Forum Discussion

adwilson's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

Happy Simsmas 2021 Gift Exchange ~ Closed

Holidays are wonderful times of the year.
People have fun and spread good cheer!

Our holiday season was definitely a different one last year and people found ways to stay connected while homebound. This year, the mood is brighter as people are able to do more outside the home and see loved ones.

We’re continuing to stay connected within Our Community, whether homebound or less restricted, as virtual friends gather from one screen to another, sharing our love of all things Sims.

Whether posting positive notes on player walls or sending cute links to images and gifs, Simmers stay in touch and spread good cheer.

Another way to spread good cheer is by participating in a Sims 3 gift exchange!

Interested? SIMtastic!!!
Please read on …

Please do not reveal your Buddy before the gifting period opens.

Certain communication will only be done via private messages so each Buddy will need to check their Inbox on a regular basis.

For those returning, welcome back! Please note that the section titled Hello, Buddy! under Rules (3rd post) has a new addition.

Be a Buddy! Use the Buddy Form Letter found in the 4th post.
Chat & ask generic questions in the thread.
For specific questions concerning gifts & such, send me a PM.
Follow the Rules (3rd post) & note the Important Dates (2nd post).
During gifting time, compliment & click the “Recommend It” button.
Above all, Have FUN!!!

BIG Hugs!

Important Dates
Buddy Letter Form
Buddy Letters
Buddy Gifts will be revealed come Gifting Time!
Frequently Asked Questions