Forum Discussion

mw1525's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 years ago

Autonomously Correct

Here's an event which happened in my game a couple of nights ago and I thought I would share it because it seems to point to a potential in advancement of my NPCs emulations. It involves a babysitter who has shown a desire to actively 'live' the role. And, has performed an action which (as far as I know) is not in their coding.

My Sim household consists of:
x2 Young Adults
x2 children
x1 Toddler
(and now) x1 infant

Here's what happened:

My pregnant Sim's baby decided to make an appearance around 4am while the household was asleep (except for the toddler). I had her husband take her to the hospital so she could deliver the baby there. Since there were no other adults living in the home, I had to 'call a babysitter' to come keep watch over the children while their parents were away. I stayed with the parents the entire time and was unaware of when the babysitter had arrived or who was sent.

All went well and around 5am, the new parents were on their way home with their new baby girl. Around this time, back at home, the children had awakened and were hungry. They both had decided they were going to have an ice cream cone for breakfast, which I promptly canceled because there was a plate of french toast in the fridge. It was my intention after I had sat out the french toast, to see who the game had sent to babysit my kids so I could get a 'feel' for them.

As my Sims returned home,

imagine how surprised I was when I found the babysitter standing in the kitchen in front of two bowls of freshly placed cereal (one for each hungry child) which she had obviously put on the counter for them to get.

Now, as far as I know (and have seen), babysitters don't go into your Sim's fridge unless 'they' themselves are hungry. And, they most certainly do not serve or sit food out for hungry children to eat. Yet, this is what this Sim did.

According to the picture I took, this Sim clearly isn't hungry, she is more interested in reading her book. Her body is positioned directly in front of the cereal bowls, her distance from the counter and the position of the book, tells me she had just sat the last bowl down, took a step back so she could pull her book out of her inventory, when I came along and took the screenshot.

Unless there is hidden code in the base game which allows for this type of behavior from an NPC, I can only conclude that my NPC Sims (like my townies) are advancing. The only mods I have installed are NRaas' overwatch, error trap and master controller, and none of those mods will alter a Sims behavior.

When I return to that game, I am most definitely going to have my Sims develop a relationship with that sitter!