This isn't a commentary post but a question. I noticed there are no empty lots. Because of all the effects you have used I wasn't sure whether people can try to put lots down or if that should be avoided.
I can't leave a long comment on the world itself because I am testing another world for someone and slipped this in last night to get a look at it. "Exotic" is an understatement :lol:
I played so briefly, commenting is a little premature. I did come back to the Exchange and recommend it. It's definitely worth installing to see! I also installed 7 of the sims you created and played briefly with 4 of them and loved them. I think all, 44 isn't it, of them are going to end up installed in my game.
I did try playing inside the house that shimmers and it's impossible to stay in for long. The shimmer effect is so dense that you can't see the interior to have the sim do anything. I didn't look at it in buy/build more but feel sure that is a fog emitter effect. I haven't played around with the emitters. Can that effect be turned off, tuned down, something?