4 years ago
Friendly reminder : always read all information about a mod before installing
First off the issue is now fixed , but I recently went mod shopping and added like four one after the other( without reading the information about it first) . This borked my game a bit and it took me about a week to find which mod was causing the issue.
Out of curiosity I looked up the mod that I finally figured out was the issue and turns out I didn’t have the secondary mods to make it work. Thankfully I just lost the file I was playing for myself( and not too far in), so no harm no fowl.
So, anyone else have mod horror stories they’d like to share?
Out of curiosity I looked up the mod that I finally figured out was the issue and turns out I didn’t have the secondary mods to make it work. Thankfully I just lost the file I was playing for myself( and not too far in), so no harm no fowl.
So, anyone else have mod horror stories they’d like to share?