5 years ago
Boroughsburg V2 - NYC-Brooklyn-Queens Urban World
Hi all, just reposting this from Tumblr!
Boroughsburg has been updated and improved! Boroughsburg is a mashup of DUMBO, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Long Island City, and Astoria- but is open enough that you can build whatever bit of New York City you want in it.
World Description
“Boroughsburg is an up-and-coming neighborhood in New York City that straddles the delicate line between working-class grittiness and rarefied hipsterdom. Enjoy spectacular views of Manhattan from the waterfront while live music, outdoor markets, and art shows brighten atmospheric cobblestone streets lined with old brick warehouses and trendy lofts.
Not your stuff? You could always go for gyros, pierogies or matzo ball soup at the local diners, get to know the old-timers, or just dance the night away.”
More images:
World Info
Expansions & Store Content
World Download
Boroughsburg has been updated and improved! Boroughsburg is a mashup of DUMBO, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Long Island City, and Astoria- but is open enough that you can build whatever bit of New York City you want in it.
World Description
“Boroughsburg is an up-and-coming neighborhood in New York City that straddles the delicate line between working-class grittiness and rarefied hipsterdom. Enjoy spectacular views of Manhattan from the waterfront while live music, outdoor markets, and art shows brighten atmospheric cobblestone streets lined with old brick warehouses and trendy lofts.
Not your stuff? You could always go for gyros, pierogies or matzo ball soup at the local diners, get to know the old-timers, or just dance the night away.”
More images:
World Info
- Boroughsburg is a medium city world, with a total of 73 lots.
- Nearly all lots are filled in, but some lots are left unbuilt at your discretion to fill in.
- The world also contains two dive lots, three docks, a base camp, and a homeworld university! Perfect for travellers!
- Lot assignment has been carefully selected to ensure that nearly all community lots are regularly populated.
- Uninhabited base world, but includes an inhabited & customized savegame. I highly recommend playing in the savegame first.
- Should run relatively smoothly on mid-high-tier computers. Created on Windows 7 | Processor Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz | Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 | RAM 32 GB
- Built on Patch level 1.67.
- Boroughsburg is a CC-heavy world (with most CC made specifically for the world)- keep this in mind!
- Installation instructions are included in the download folder. Please follow them carefully.
- All custom-made CC is included in several packages. You must install them or else all you’ll get is an empty black world!
Expansions & Store Content
- EP Requirements: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, and Into the Future.
- No Stuff Packs were used.
- Requires Riverview, the Rim Rockin’ Basketball Hoop & the Barrier to Entry System from the TS3 Store.
World Download
More world information and download >>> HERE