Forum Discussion

ajaxpost's avatar
New Spectator
9 years ago

Dynasty Chronicles Legacy LP: Gen4 #38 (13 Jun 2019)

Hi all,

Some of you may recall that back in January 2012 (seven years ago!! :hushed: ) I started writing a legacy style story but after a while my updates started to get very infrequent and I sort of restarted it a couple of times.

Well ... having struggled again to keep the writing going I moved to a new medium which I am really enjoying and which should be a lot easier for me to maintain regular updates. :)

I am staying with the same family and continuing the story I had been writing but am now publishing it as a "Lets Play" series on YouTube

If you enjoy watching Lets Plays, or just want to see what I'm up to, I would love it if you would pay a visit and let me know what you think - I'm especially keen to get advice and suggestions on how to improve.

If you like to use Twitter, I now have an account linked to my Youtube channel! :) Please check out and follow at:

Generation 3 playlist: Dynasty Chronicles: Carl

Generation 4 playlist: Dynasty Chronicles: Debra