13 years ago
Bonehilda Anomaly
(Aside from some custom clothes and hairs, recently installed expansion packs, and ResetSims * I have used NO cheats or other mods in my game)
*Update 1# included at bottom*
This is a weird story that I've been keeping my friends & family in the loop about my Bonehilda maid, and so far none of them has had this happen.
I had Bonehilda as a maid in my sims first house for a while, she was great! One of my sims had a daycare job and Bonehilda actually did 99% of the work taking care of all the kids - and they adored her.
Everything was fine till' I decided to downsize my home, I moved my family to the clipboard, demolished the house, and started from scratch - same lot, just empty space.
One of the first things I did was get a new Bonehilda maid, and everything was great again. I was a little sad because my first Bonehilda had a black dress, this new one had red. Then I started noticing weird things...
Something would open a door or pick up one of the babies, but no one was there. Infact whatever picked up the baby, also made the baby disappear until' someone else came around and picked it back up.
So I selected my baby and watched and waited, then a Bonehilda action popped up, I thought nothing of it, till' the baby was lifted up in the air again and vanished. It was confusing but it seemed harmless enough, the ghost of my previous Bonehilda loved the family so much, she stayed even after everything was demolished.
The next time I loaded my game, she actually appeared and I had 2 bonehildas walking around taking care of my kids and house. One black dressed, one red - I just thought myself lucky and went about everything as usual. Then things got weird..er..
Going about another day, I notice dirty dishes piling up (I got 8 sims rooming in the same house) and stuffs not getting cleaned. So I'm wondering where my Bonehildas are. Now I've actually had one of my Bonehildas leave the lot before and go god-knows-where, but she usually comes back home. But days went by and I hadn't seen her, her coffin displayed the 'Dismiss' bubble so I knew she was still active somewhere.
Then one of my sims gets a call, "Bonehilda would like to know if you would like to go on a date?" and I'm thinking 'What??!' So of course I say yes, and watch my sim go off to the local bar. He stops and starts talking to this blackhaired lady by the bar, who I didn't recognize (I got a small town), so I scrolled over her and it said "Bonehilda".
At this point I'm dumbfounded, Bonehilda is human! I was actually happy for her, I was feeling sad that everyone in the house loved her but she wasn't gaining any relationship with anyone. But later I noticed, even human, she still wasn't gaining any.
Then the problems began. I noticed she wasn't moving from that spot at the bar, like she was stuck. I mean she was still chatting and doing her idle animations, (infact now that I think about it, I wonder if she even needed food or sleep). I just thought it sucked she was stuck there but I went about my sims lives.
So another day (this is turning into novel) my sims visit the park, and who do we see skating on the ice? Human Bonehilda! I'm thrilled she's not stuck at the bar anymore, and she's free to roam and live her new life, but I would soon realize the cost of that life (dun dun dun)...
So another of my sims gets a call, Bonehilda wants a date, I say sure and he goes off and I pay them no mind. Few days pass by and one of my sims is turning red (I only control one sim and I let the others free-range, but they do very well on their own) So I go and check on him and he's stuck in a spot at the park, won't move from it, won't go home, just cries and stinks.
I try doing a ResetSims and it sends him home, but he's still unmoving. I had to go to Edit Town, remove him from the house and put him back in to fix him. I thought it really weird but I figured my world I made was just buggy or something, everything was fine now and I stopped caring. Till' Bonehilda calls another sim out for another date...
They go out on their date and I'm working on my sims alchemy. Once it starts rolling into the AM, and everyone is sleeping, I realize my bills haven't been paid. So I scroll down my sims to see who's still awake, the only one was the person who went out on the date. I double click him to see where he's at, and their at a nearby bookstore making a snowman... Well, she was, he was just standing there, not moving from his spot, crying and stinking, and then it dawned on me...
Who was the first person I noticed being stuck?
Who was the last person these guys were with?
So here I am now, thinking about what I'm going to have to do. I've kept my friends & family in the loop about my unusual but special Bonehilda maid. The bone maid who took life into her own hands. She was an unliving but loving bone maid who couldn't have any relationships, any children, and now as a human, she's killing the very sims she cares most about.
Here soon I am going to invite her over for a swimming party, it's the quickest and most painless way I can think of (I save the fire-chamber for the Papparazis). She'll have a place in my sims graveyard, and she'll always have a place in my heart.
So I sat and waited for Bonehilda to call up for a date, I didn't have to wait long. The first sim she invited over to the scrap yard, creepily enough. My plan was to group with her and get her back home ASAP. But the moment he spoke to her, he was frozen. And mere moments later she called another of my sims.
This time they met at the neighboring fire depot. Same occurance, she struck first and fast and he was also frozen into place. Then another of my sims gets call, from the OTHER bonehilda, they meet together at the park, and he suffers the same fate as his two friends.
At this point I'm worried, their working together and their assimilating my sims one by one, and I don't even know if it's only my sims they'll affect.
As I'm sitting trying to think of a new plan, the first, and elderly-ist sim, is somehow moving again at the scrapyard, and I see he's still part of the group. I hurry him back home with the group and the first bonehilda tags along. Then it was just a matter of setting up the pool trap.
