Forum Discussion

Damienf519's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

How Difficult is it for an actor to become a celebrity If there are no other celebrities in town?

I'm wondering how difficult it would become a celebrity in the Sims 3 if you're an actor in a pre populated world and there are no celebrities in that world ( especially if the story progression is turned off ). I'm asking because I'm currently working on a small world* and I'm thinking about including the film career ( studio backlot ) somewhere on the map, even though I'm thinking about not including any actors or celebrities on the map in my saved game file. I would probably just leave the studio backlot and the film career out entirely, since its going to be such a small town. However I wanted to include every single one of the rabbit hole careers, and I managed to include all of the other rabbit holes. I don't think there will be enough room to add a new lot if someone wants to play in the film career if the studio backlot is not already on the map. I figured out a way to put the bot arena and the studio backlot in basement of a single lot and they both worked. I'm still worried through about people playing with the saved game file who want to be in the film career.

I am not going to be able to add too many more residential lots, and I have a limited number of them as it is. In addition a significant number of them are going to be uninhabited, even in the official saved game file and a few of them will be empty lots so people can still add their own homes. I'm going to include significantly fewer households than normal since the playable area of the map is going to be so small, and since its supposed to be a small town. The film career is the one that would make the most to leave out. You normally don't even have television studios in places in the real world like that. On the other hand I don't want someone to have to choose between having a nice big custom house of their own design and being part of the film career. In addition, I will need to keep some of those homes uninhabited so players will be able to more their sims into the world without having to build their own home on one of the few empty lots, and also I need to make sure that the simulation will be able to generate enough sims for the shopping and festival lots which use those registers that require sims to be living in the world that are unemployed.

*Its technically a very large world, but a huge percentage of the map is painted with camera non routable terrain paint, and I'm using that area as a custom distant terrain and I really don't want to have to remove too much of that paint to open up the rest of the map, since I don't want people to be able to see the ocean on all four sides of the map. As it is I'm worried about the frame rate with the relatively small number of lots that there is, because some of them are pretty close together, but I can't move them much further apart without either deleting some of my other lots or removing some of the camera non routable terrain paint and I really don't want to do either of those things.

8 Replies

  • Actually fairly easily.If you don’t have a mod stopping the celeb aystem, just level up a few skills.My sim gained a cooking skill point and became a celeb for it.
  • @GraceyManor really? Okay than it shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks for letting me know.
  • I actually went in and turned off celebs because my sim would gain a level almost every
    Time she earned a skill point
  • "Whoa, you made waffles and didn't burn them! That's worthy of the VIP room, right there."

    In all seriousness, I ended up with a 4-star celebrity just by getting good at alchemy and having a nice vegetable garden.
  • You have the NRaas Story Progression with the Skills module for your sims to get celebrity points for gaining skills.
  • @IreneSwift
    Thanks, but I was thinking of how difficult it would be without mods. Not everyone uses the, after all, including myself. I play my game without mods and it’s just fine for me.
  • Oh yeah, that would explain it. I've had modded story progression since before World Adventures came out (in the early months of the game, EA Story Progression sometimes just wouldn't, so all my townies would do nothing until they died of old age, and leave me in an empty neighborhood.) It didn't even occur to me that NRaas Story Progression changed my celebrity rules because I've never known it another way.

    I looked up how unmodded games work, and I rescind my earlier position. Without mods, and without other celebrities in town to schmooze, your wannabe movie stars are gonna be in for a bad time.
  • Well I guess that I’ll have to include some actors and celebrities than. No big deal. There are going to be very few households in the world with fewer than three sims, so it shouldn’t be too hard.

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