"igazor;c-16601086" wrote:
By the way, 16% for property tax seems really high (to me). I have castes set up to designate tax classes based on Net Worth so that the wealthier sims in each world pay higher tax rates than those on the lower end. It's different in each world because costs of living vary so much, but usually the most upper class maxes out at 4 or 5%. But then, I also impose an Income Tax (SP Money) of 5% on the middle classes and 10% on the upper so some of this evens out in the end anyway, provided the sims are actually earning income and not merely trying to live on "Old Money."
I just checked. I have my property taxes set at 12% (still high) and my income taxes at 16% - however, I do this because I have a lower, middle, upper, and "1%" class. The one percent are manly old money and the figures I gave are for that caste only. I do this because I use the familyfunds cheat on families I play to to bulk up their incomes based on their jobs. For example, people high up in the business career, or film stars make millions, etc. I wanted the game to be more realistic.
Other castes have %'s at 1, 2, % 3 percent depending. Upper classes pay around 6 or 7%.
However, the 1 percenters have such large/high value lots that the bills have gotten quite out of my control. The last round of bills for my current household were 232,000! I'll have to scale it back some.