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promises2ulol's avatar
4 years ago

How do you know if a sim is cheating on your sim?

Okay so how do you know if a sim is cheating on your sim in the sims 3? Because my sim has a girlfriend and they point and make fun of her and I don’t know why 💀 I have an idea that it’s cheating cos they boo you if your a lil too friendly with all the boys but they didn’t boo her before

(This discussion was created from comments split from a necro'd thread: When A Sim Is Being Cheated On?.)
  • I don't know but I'm still trying to figure that out myself. :D

    I do have my suspicions despite not always having concrete evidence.

    So before all this took place, this happened which shows Jean, the daughter-in-law leaving after being shooed by Kibwe. I suspected that she was trying to announce a proposition to him which was denied before anything was ever spoken. Probably because this wasn't the first time she tried. In fact, I have observed her making many advances towards him over time. However, I think Fatima's suspicions weren't factual at this point and she overreacted instead of just having a conversation...communication with her husband about the matter. Sure, people and highly likely Sims can lie but at least that can be a part of the repertoire for problem-solving especially if done honestly. But who knows, maybe Kibwe put a stop to being exposed like that. Sims can be quite secretive actually and I sometimes just catch clues and hints here and there when something is amiss.

    Exhibit A (I observed this and watched it all play out when I switched households as I wondered what they were up to.)

    The wife, Fatima, apparently invited Yoshi over who recently had aged into a young adult. She is gossiping about something though it may be that she knows of her daughter-in-law's flirtatious nature towards her husband and possibly suspects something is going on between them. The husband, Kibwe, came home from work and he didn't hesitate to go straight for Fatima probably sensing something was off about this situation.

    One of the sons, Kanyin, autonomously found Yoshi at the winter festival and started to berate his ignorance. To me it seemed he heard or found out about whatever was going on with his mother and Yoshi and wanted to discourage him from proceeding with whatever was going on between them.

    Since then Kanyin had been distant from his mother but I directed her to apologize and had them talk. Don't know if that really did anything though.

    Now I don't know if Kibwe sometime after these events did end up cheating and if so not sure with who. I noticed that one of the grandsons, Zaire, became upset because of something he seen his grandfather doing. The odd thing is, I searched and searched this lot and could not find Kibwe at all to find out what was he doing and with who. It wasn't until after the lot had closed that I finally saw him leaving yet still could not figure out where he came from and I think I came to the conclusion that he was there but for some reason invisible to me. Like if it were some kind of different rabbithole in plain sight or something. But honestly I could have just overlooked but I'm for sure I looked in the area where I saw him going down the stairs and it was only him. I didn't see anyone else and I stayed behind for a few real life minutes. I'm still confused about that. :D

    Then later I had Kibwe become one of the professors to teach a University Prep Course for setting up future students with scholarships. He flirted with most, if not all, his female students which made matters for his marriage worse. I don't know why they continue to let things slide. I guess because they both have a large family and both are family-orientated and they don't seem to choose divorce. Though honestly as much as I do like them as a couple...what's the point? The kids will eventually get over it and hopefully be happier for it because I think it is way more damaging to stay together than if they go their separate ways. One kid is already showing signs of depression and detachment.

    This surprised me when I was playing his oldest son household and Kibwe visited. He played video games with the kids but then went upstairs alone with his daughter-in-law....

    I even had Fatima flirt and cheat on purpose in public to see if word would get back to Kibwe and whether if he would divorce her or not. So apparently, the son-in-law, Myles is just going to ignore that, that even happened...right. He's so mad at his twin brother though. :D

    Does Myles just not care? He didn't tell Kibwe what he saw but will he tell Fatima what he saw though a lesser offense. This though was autonomous and I just watched. On another note, Myles surprised me and cheated on his wife so how is he going act like that. :D I'm about to break up all my cheating Sims eventually.

    Booing, right. Well I know for sure this time that Fatima cheated and this was her husband's and others reactions. She is pregnant with her husbands child and it's not the last time she cheated while pregnant.
  • mw1525's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    From what I have learned, there are no definite ways to tell if a Sim is actually cheating with another. Sims cheat for various reasons depending on what they want. Some Sims cheat as a way of getting away from their partners. While other Sims cheat as a way to (through jealousy) bring their partners closer and prevent them from cheating. Still, there are certain tell-tale signs to look out for. If you are a player who watches their Sims closely the signs will be easier to detect.

    Here's a few thing I have noticed:

    1- Sims who are partnered in a Boyfriend/Girlfriend, boyfriend/boyfriend or, girlfriend/girlfriend will behave differently than those who are married.

    2- Some Sims who are married do not wish to divorce their spouse. It's not a lack of love for their partner which makes them cheat but rather there is something lacking in their relationship which is important to them. Whatever that 'lacking thing is' they see (and want) it in another Sim. This is where it helps to know your Sim.

    3- Most cheating is rarely about woo-hoo (that's a fun little bonus). Although, for those whose entire cheat is woo-hoo related, then it's all about woo-hoo. Which (in my opinion) means both Sims are seeking something more meaningful.

    If you suspect your Sim of cheating or wanting to cheat, here's a few signs to look out for. These must all be done autonomously and unguided by the Simmer.

    1- Changes in behaviors at home. Is your Sim pulling closer to or further away from their partner?

    2- Without going into too much detail and despite common belief, icons are not randomly generated by the Sims. Pay attention to what is said and repeated between Sims. @Deshong04 has posted a perfect example of this, notice how the icons in the conversation between Fatima and Yoshi are the exact same ones in the conversation between Yoshi and Kanyin. These conversations were had at two different times. Only with Kanyin, Yoshi is denying he would (or did) 'arcade machine' with his mom. Also notice what Yoshi said to Fatima's husband when he walked through the door before he greeting him. Then notice Kibwe's reaction and Yoshi's thought.

    3- Pay attention to the 'Spend Time With' wishes your Sim sends up. And, watch who they autonomously call. Eavesdrop on conversations when they are on the phone; what are they talking about? Do they mention their significant other in the call?

    4- Public behavior. Normally, when your Sim is out in public, the game will 'call' those they know (or they feel they ought to know) to come to that lot. Does the 'cheat partner' show up? If they do, do they stay? Pay attention to which interactions they perform and the response. Here, body language, eye contact and facial expressions count big time.

    5- Unmistakable glances and looks are also a sign of Sim desire. A cheating Sim will use their eyes to communicate with the other Sim especially when they are not seeking to lose or destroy their current relationship. Their conversation with their cheat partner will always be 'light' and non-romantic. (Flirty type traits will blow this mostly every time)

    Another way Sims use their eyes are in very strong in passion relationships where the act of actually cheating would destroy the relation of all Sims concerned in an irreparable way.
  • AlexaKry's avatar
    New Spectator
    @Promises : do you play with Mods? Especially with NRaas mods?
    If not you can only find out if she has another boyfriend when you change to her family and look up her relationships.