"emorrill;c-16975322" wrote:
Thanks everyone. :)
I remember now why I removed the last Lighting Mod I downloaded from BrntWaffles...I didn't like that the days lasted until 9pm. (Heck I don't even like the days being that long during the "Spring Forward" part of Daylight Savings Time - HATE DST with a passion! :rage: - so why would I have that going on in my sims game? :p )
I do see that with the Fresh Day Cut the later nights came with the 3.0 Version so if I download the 2.5 version maybe the night will show up at 6 or whenever it does??
@coco @starguru
Lol, I dislike DST in RL (more due to forced schedule change than anything else), but I do like having longer daylight hours in Sims.
But yeah, I would guess that if the longer days were added to FCD 3.0, then nighttime in 2.5 should be the default. If you like the mod otherwise or think you might, it's worth trying out.