5 years ago
Advice needed on pic stories
I've been scanning this site for a couple of days, and it appears the Stories and Legacies Index thing is growing cobwebs and clicking it leads to a dead end. I know some people use Wordpress, and at least @SiliClone used Webtoons to pretty darned AMAZING effect as a full comic, so impressive I wish I knew what I needed in order to produce pages like that...photoshop? Something else?
I did use Imgur as a place to start storing my screenshots, but you can't exactly use it to write stories using the pics, right? Is Wordpress the only real option? I kind of hate the look of it: images are too small for any level of detail, and all that white is just nasty. But I don't want to pay for something either, because it's not like this is going to pay for itself.
And what's the easiest way to convert screenshots to a usable format like .jpg, or do you even need to do that for most hosting sites?
Any advice from someone currently doing picture-intensive simlit would be appreciated.
I did use Imgur as a place to start storing my screenshots, but you can't exactly use it to write stories using the pics, right? Is Wordpress the only real option? I kind of hate the look of it: images are too small for any level of detail, and all that white is just nasty. But I don't want to pay for something either, because it's not like this is going to pay for itself.
And what's the easiest way to convert screenshots to a usable format like .jpg, or do you even need to do that for most hosting sites?
Any advice from someone currently doing picture-intensive simlit would be appreciated.