"axel1015;c-17333668" wrote:
"igazor;c-17333625" wrote:
Hmm. The lag and stutter thing shouldn't be happening. Are you running the game at a resolution that is different from the default one for your laptop? Does changing the base resolution of your computer change things any?
If you can get the game to run in a more stable manner and without the performance issues, you may want to stay in windowed mode and use this tool to make it look like full screen. It has helped many players on Win 10 who get screen tears and worse in full screen even after their frame rates are stabilized.
So I went ahead and uninstalled my game and reinstalled it (Who knows, sometimes that helps) and still did the FPS things that you suggested - no dice, so I worked with some of my settings and things of that nature and windowed mode works fairly well! I get a steady 50-60fps which isn't bad at all, and the stutters and lag are no longer. To answer your question, yes I had it on the default resolution, however switching to the next one down did help some as well. I still have yet to add all my NRAAS mods (overwatch, error trap, etc...) so hopefully that will also lend to a smoother gameplay. I did try to download that Borderless Gaming program, but I get an error when I hit the download button...I will give it a shot tomorrow and once I get my game settled I will give an update. Maybe the screen tearing was because this computer has such high default resolution? I don't know lol! But I do appreciate your help and I will be giving you an update hopefully tomorrow so you can know what works in the event that someone else is in a similar position. Thank you so much again!
After countless hours and days being plagued by the horrid screen tearing, I think I finally found a (semi) satisfactory solution. This solution was in the setting of Scanline Sync on RTSS. Thanks to Igazor for introducing me to this amazing program, I was able to do some research and found that RTSS has a setting called "Scanline Sync" that allows you to basically get the same effects (affects, I dont know and it's 11:11 (make a wish!)PM and I had a long day at work so I don't care)) as vsync. I still don't completely understand the process, but the gist of it is that it is a way to hide the "scanline" below your resolution so that you don't see it while playing. It's VERY finnicky and difficult to get the sweet spot, and I still haven't gotten it to go away completely (it is a small sliver at the top of my screen that I barley notice unless I am paying attention to it). I know, I'm rambling. If none of this makes sense, see the links at the end of this message for the guides that I followed. Below is basically what I did:
**This only works in fullscreen mode**
Step 1: Download RTSS
Step 2: Go to your TS3.exe (or TS3W.exe depending on which game version you have)
Step 3. Right click, select "properties"
Step 4. Select "Compatability"
Step 5. Make sure "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" is ticked in the checkbox
Step 6. Select "Change high DPI Settings"
Step 7. Make sure "Override High DPI Scaling Behavior" is checked, with the dropdown menu saying "Application"
Step 8. Click Apply/Okay
Step 9. Open RTSS
Step 10. Do NOT enter anything in the FPS place. Make sure it says "0". When you have a value in scanline sync, your fps will automatically be set to 60 and will not go above it.
Step 11. Open your game
Step 12. Mess around (I would recommend by 10's) with the values of the Scanline Sync. You can go negative or positive. Mine works on -80. Ideally, you would want to keep doing this until the scanline goes off the screen and is no longer visible. You can do this WHILE the game is open. Simply tab out and switch to RTSS and/or hit the windows button to minimize the game.
Step 13. Once you find the sweet spot where the line goes away, you should be all set! You may notice a few initial lines/tearing spots when you first boot the game up, but after about 30 seconds, they'll go away and you should either only have the one that you can't get rid of like me, or none (if you have none then I have determined you are a witch)
Step 14. Enjoy!
**Note, Whenever you play your game, you MUST have RTSS running in the background for it to work.
Disclaimer: I am by NO MEANS an expert. This worked for me, and it may not work for you. If this messes up your computer or your game, that's on you. Take full responsibility when messing with your files. If I am doing something idiotic or completely wrong, please do let me know. I got this to work and wanted to share it in the event that another pathetic individual like myself is ripping their hair out with issues like this.
Links to the guides I followed:
As Igazor Said "(note that the real downloads are 2/3 of the way down the page; ignore any in the upper right corner that might appear if you have no adblocker)"
Gotta love The Sims 3! It's never easy with this game :(
Thanks again Igazor! You've been an INCREDIBLE help!!