Forum Discussion

soocoolsim's avatar
2 months ago

How is everyone doing?

Popping in to say hi. Most of us have been so quiet since the forums switchover. How are you doing? Super busy with life stuff like I’ve also been? 

On that note… a few of us have been chipping away in the background in preparation for the next builders collaboration.

The New Orleans / Louisiana inspired world base is in testing so we’re gearing up for launch and open invitation for builders to join us in January if all goes well.

Would you be interested in participating? 😁🌸

2 Replies

  • Wonderful to hear from you and happy your Christmas story is coming along well emorrill . I’m sure it will be a pleasure to read.

    If you do end up working part-time, I hope it’s something you can enjoy to some degree. Wishing you luck with that and fingers crossed you’ll also be able to join the collab. 😁


  • Hey soocoolsim 👋🏻😊

    I'm doing well. Life is good. 🙂Been busy lately working on my short Christmas story for this year in between doing everything else in my life. 😅 It sure has been fun watching it all come to life in the Sims and then capturing it in photos! 💗

    I love the idea of a New Orleans/Louisiana inspired world! 😃 I'm not the greatest builder, but I would definitely love to contribute in the future if I am able. 👍🏻 It's looking like I might have to go back to work part-time again..... sigh You know how it is these days. I sure hope it gets better. 🙏🏻