Forum Discussion

brandontaylor615's avatar
Rising Traveler
4 years ago


This story will revolve around aspiring chef, Christian Steel, and his wife Emily (Jones) Steel as they interact with Sunset Valley's original townies. Christian is just Christopher Steel with some edits while Emily is a Sim from the bin that I made over. They will be expecting their first child when the story starts as well as trying to build the foundations of a successful lineage. I will post the first update as soon as I get things ready and play it.
  • Steel Family Update, Day 1 of Generation 1
    Meet Christian and Emily Steel of Sunset Valley. These two have been married for just over a year and are expecting their very first child. Christian isn't worried whether they have a boy or a girl, he just can't wait to be a father. Christian just recently graduated from Sims University with a degree in the Fine Arts with a specialty towards the culinary arts. Emily is younger than Christian and only graduated high school shortly before they were married but she wants to be one of the most famous painters in Simerica. This is them in front of their brand new house. They upgraded the appliances, put in a shower, and converted the second bedroom into a nursery.
    While Emily went inside to make sure the house was remodeled correctly, Christian decided to upload his resume to get a job.
    Christian: Really? I can't apply to the Bistro? I was valedictorian of my freaking class! Oh well, guess the diner will just have to do.
    Once he was finished with his application, he immediately got a text from the boss, Emma Hatch, saying he got the job. Because he knew he'd need to know a lot of recipes, he decided to sit down and read some of his recipe books.
    Emily wanted to get better at her magic so she started casting some spells.
    Emily: If I want to learn the best spells, I'm going to need the practice.
    After an hour or two of spellcasting, Emily decided to work on some paintings she could sell after the birth of her baby.
    Both of the Steels were busy when the doorbell rang. A woman with dark hair was standing at the door with a man in a beanie.
    Zelda: Hi, I'm Iliana Langerak and he is Cycl0n3 Sw0rd. We're part of the welcoming committee of Sunset Valley and we got a notice that you two just moved into town.
    Emily: (giving Iliana a handshake) It's nice to meet you Iliana, and you too, Cycl0n3. My name is Emily Steel and my husband is Christian.
    Emily chatted with both Iliana and Cycl0n3, learning their relationship status and zodiac signs. By the time the two had left, Emily felt like one of them could become a friend.
    Meanwhile, Christian decided to call up his new boss and chat with her a bit. He thought that if Emma got to chat with him, it may help his career.
    It was a nice sunny day so Christian asked Emily if she wanted to check out the big park in town.
    Emily: Sure, that sounds nice. We won't have as much time for that once the baby is born and you start work.
    Christian called a taxi as they didn't have a car and Emily couldn't ride a bike while she was pregnant. He decided he wanted to go fishing but Emily wanted to try out the chess table so they decided they'd let each other do their own thing for a bit.
    However, Christian noticed that his boss was also at the park so he ran over to chat with her.
    Christian: Hello, Emma. I'm Christian Steel, your new employee. We spoke over the phone earlier.
    Emma: Well, hi! I didn't expect to meet you in person until tomorrow! It's nice to meet you, we really need the help. Our current chef, Jared, seems to call in a lot and the customers don't really like him. They only tolerate him because he is a good cook.
    Christian: You don't have to worry about me being like that, I hardly ever call in to work unless I have a really good reason.
    Emma: That's good to know. Anyway, I can't chat long but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Bye!
    After a while, Christian and Emily were starting to get hungry so Christian decided to grill some fish and chips for them to enjoy. For some reason, Vita Alto stared at him for a while, either she thinks he is good looking or she wants to fight him.
    Once they were finished, Christian walked around the park while Emily decided to tell a joke to Iliana's husband, Dustin Langerak.
    Emily: Did you hear about the guy who cut off the left side of his body?
    Dustin: No, I haven't.
    Emily: Yeah, he's all right.
    It took Dustin a second to get it but then he started laughing.
    Dustin: That is one funny joke, lady. Thanks for sharing.

    Soon after telling the joke, a rain and hail storm started so the Steel's decided to call it a night. As they got into bed, they gave each other a kiss goodnight and then went to bed.

    ***There's the first update. I've got my lifespan on a normal one but I am only turning aging on after two seasons. This way, all the Sims can live longer and hopefully there will be some townies having children soon.
  • @Brandontaylor
    Looking forward to this, nice to be here from the beginning this time.
    A chef and a painter – nice combo, as she will be able to work from home.
    lubricate the boss – will most often kickstart a career, smart man that Mr. Steel.
  • First update has been changed slightly due to the old save not working properly. I had to do some things to my computer and somehow it messed up the save. I played the day about as close as I could get but had to make a few small changes.
  • @Tamijo Thanks for the comments!
    Yep, and one parent will always be home with whatever children they have.
    Yeah, I just wish he could have chatted with Emma longer. It wasn't enough to raise their relationship with each other.
  • Had to do a reinstall of the game but will be back with this story. A few things have changed in plans, but I’ll explain later.

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