Forum Discussion

AHungryHobbit's avatar
15 years ago

Change Appearance and Plan Outfit reset Sim's Days Until Aging

Since installing WA using the mirror's "Change Appearance" or the dressers "Plan Outfit" resets my Sim's "Days Until Aging". Through my testing this affects all ages. The "Days Until Aging" is reset to a random starting value after exiting the mirror or dresser.
  • "steep;c-17616691" wrote:
    hey its been like 11 years, yall found a solution yet?

    The solution without mods is to not bring sims into CAS or any of its subsets like Change Appearance, Plan Outfit, or the Ambitions stylist station as those always stand to randomize the sims' ages within their current age stage. Granted that's not much of a solution, but one can always present an actively played sim with a birthday cake early to age them up to the next stage if this is desired.

    The solution with mods is to use the NRaas MasterController versions of these things instead of EA's. And with the MC Integration add-on module, the MC version of CAS and its subsets is extended across the in-game functions like the ones listed above so they won't mess with sims' ages either. :)

  • Mine does this also. Its really annoying! Hope you can find a solution because i've not been able to.