4 years ago
Can't Get Any New Adventures
I'm having an awful time. Regardless of which world I go to, I keep getting the same beginning quest over and over and over. It happened in France and how in China. I did a couple of minor quests, but now can't get anything except the beginning one or "ask so and so to shack up w/so and so. That's it! I've restarted my comp and cleared the cache from the game. I know that it's a known issue to some degree, but not to this degree. In France I think I must have done the baseball one from the burial mound 4 times and skipped a few other times. I think I got just shy of visa 3 on my first trip there just from 2 repeat adventures! That also has never, ever happened before. I know that I've not even scratched the surface of the technically available adventures. What should I do?
ETA: I did eventually get the Axe quest, but after many cancelled quests that I had done before.
ETA: I did eventually get the Axe quest, but after many cancelled quests that I had done before.