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ImDragone's avatar
4 years ago

Attempting To Reflect RL In Sims 3 Is A Nightmare

So, I used to make it 3 days per season, and 12 days per year. Then, they had realistic lifespans, where they'd be in their eighties when dying of old age, unless they had good habits that extended their lives.

But, I experienced that having a holiday around every 3 days, caused there to commonly be weeks where they were barely in school or work for 3 days out of 7. They couldn't pay their bills. And, the kids weren't really getting educated RP-wise. It was insane how much they used the seasonal holidays to get out of school or work. And, I couldn't make them go in when the school, or their boss said to take the holiday off.

So, I just worked out another aging system that's realistic that extended the years to make them in school more of each week, putting more days between holidays. Problem now is that they're lucky to live to their 57th birthday. And, I want to use this, because I can't stand them missing work 4 days out of most every 7. And, I know if I use this, my older family members are going to get mad at me, rightfully.


I haven't even looked at how unrealistic the aging is in Sims 4 yet.

I might have to just stop touching Sims 3 because it's such a nightmare.

I really wished Sims had realistic lifespans, and time passing.

The reworking is 8 days per season, instead of 3, making it so there can be a lunar passing every season. (I can't stand having a full moon every 2 days. Some sims refuse to sleep during full moons, and other weird behaviors over it.)

7 Replies

  • If they ever give us custom lifespans, aging, and year lengths in Sims 4, I hope they'll give us typing in the number of days instead of a slider that jumps over perfect numbers to recreate real life. And, I hope they don't cut our sims lives so extremely short if we opt for longer years.

    Really, the aging should be realistic, and scale up and down by the year length.
  • I finally looked at Sims 4 aging.
    It's ruined Sims 4.
    They only live 25-32 years in Sims 4.

    So, now, I have to pick Sims 3, because I don't want to die at 31.

    Why is the aging, and time-passing in Sims games such nightmares? :(

    This explains why my mother prefers Sims 3, and complains about 4. She's in her mid-fifties, and Sims 4 doesn't even live to my 35 years.
    So, I'll be joining her in preferring 3, just because I don't want to die of old age in my early thirties.
    I'm going to miss how awesome 4 is in everything else. T_T
  • This is gonna be a helluva long lifespan if you want your sims to live a "full lifetime".

    Sim Lifetimes

    28 days per season = 112 days per year.

    Baby - 112 days (0-1yr old)
    Toddler - 448 days (1-5yrs old)
    Child - 784 days (5-12 yrs old)
    Teen - 672 days (12-18 yrs old)
    Young Adult - 2,240 days (18-38 yrs old)
    Adult - 3,024 days (38-65 yrs old)
    Elder - 2,016 days (65-death (83) yrs old) (adjust as necessary)

    Total Lifetime Days = 9,296 days

    Then you're going to have to adjust pregnancy to 84 days to signify 9 month gestation.

    Better be prepared for a "stick-to-it" manner of play-style if you want to run a game through this kind of length of realistic lifespan.

    Me, I can't get through three days of diaper changes and squalling infant before using cake to age-them-up. Wanna know why?

    I went through raising three kids in real life through that (infancy) stage of life, diapers, throw-ups, getting peed on (one of them is now a high-school graduate (out of school now an year), the other graduates this year and my 12 year old daughter enters high-school in 2023. I have no desire to simulate getting peed on, spat-up on and changing poopy diapers in sim-life for that long of time.
  • In Sims 3 & 4 I disable ageing and do it my way.

    Sims 2 do I leave the ageing on.

    Sims 3 I get an issue where the Sims outside the active household age quicker. This may because I play rotational (?) ??‍♂️ but the easiest thing was to turn it off.

    Sims 4 I haven’t enabled ageing as I got used to switching it off in 3. I make the Sims the age I want and they just go in the pool when it’s time to go. ??

  • "ncisGibbs02;c-18046354" wrote:
    Sims 4 I haven’t enabled ageing as I got used to switching it off in 3. I make the Sims the age I want and they just go in the pool when it’s time to go. ??

    Yeah, I'm not gonna ask what that meant. Sometimes it's just better not to know.
  • I actually don't like Seasons so much for this reason, it is just to stressful.... Most of time this EP is not enabled in my game/launcher.

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