6 years agoSeasoned Ace
Homeless Sim Abandons Child to Active Household
@Karritz and @TroyTalks - The talk of Babysitters taking babies (in this thread: reminded me of an incident which happened a long time ago in my game, which I happened to get screenshots of. I had to dig around, but I found them. This is not a new event. It happened back in 2017 while I was training my Sim, Mason to be an athlete. It shows how easy it is for a Townie Sim to steal your kids when your Sim is otherwise distracted. In my case, things took a different turn when I had my Sim intervene.
Here's What Happened:
It must have been 'Toddler Night' at the stadium because it seemed all the fans had their children in tow. While Mason was talking to Clair Ursine, his brother was socializing with a total stranger. The man had his son with him whom he sat down so he and Joachim could chat. Boyd Wainwright was reading his book and not trying to talk to anyone. Unexpectedly, Boyd decided to just pick up the Sim's toddler and just began to walking away with him.
I had my Sim end his conversation abruptly to stop Boyd from leaving the lot with the child. Joachim introduced himself and began talking with Boyd. I racked up things for Joachim to talk about to give the boy's father time to get to him. Imagine my surprise when he just walked right past his son and off the lot.
He got into his car, giving his kid a backwards glance, the Sim drove off!
I stopped Joachim from talking with Boyd in an effort to get him to stop that car from leaving the area. But was too slow. Boyd was gone as soon as Joachim stopped talking with him and Mason's conversations had all ended. Mason arrived just in time to see the tail lights of the car disappear around the bend. I didn't know what to do. So I had Joachim pick up the little boy. I had them wait on that lot in hopes the man would come back for his kid. He didn't. So, I sent them home.
At home as Joachim talked with Mason as I tried to figure out what to do. The kid had a first and a last name but no family which lived in town.
It was too late to call anyone, so after doing some quick shopping for necessities, I settle the three in for the night.
In the morning, Mason fed the kid and probably thought about punching his brother for getting him into this situation. Since Joachim has spoken to the kid's father, I knew he should still be in his relationship panel. I had him call him and invite him over. He said he would come but he didn't show.
It was the toddler's mother who came for him! We had not seen her before so I had Joachim talk with her for a bit. Looking at her dialog balloon, I imagine she was telling him that her family was new to this world (which they were). Whatever she said, Joachim seemed to understand. Mason was just happy someone had come for the child.
In the end, the game moved all five of them into the single bedroom house directly across the street, making my Sims and their family literal neighbors.
Here's What Happened:
It must have been 'Toddler Night' at the stadium because it seemed all the fans had their children in tow. While Mason was talking to Clair Ursine, his brother was socializing with a total stranger. The man had his son with him whom he sat down so he and Joachim could chat. Boyd Wainwright was reading his book and not trying to talk to anyone. Unexpectedly, Boyd decided to just pick up the Sim's toddler and just began to walking away with him.
I had my Sim end his conversation abruptly to stop Boyd from leaving the lot with the child. Joachim introduced himself and began talking with Boyd. I racked up things for Joachim to talk about to give the boy's father time to get to him. Imagine my surprise when he just walked right past his son and off the lot.
He got into his car, giving his kid a backwards glance, the Sim drove off!
I stopped Joachim from talking with Boyd in an effort to get him to stop that car from leaving the area. But was too slow. Boyd was gone as soon as Joachim stopped talking with him and Mason's conversations had all ended. Mason arrived just in time to see the tail lights of the car disappear around the bend. I didn't know what to do. So I had Joachim pick up the little boy. I had them wait on that lot in hopes the man would come back for his kid. He didn't. So, I sent them home.
At home as Joachim talked with Mason as I tried to figure out what to do. The kid had a first and a last name but no family which lived in town.
It was too late to call anyone, so after doing some quick shopping for necessities, I settle the three in for the night.
In the morning, Mason fed the kid and probably thought about punching his brother for getting him into this situation. Since Joachim has spoken to the kid's father, I knew he should still be in his relationship panel. I had him call him and invite him over. He said he would come but he didn't show.
It was the toddler's mother who came for him! We had not seen her before so I had Joachim talk with her for a bit. Looking at her dialog balloon, I imagine she was telling him that her family was new to this world (which they were). Whatever she said, Joachim seemed to understand. Mason was just happy someone had come for the child.
In the end, the game moved all five of them into the single bedroom house directly across the street, making my Sims and their family literal neighbors.