This time I recorded these events and uploaded them to youtube.
*Update 1# included at bottom*
This is a weird story that I've been keeping my friends & family in the loop about my Bonehilda maid, and so far none of them has had this happen.
I had Bonehilda as a maid in my sims first house for a while, she was great! One of my sims had a daycare job and Bonehilda actually did 99% of the work taking care of all the kids - and they adored her.
Everything was fine till' I decided to downsize my home, I moved my family to the clipboard, demolished the house, and started from scratch - same lot, just empty space.
One of the first things I did was get a new Bonehilda maid, and everything was great again. I was a little sad because my first Bonehilda had a black dress, this new one had red. Then I started noticing weird things...
Something would open a door or pick up one of the babies, but no one was there. Infact whatever picked up the baby, also made the baby disappear until' someone else came around and picked it back up.
So I selected my baby and watched and waited, then a Bonehilda action popped up, I thought nothing of it, till' the baby was lifted up in the air again and vanished. It was confusing but it seemed harmless enough, the ghost of my previous Bonehilda loved the family so much, she stayed even after everything was demolished.
The next time I loaded my game, she actually appeared and I had 2 bonehildas walking around taking care of my kids and house. One black dressed, one red - I just thought myself lucky and went about everything as usual. Then things got weird..er..
Going about another day, I notice dirty dishes piling up (I got 8 sims rooming in the same house) and stuffs not getting cleaned. So I'm wondering where my Bonehildas are. Now I've actually had one of my Bonehildas leave the lot before and go god-knows-where, but she usually comes back home. But days went by and I hadn't seen her, her coffin displayed the 'Dismiss' bubble so I knew she was still active somewhere.
Then one of my sims gets a call, "Bonehilda would like to know if you would like to go on a date?" and I'm thinking 'What??!' So of course I say yes, and watch my sim go off to the local bar. He stops and starts talking to this blackhaired lady by the bar, who I didn't recognize (I got a small town), so I scrolled over her and it said "Bonehilda".
At this point I'm dumbfounded, Bonehilda is human! I was actually happy for her, I was feeling sad that everyone in the house loved her but she wasn't gaining any relationship with anyone. But later I noticed, even human, she still wasn't gaining any.
Then the problems began. I noticed she wasn't moving from that spot at the bar, like she was stuck. I mean she was still chatting and doing her idle animations, (infact now that I think about it, I wonder if she even needed food or sleep). I just thought it sucked she was stuck there but I went about my sims lives.
So another day (this is turning into novel) my sims visit the park, and who do we see skating on the ice? Human Bonehilda! I'm thrilled she's not stuck at the bar anymore, and she's free to roam and live her new life, but I would soon realize the cost of that life (dun dun dun)...
So another of my sims gets a call, Bonehilda wants a date, I say sure and he goes off and I pay them no mind. Few days pass by and one of my sims is turning red (I only control one sim and I let the others free-range, but they do very well on their own) So I go and check on him and he's stuck in a spot at the park, won't move from it, won't go home, just cries and stinks.
I try doing a ResetSims and it sends him home, but he's still unmoving. I had to go to Edit Town, remove him from the house and put him back in to fix him. I thought it really weird but I figured my world I made was just buggy or something, everything was fine now and I stopped caring. Till' Bonehilda calls another sim out for another date...
They go out on their date and I'm working on my sims alchemy. Once it starts rolling into the AM, and everyone is sleeping, I realize my bills haven't been paid. So I scroll down my sims to see who's still awake, the only one was the person who went out on the date. I double click him to see where he's at, and their at a nearby bookstore making a snowman... Well, she was, he was just standing there, not moving from his spot, crying and stinking, and then it dawned on me...
Who was the first person I noticed being stuck?
Who was the last person these guys were with?
So here I am now, thinking about what I'm going to have to do. I've kept my friends & family in the loop about my unusual but special Bonehilda maid. The bone maid who took life into her own hands. She was an unliving but loving bone maid who couldn't have any relationships, any children, and now as a human, she's killing the very sims she cares most about.
Here soon I am going to invite her over for a swimming party, it's the quickest and most painless way I can think of (I save the fire-chamber for the Papparazis). She'll have a place in my sims graveyard, and she'll always have a place in my heart.
So I sat and waited for Bonehilda to call up for a date, I didn't have to wait long. The first sim she invited over to the scrap yard, creepily enough. My plan was to group with her and get her back home ASAP. But the moment he spoke to her, he was frozen. And mere moments later she called another of my sims.
This time they met at the neighboring fire depot. Same occurance, she struck first and fast and he was also frozen into place. Then another of my sims gets call, from the OTHER bonehilda, they meet together at the park, and he suffers the same fate as his two friends.
At this point I'm worried, their working together and their assimilating my sims one by one, and I don't even know if it's only my sims they'll affect.
As I'm sitting trying to think of a new plan, the first, and elderly-ist sim, is somehow moving again at the scrapyard, and I see he's still part of the group. I hurry him back home with the group and the first bonehilda tags along. Then it was just a matter of setting up the pool trap.
This time I recorded these events and uploaded them to youtube.