Forum Discussion

mw1525's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

A Shifting Parameter Glitch?

What Does This Mean?

My current household consists of four Sims (x3 adults & x1 toddler).

My Sim was walking in the house towards her bedroom and tripped over nothing (no clumsy trait). She looked back at 'the nothing' and kept moving forward. Later that evening, another one of my Sims went to sit down in a dining room chair to read the paper (the chair sits near that bedroom), he began to complain he could not use the chair because something was blocking his path, although he was standing literally right next to it. The chair was near the spot where the previous Sim had tripped.

Next, I had my toddler playing with a toy in the bedroom all alone, all of the adults were in the next room. When I asked my Sims to care for her, none of the adults could interact with the child, all of their queues were getting instantly dropped. When I asked them to walk in the room where the toddler was they couldn't do it, but they didn't say anything was blocking their path. Once I had inched them closer to the door, they were able to enter but they still couldn't interact with her. I had the toddler stop playing with her toy and suddenly she was able to be interacted with.

Now here's the weird part. I thought maybe one or a couple of items had become corrupt, but none had. I also thought the toy was glitched but, there have been no problems with it either. My Sims are able to interact correctly with everything in the house. The dining room chair is usable, the room has no issues at its entrance and Sims can be called from other sections of the house to interact with items within the room with no issues. Was this the premier of a bigger glitch to come? Or, is my entire household actually corrupting? I really don't know what to make of a localized floating malfunction. I'd like to think this was a random issue and the game 'repaired' itself; but I know better.

Also, any advice on what to do when Sims can't interact with toddlers and 'resetSim' doesn't solve the issue? NRaas' MC resetting/rebuilding the household also didn't correct the Sims inability to interact with the toddler (at that time). I can lose the house and everything in it if needed, just not my family.
  • Have you checked the lot for abandoned social jigs? MC Resets won't fix those. On the ground of the lot or its map tag, NRaas > MC > Object Stats > Non-Inventory > (look for anything with the word "jig" in the name and select to Flush).

    Or use the older trick of retreating to Edit Town, evict the household to the side of the screen, copy the uninhabited lot down to the bin, bulldoze the original, replace it with a copy, and move everyone back in. Jigs typically cannot withstand such a reset. If that somehow makes things worse, then quit without saving.
  • mw1525's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    @igazor - Thanks. No, I hadn't looked for jigs. I'll do that. Any advice on how to bring back interactions on Sims when they suddenly stop working? Outside of making needs static for my toddler or force aging her to a child, I don't know what else I could have done.
  • I thought I was answering that question with the jigs theory.
  • mw1525's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    @igazor - Sorry, my misunderstanding. I thought jigs only applied to objects in the game as something which was physically generated or left behind in the environment, not to the Sims themselves. I had no idea they could break or disrupt a Sims ability to interact with each other. BTW, no jigs appeared in the listing for this household. Thanks for helping, if it should happen again I'll keep these steps in mind.