Forum Discussion

koichikore's avatar
11 years ago

Boarding School Challenge

Starting Information.
1. The boarding school can contain toddlers.
2. The boarding school must have teenagers and children.
3. The boarding school must have four floors or more.
4. The boarding school must be extremely large so you can fit dormitories and class rooms.
5. The rooms must be furnished completely and have bookcases in each room.
6. Ignore the school bus, it is a boarding school.
7. Families staying is optional.
8. You can use motherlode.
9. A pool and outdoor garden is optional. (See staff members for pool and garden)
10. The boarding school playground is optional.

Important Information

1. The students can come with families. If not, use adoption.
2. You must have 5 students or more to start classes.
3. There must be a time table per student age. (See Help for starter time table)
4. The staff must be ready to teach at all times.
5. The DayCare staff members do not have the day care profession.
6. The Perfect Pupil teenagers must collect the toddlers and bring them to the nursery.
7. Add a burglar alarm and use motherlodes.
8. The students can not slack, the teachers can not slack.
9. The dormitories are not the tardis. They must be big.
10. No celebrities or supernatural beings.

The Head.
The Head Secretary.
The Teachers.
The DayCare Teachers.
The Lunch People/ The GENIES/ The Food Sytheniser.
The Supervisors.
The Student Teachers.
The Extra Teachers.
The Nurses and Doctors.
The Cleaners.
The toilet cleaners.

*The Starter Time Table Below.

(Early Class Time Table below)
8:00 Wake up. /8:30 Breakfast /8:45 Class One/ 9:30 Class Two/ 10:00 Study Break/
10:30 Play Time/10:55 Class Three/12:00 Lunch and Lunch Break/ 1:00 Class Four/
1:30 Class Five/ 1:45 Study Time/ 2:00 Fifteen Minute Break/2:15 Class Six/ 2:30 Dinner/2:45 After Clubs Start and Daycare ends (See After Clubs Time Table)/ 6:00 Wash Time/ 6:30 Snacks/6:45 Reading and Studying/ 7:00 Home Work Hours/ 8:00 Child Sleep/ 8:30 Teenager Home Work Hours/ 9:00 Teenager Sleep./ 10:00 Staff Sleep. :mrgreen:

* After School Time Table
2:50 Swimming Class/ 3:50 Gardening Class/4:20 Painting Class/ 4:40 Teenager Culinary
5:30 Handy Class/5:50 Music Class/ Return To Dormitory/ 6:30 Driving Test

*Early Class Time Table
4:00 Wake Up/4:20 Extra Culinary Class and FOOD/4:40 Starter Child Handy Class/ 5:00 Starter Child Culinary Class/5:30 Starter Athletic Class/6:00 Bake Sale Practice/
6:30 Patrol Times/ 7:00 Carrying Toddlers To DayCare/ 7:30 Naps/ 8:00 Begin Day.

*WARNING: Every student must do at least two after school and early clubs. The best teenagers do Patrol and Carrying Toddlers to DayCare. The swimming club teacher must be good at swimming. Thank you for reading this warning.*

Weekend Time Table

(Usual Get Up and Breakfast thing) 8:45 Summer Sports Athletic Class/ 9:30 Break/ 10:30 Winter Sports Athletic Class/ 11:00 Festival Trip/11:45 Return Back/ 12:00 Lunch and Lunch Break/ 2:00 Video Games! (Technophobes go to Playground/3:00 Visit Daycare/ 3:15 Dinner/ 3:35 Outdoor time/ 5:00 Watching TV and other entertainment/ 6:00 Wash/ 6:45 Feast/ 7:30 Art Showcase/ 7:45 Dormitories/ 8:00 Toddlers go to sleep/ 8:30 Children have sleepover in Hall 2/ 9:30 Teenagers have sleepover in Hall A/10:00 Staff Sleep

*Extra Homework* *Write Lines* *Do not go outside* *Take over DayCare* *Go to Head*
*Help Toilet Cleaner* *Miss out on the weekend time table*

If you want more help, check my next posts!
  • Extra Help:

    Teenage sims can miss studying times to go and have the science/potion rack lessons.
    All toddler students can have an imaginary friend thingy to use when they age up to be teenager.
    There is a staff room where the staff sleep.

    Like Harry Potter? BONUS BELOW:
    Students can be sorted into houses!
    Students can take broom, alchemy and magic lessons.
    Full moon is off:(
    You can have pets (No dogs, you can have a thestral or a cat!)
    No post on sundays!

    Like Twilight?
    NO WEREWOLVES OR VAMPIRES. The vampires sparkle too much and werewolves spread diseases. You have just been told.

    Like the ring?
    Tough, sims can not come out of wells and scare the joby out of other sims.
