Forum Discussion

arounthesly's avatar
9 years ago

Having trouble becoming BFF's.

My current teen (Lucky Palms) is 'Going Steady' with his girlfriend. Their relationship meter is maxed out and they're about to enter University. The Wish to become BFF's pops up constantly on my teen but I can't seem to accomplish it. She still has one trait that I don't know (which is what I assume is holding the whole thing up) but, at some point, the 'Get To Know' Friendly interaction stopped showing up. But no matter how much time I spend with her doing Friendly interactions he just never learns that last trait. I don't recall ever having problems with this before; what am I missing?
  • "Helyyy01;c-16677767" wrote:
    Find something in common between the two and have a conversation about it. After about a couple of friendly conversation an option "Ask to become BFF" will appear. Wish you luck!

    There was something, not sure we ever worked out exactly what, blocking the progression to BFF in this case. It might have been, as said, that they were already Steady BF/GFs or that one of the other's traits became impossible to learn.

    Sorry to have to point this out, am sure you are trying to be helpful, but this thread is from over two years ago. Am pretty sure the OP has worked things out by now and that their sims aren't awkward teens any longer. ;)
  • There is a small number of traits (regular ones, not hidden) that are actually impossible to learn about another sim. This is widely regarded as a game bug. I've got a mod in play from one of my colleagues at NRaas that fixes this, but it's highly experimental and not released in any of the NRaas mods.

    Another approach might be for your sim to become BFFs (platonically) with someone else. Teens will still draw wishes to become BFFs with others, they are fickle like that, but maybe the draws won't be so incessant.

    They outgrow all this BFF stuff when they become YAs, though. Is your teen close to aging up at all?
  • Not all traits can be learned through the Get To Know interaction.

    I usually get the BFF interaction after becoming best friends and probably getting the conversation tone to friendly. I haven't tried to satisfy that particular one in a long while. I thought BFF was a type of relationship, and since sims can only have one type of relationship the fact that your sim has a "steady" relationship with her might be the issue.
  • @TreyNutz I never got the BFF wish until after we were going steady so I don't know how that all works.

    @igazor They are close to aging up. I've found, in my games anyway, once Teens start getting close to YA the game starts pushing for University attendance.
  • I'm tending to agree with @TreyNutz that the existing BF/GF relationship is what's getting in the way of the BFF. If you're bound and determined to achieve that wish, I guess you could cheat their relationship to back to Besties and you should have the option to become BFFs (might have to recover a couple of relationship points - I forget where the cutoff is). Once that's done you can just propose going steady again to get back to BF/GF status. But as long as you're steadies, the BFF isn't going to happen.
  • There are almost always several different ways to do something in Sims.

    The Lifetime Reward - Observant will help identify traits in other Sims.
    There is a chair that came with University where your Sim can learn the Traits and attributes of another Sim (as well as boost your Charisma).
    If you have your Logic skill up ... And want to quickly increase your friendship with a Sim ... Tutor them in a skill they don't have.
    If you have the Lifetime Reward - Legendary Host ... Throw a couple of parties ... The Sims you invite with get huge bumps towards your friendship.

    I don't know what your particular problem is ... And it seems like the others have made some good suggestions.
    I just thought I would throw out a couple of other ways Sims can accomplish things.
    Like I mentioned in the beginning ... There are usually several ways to accomplish broad tasks that benefit your Sims.
