When I'm building or (more often) dressing my sims, I often check color combinations from this site: https://www.canva.com/colors/color-palettes/ Then I copy the hex codes.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52831881861_51ff48a312_c.jpgScreenshot-51 by
Marcos Da Silva, no Flickr
In this living room, I used this combination: https://www.canva.com/colors/color-palettes/sunset-sightings/
The main couch is Fuchsia #A30052, the armchairs are black #26161F, the wood and the base of the lamp are Champagne #F9E9D0 and the lamp shade is Tiger Lily #DB8780.
I have more examples using clothes, though.
I also found this site: https://kaycan.com/news/what-siding-colors-are-trending-for-2022/
They have examples of the colors combinations for different colors of sidings.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52818140111_bb06cfb664_c.jpgScreenshot by
Marcos Da Silva, no Flickr
My recolor of the Greenwood's Eco Home is an example. I checked the favorite combinations for a siding color and copied the hex colors of the accents and trim, but I took a screenshot and used GIMP to find out the hex color. For their house I chose Ivory for the siding and the option with beige for the trim and cabot brown for the accents.