I'm tired so I am having trouble understanding exactly what you want to do. I am also supposed to be taking a break from the forum but it has been more than 24 hours and I can't see any answers to your question.
Many of the high rise buildings in LN are for decor only. If you are trying to edit Bridgeport by adding or removing these buildings then you may need CAW to do this. If this is what you are trying to do then you can ask how in the CAW section of Creative Tools here on the TS3 forum.
If you are trying to build your own appartment lots, then there is probably lots of instructions on how, here on the forum and also videos on youtube. You will need to make sure the lot marker is set to residential appartments. You will need to use the buydebug cheat to find the public and private room markers.
As far as I am aware there is no absolute limit on the number of lots. It all depends on the size of the world. What is true is the more detail you add to the world the bigger the save file becomes and the greater the chance of it crashing. You might find it useful to sit down with a piece of paper and work exactly how many lots you want and what kind of lots those should be. One of my worlds, which is medium sized, currently has 70 plus lots and I am still building more. So far no problems with saving (fingers and toes crossed).
Now I am going back to just reading.