you want to use this radio for?
SS: Okay here goes nothing. Brian, I really like you a lot. I'm so glad that I met you last semester at the bowling alley. And I would like to take a chance on you and I getting together... :) Brian: Well I'm glad that you feel the same way that I do. I want us to take a chance at each other as I think that we would go together really good. I feel like you complete me and I complete you... :)
Brian: Come here for a hug, sweetie. SS: Okay, honey pie... :)
SS: That hug felt real good. I love hugging you... <3 Brian: The feeling mutual... <3
SSI've got another surprise for you Brian... :smiley: Brian: Oh what could it be?
SS: I've got you some red roses. I hope you like them... :) Brian: Not only do I like them, I love them because they are from you... :) Thank you sweetheart, you're so sweet... :blush: SS: oh shucks, you're welcome... :blush:
SS: You look a little tense at the moment. How about a back massage? Brian: Sure, that sounds good. It was a tense day in class today and I really could use this right now... :) SS: Turn around then and I will work my magic on you... :) Brian: OH YAY, that's the spot. That feels so good. I really appreciate you doing this. Oh, and your hands do work wonders on me... :blush:
SS: ummm, I got something else to tell you Brian! Brian: What is it? You can tell me... :) SS thinking to herself: I hope that he's doesn't break my heart. SS: This... :*
SS thinking to herself again: Whoa, not heartbreaking going on here now.
Brian: WOW, that was quite the surprise. I loved it... <3 SS: I was a bit nervous to do that as I didn't know if you would turn me down. Brian: Me turn you down? Never. I would never turn you down on anything. Do you understand? SS: Yes I understand. And I'm glad that you liked the surprise kiss... <3
Brian: My heart belongs to you now... :)
Brian: Come here sweetie for an embrace... :) SS: Sure, why not. I just love gazing in your eyes... :)
BrianDo you want to go and watch the sees with me? SS: Sure, I'll go watch the stars with you. I loved watching the stars with you the other night... :) Brian: I did too... :)
Brian: I'm sorry that I didn't bring something to put down on this wet ground. Are you going to be okay sitting here like that? SS: No need to be sorry, you didn't know how the night was going to turn out, now did you? And yes, I will be okay on the ground like this. Brian: I should had been prepared with a blanket or a tarp knowing that I wanted to watch the stars with you again. I need to remember to pack one the next time that we get together.
Brian: I really am enjoying myself out here with you... :) SS: I'm enjoying myself too with you out here... :)
SS: Oh look up there, that either looks like a shooting star or a UFO... ;) Brian: No silly, it's a shooting star and I hope that you made a wish on it. You do know that there's no such thing as UFO's or aliens, don't you? SS thinking to herself: If only you knew the truth about UFO's and aliens.
Brian: I got one thing to ask you. SS: You're got something ask me! What is it? Brian: hehehe, would you let me finish talking? SS: Yes, sorry that I interrupted you while you were talking to me. Brian: It's okay. I um, I want to know if you want to go steady with me? SS: Oh Brian, I would love to be your girlfriend. So yes, I would go with you... <3 Brian: OH thank goodness, I'm glad that you feel the same way as I do. Come here for another hug and kiss... :)
SS: I've never gone steady without anyone in my life, so this is a first for me. Brian: I can't believe that you've never gone steady with anyone before. I would had thought a young beautiful woman as yourself would had the guys begging to go out with you. SS: Well I do but I've turned them all down as they were all bad guys. But I will have to tell you later about myself and how I was back when I was younger or I should say when I was in high school.
Brian: I would most certainly like to hear about your younger days but it's getting late and I'm sleepy and as much as I would love to stay with you all night, I do have to get some rest for my class later. See ya later baby... :) SS: Well I'm glad that I called you tonight to come over and hang out for a little bit. Brian: I am too. Here's a little kiss from me to you... :) SS: Have sweet dreams tonight. Brian: Oh I will and you do the same.
I really need to write down on how I feel about Brian and mail it to him so that he doesn't forget... <3 <3
Yeah, yeah, yeah Ye, you really think that Brian wants you? Well guess what? He doesn't want you as he wants me, so stop with you trying to throw yourself at him all of the time.
WOW! Is there no one around that can fix the leaky sinks and showers and unclog and clean the nasty dirty toilets?... :s Well it's a good thing that my handiness skill is level 5, so I can fix them so that I can use them when I need to.
OMG, my roommates live like pigs and this place is a pig sty... :s
My next class is outside in the pouring rain. We get to draw in our sketch pad since this is art class.
So after class was over with, I went to check out the board to see what day job that they have listed for today... :)
Ok, I'm at the science building again today as today's day job is to round up the escaped monkeys and return them back to their cages in the lab. I didn't get a picture of the pop-up telling my how much she made from this job.
So while I was back at my dorm, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It was Jacob Salaman streaking while Sarah Mahoney and Justin Cronk are over by the pond playing chess.
It would seem as this night is a weird night as we have another streaker. This streaker is Holly Gabrielsun and she seems to think that she's going to use one of our beds to sleep in but can't gain entry into our dorm.
So since she couldn't get inside of our dorm, she runs into the back yard and then leaves. Hopefully she made her way on home to her own bed.
Well at least of my roommates has decided to go and mop up the puddle in the kitchen. But that's not going to stop the sink from leaking and the fix the dishwasher which is on the fritz.
Some of my roommates having a snack... :)
I'm off to Jeffery Dean's keg party but I can't stay too long as I need to get back to my dorm as I am throwing a keg party for one of my social group dares.
SS: Hello Brian. Thank you for coming to my keg party. I hope that you have a good time at it... :) Brian: Thank you for inviting me to your party. And I most certainly will have a great time here since you're here and had invited me... :)
SS: Here's a little kiss on the cheek for you Brian... :)
SS: Oh Brian, do you want to play some juice pong with me? Brian: Sure I will but be prepared to be the loser. SS: We shall see about that. Let the game begin... :)
SS thinking to herself: I know that I can do this and beat him in this game. Brian: Throw the ball already so that I can throw the ball and get it on your cup.
SS: YES, now drink up Brian...hehehe Brian: Okay okay okay but I will get you back for that. So you better grab that cup now as I will get this ball into a cup.
Brian: Yes, I told you to prepare yourself. I will beat you in this game. SS: Yeah, keep dreaming Brian, I've been practicing this game. So we shall see who the winner is going to be and that's not you... :p
SS: Drink up Brian. And I'm ahead in points in this game, so you better make your last shot count... :p Brian: Yeah yeah yeah, stop bragging because I am the king of juice pong and I will beat you.
SS: What were you saying about being the "King of juice pong"? Brian: Okay, you beat me but I will get you back the next time.
Harold warming his hands up at the bonfire.
Tammy, Derek and Harold.
Some random shots of the uni world... :)
A skeleton outside of the SimBurger place. It's also Spooky Day in the game.