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- wendyyi13 years agoRising AceNot today, but recently the burglar came twice in one night. That has never happened to me before.
Normally the burglar comes between 2.00 and 3.00, but this night they came at about 12.30 and then again about 2.30.
Both times the same lazy cop came and both times the burglar escaped because he was too busy thinking about coffee. :angry: - LlamaOMama3 years agoNew Ace
"wendyyi1;c-18102724" wrote:
Not today, but recently the burglar came twice in one night. That has never happened to me before.
Normally the burglar comes between 2.00 and 3.00, but this night they came at about 12.30 and then again about 2.30.
Both times the same lazy cop came and both times the burglar escaped because he was too busy thinking about coffee. :angry:
Oh my. The victim seems like an single Elder. I haven't been robbed yet but I've heard of it. - wendyyi13 years agoRising AceAs soon as my sims can afford it, I always buy a burglar alarm.
If possible, put it outside and it will go off as soon as the burglar sets foot on your lot.
If you put the alarm inside, it won't go off until the burglar comes inside and that increases the chance that they will steal something.
I've found that the burglar is more likely to come if you purchase stuff in the evening. - HotBlackSand3 years agoSeasoned Ace
"ItsMeThatGuy;c-18102725" wrote:
Oh my. The victim seems like an single Elder. I haven't been robbed yet but I've heard of it..
You play long enough they will figure out where your Sims live.
I am surprised the burglars don't have an Avoid This House List or something though.
They get beat up every time they try and the cops don't even show up until afterwards to say everything will be okay.
Like I didn't know that already or something.
Happy Simming!
. - LlamaOMama3 years agoNew AceThat policeman, for some reason, looks like my Sim that I made! That's weird.
- HotBlackSand3 years agoSeasoned Ace
"ItsMeThatGuy;c-18103027" wrote:
That policeman, for some reason, looks like my Sim that I made! That's weird..
Uh, Yeah ... Weird doesn't start to describe what that cop was.
That poor fellow had a hard time getting the message that his standing there was not required ... :D
Happy Simming!
. - IreneSwift3 years agoSeasoned AceMy current sim is brave, so the burglar never even gets into the house. He isn't very smart, because he keeps coming. The second time he came, my teen girl beat him up, then headed back inside to go back to bed, leaving him to the police officer to take care of. But the burglar beat up the police officer, so my teen turned around and came back out, waited until the burglar had finished beating up the police officer, then beat the burglar up again. You'd think he'd learn to stay away from Annie's house. LOL!
I posted the following in the Humorous Anecdotes thread:My sim has been having a rough few days. Teen Annie lives in Isle of Sims III with her cat, Hairball, and her dog, Cookie. She makes her living from her garden, and since it's a tropical island, she can garden all year round. Thanks to NRaas mods, there are two seasons of two weeks each, with all holidays, and the weather during the spring only slightly cooler than summer, and no school in the summer. During the summer, she spent most of her time on her garden, but she’s letting it die off now that school has started.
Now that she has to spend much of her day in school, things have gotten complicated, and much more so than I expected. Mornings are fine, but on Monday after school, she went for a one hour jog, then tended to her garden before showering. She got a notification that there would be prom on Thursday night, so she went off to find Charlie, a boy who has shown an interest in her and even called her for a date, during which he proved his interest by asking her to watch the stars.
Charlie was way on the other side of the map, in an area where Annie had to run most of the way to reach him. I had her chat with him a little, then start romantic interactions until she could ask him to go steady, then ask him to the prom. He happily accepted, so she kissed him good-bye and ran back home.
By then it was getting late, and she had very little time before bed for homework, so I decided she’d be better off getting some sleep and working on it at school the next morning. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten about the field trip that day, so she wasn’t able to finish it. Oops!
After school on Tuesday, she had quite a bit of work in her garden, because all of the UL herbs needed to be harvested, and a lot of plants need to be disposed of. When she finished, she had to give Cookie a flea bath. Then she took a shower, but the shower broke, so she had to repair it and mop up the puddle.
She wanted to write Charlie a love letter, so she did that, then grabbed some leftovers from the fridge and put her plate on the table. Unfortunately, before she could sit down to eat, Hairball jumped up on the table, and now he was covered in fleas. Who wants to eat with fleas jumping all over the table? So she took Hairball to the bathtub and gave him a flea bath. She finally ate, but it was already late, and she only got 3% of her homework done before she was sleepy and needed to go to bed. So she put it off for the next morning again.
Shortly before 1 AM, a burglar showed up on her lot. She promptly got out of bed and went downstairs and out the door, and beat him up.
Then, as a police officer had arrived, she headed back inside to go back to bed. But the burglar then beat up the police officer.
