tallcoolone wrote:
thx! I see alot of simmers with JCP clothes from the store that are in that set in their wishlists! :)
Sadly, even if you already have free set, individual items are not marked as already owned :roll: Hope everyone sees that it is for free :mrgreen:
hpsimgirl wrote:
Thank you so much for this info! I thought I had all of the freebies but had missed something. Thanks again!
You're surely welcome :mrgreen: I'm glad you found something new here :mrgreen:
RoseRidge wrote:
Another BIG THANK YOU. I too found an item I did not have and instructions for the JCP were definately helpful.
You're welcome too :mrgreen: I had some problems with that set too, so I'm glad that my tiny tutorial was helpful :mrgreen:
ChanC97 wrote:
I keep getting service unavailable for the sim social one too. Somehow that doesn't surprise me- considering all the problems the store had been having lately. :P
Thanks for letting me know this, ChanC97 :mrgreen: I just moved it to NO MORE AVAILABLE category :roll: I wish it will be fixed as soon as possible :roll:
mdmwhite wrote:
Wow! This is amazing. Everything looks very nice and neat and organized. I especially like that you have clickable pictures. Thanks so much for this!
Thank you very much for your opinion :mrgreen: I like the way it's right now too :mrgreen: It's easier to navigate and easier to find out which item you have / don't have :mrgreen:
IamSparticus81 wrote:
Hey. I didn't see the ford focus on your list.
Your post looks awsome. Thanks for doing this.
Oh my! It's my mistake :oops: Thank you very much for sharing this link with us :mrgreen: I just updated that post of the freebies :mrgreen:
I'm happy that you like it :mrgreen: Welcome :mrgreen:
wideawakeinaz wrote:
Thanks for this list! Truly appreciate it!
You're welcome :mrgreen:
Daelia wrote:
Also I was going to ask if there is a way to include like simpoint bundle items? I know I don't have Many of those but I do have a couple of the 20sp bundle freebies for example... I don't figure they're attainable like thaat anyway, just a thought. :D
Sorry, but it's impossible to get SimPoints bundle bonuses for free or even to buy :( I wish we could, but we don't :(