@DivinylsFan I think the biggest problem with same slider positions in the genders is proportion. Although the shape may be almost the same to look at the resizing for the opposite gender, to me, is ridiculous. I appreciate that female features are generally softer but the game's genetics take it to the extreme.
I agree that it would be cool if features skipped generations but I suspect this would be too complex.
Hair and eye colour can skip generations but you're more likely to see random mutations where hair and eyes are concerned. I use a mod that stops random mutation in hair and eye colour because I am not fond of the default colours, especially when the worst of an already bad lot shows up.
As for the Goths, and other premade families, Mortimer is not the genetic offspring of Gunther and Cornelia. I imagine that all the premade families were made individually rather than using the game's genetics. As for stories about the Goths, and other recurring sims, I have no idea. For me, the lives of premades only begins when I start playing with them. I have zero interest in back stories.