So Annie reversed course, went back outside, and beat the burglar up again.
As the police officer handcuffed him and Annie went back inside, a message popped up that said, “Trenton (the burglar) is very angry with Annie.” No kidding! She isn’t exactly happy with you either, pal! At least she was awarded $500 for apprehending the burglar. That helped.
Thankfully, she managed to finish her late homework at school before noon, and with a smaller garden and no disruptions to her Wednesday afternoon and evening, she managed to finish that day’s homework with about ½ hour to spare before going to bed, even after having taken some time earlier to talk to Charlie on the phone. Hopefully, for her sake, the rest of the week will be uneventful, other than the prom, of course. But at least there’s no risk of her becoming romantically involved with some undesirable guy at prom. - wendyyi13 years agoRising AceIf your neighbours or the people living across the street happen to be out in their yard when the burglar comes, they will run over to your lot. If one of them has the Brave trait or the hidden Apprehend Burglar trait, they will tackle the burglar.
This has happened to me twice. One time the Fire Chief lived across the street and came over and beat up the burglar.
I once had a burglar show up at my SS and her bf house right after an alien landed and started watching my SS kissing on her boyfriend.
I will post some of the pictures of that night's events as the alien came to the :p
Pictures are under the spoiler.SpoilerWhile Donny and I was kissing, we were both unaware that we had an out of the world visitor watching us through the window... :#
Exe To'Vedacot pulled out her phone since she was unable to make her way inside of the house...
She then talks to someone on the other end of the phone. (I wonder if she is talking to @CravenLestat SS reporting back in on what my SS is up to since we all know that CravenLestat just likes to spy on his women in the game. Craven can't just accept the fact that I am with Donny and that I have Donny's son... :p)
Exe To'Vedacot: Yes, I'm at the house now and Lisa is getting kisses from that guy you told me about.
Strange voice on the phone: They can't see you, can they?
Exe To'Vedacot: No, they're not even looking in my direction as they are lipped lock at the moment.
SVOTP: Good! But if you do get caught, lie, make up some story about why you're there as I don't want Lisa to think that I am spying on her. I have big plans for her.
Exe To'Vedacot: Yes sir, I'll make up something to tell them... :) Okay bye.
Exe To'Vedacot finished up her phone call but she was unaware of the burglar sneaking up on the porch followed by Anne Droid who had gotten an alert that there was some intruders outside... :#
Then Donny and I go outside to see what all of the commotion is about only to find out that there was an alien and a burglar standing on our porch... :)
Donny and Anne Droid freak out because there is a burglar on the porch... :#
Then all of a sudden, Exe To'Vedacot intervenes and starts fighting with the burglar who's name is Sammy Jeckars... :#
I'm over in the bushes laughing at the burglar because he is getting his rearend kicked by an :p
SS shouting: YAY strange alien lady, kick his miserable rearend!!!
It would seem that Exe To'Vedacot won this fight against the burglar... :p
Donny then introduced himself to the alien and then ended up getting hearts for each other... :)
Donny: Hello, I'm Donny!
Exe To'Vedacot: Hello Donny, I'm Exe To'Vedacot! It's nice to meet you... :)
Donny: It's nice to meet you too Exe' ToVedacot... :)
Donny wanted to thank Exe To'Vedacot for stepping in and saving them from the burglar... :)
Donny: Thank you Exe To'Vedacot for taking care of the burglar... :)
Exe To'Vedacot: You're welcome Donny... :)
Donny: So what brings you here to our house tonight?
Exe To'Vedacot: Oh um, I had a feeling that there was going to be trouble here tonight, so I got here just a few seconds before that nasty burglar showed up. (Exe To'Vedacot hoping that sounded like a legit reason for her being there.)
Donny: Well I'm glad that you were here to save us from the burglar. So thank you again... :)
Exe To'Vedacot: You're welcome. I need to go now, so bye everyone!
Donny: Bye!
Then the burglar takes off as well but not before we got hearts for each other... :#
These pictures came from my thread over in The Sims 3 Stories section but I will put the link here just in case anyone wants to read my thread... :) NikkeiSimmer3 years agoLegendI put my burglar alarm right on the inside of the door jamb so that when the burglar steps into the house, it’s legally “break and enter.” Otherwise if the sim is on the doorstep and you place the alarm sensor outside it’s technically baiting while the burglar is only guilty of trespass an unindictable offense. ? (unless of course it happens at night which becomes an automatic criminal offense; which most of the Sims burglars do… though I actually had a few brazenly try it during the day-time).
My burglar alarm goes off the second the burglar breaks in and sets foot on the door mat inside the door. He or she doesn’t know what hit him/her
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